There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 61 A-059 Adult’s choice, take all!

"But, the Cocodora just now, why was it so fast?"

Thinking about the chances of abducting Cocodora, Fang Che suddenly remembered something. Was the speed at which Cocodora grabbed food just now a little too outrageous? That speed was comparable to Lucario's speed.

Regarding this point, Lucario also felt quite speechless. After asking Boss Cordora, he learned that this Cocodora was an out-and-out foodie.

Because of Regirock's blessing, Cocodola has been eating continuously since she was born. Cocodora has eaten a lot of the mineral veins underground in this valley.

In order to allow herself to eat delicious ore more quickly, Kokodora trained several skills to perfection without any teacher.

"The body is lightened, the rock is polished, and there is still a risk of collision..."

Fang Che felt speechless again. This Coco Dora really worked hard to eat.

You must know that the training difficulty of the two changing techniques of rock polishing and body lightweighting is very high. One requires polishing one's body over time, and the other requires constant physical activity to keep one's body in the most flexible state at all times. , being able to train these two skills with great proficiency is enough to show Cocodola's talent.

Also, in order to get some food, it can use a self-sacrifice collision. It seems that Kokodora will not be confused by the back injury of the self-sacrifice collision. In other words, the characteristic of this Kokodora is likely to be a hard head.

"Then, what do Boscodora say? Are they willing to let me take Cocodora away?"

Fang Che was a little nervous. The more he got to know him, the more he cared about this Kokodora. If he couldn't tame it, maybe he would feel regretful when he recalled today's adventure when he grew old.


Lucario frowned. He didn't know how to tell his trainer that the conditions of the two Boscadoras were a little bit outrageous.

In the end, Lucario could only bring Fang Che to Boss Cordora, and then acted as a translator.

“You want to see my financial resources???”

After hearing Boscodora's conditions, Fang Che felt his head filled with questions. When did elves start loving money?

As if feeling Fang Che's doubts, Boscodora waved his hand in embarrassment. They were also elves with trainers, so they naturally have a natural affinity for humans.

In addition, Lucario, the wave guide hero, was by his side to translate, so they didn't play any tricks.

The reason why I wanted to see Fang Che's financial resources was simply because I didn't want my children to suffer after they left.

In this legendary realm, although they cannot provide any precious secret treasures to Cocodola, the surrounding mountains can be completely enjoyed by Cocodola.

If life after going out is not as good as at home, then there is no way Boscodora would allow Fang Che to take away his child.

After knowing Boscodora's concerns, the smile on Fang Che's lips began to become wild and public.

"Since you were elves with trainers, you should know about the Elf Alliance, right?"

The two Boss Cordora nodded repeatedly. Their trainer was once a well-known figure in the Elf Alliance, but it was a pity that he came from a grassroots background and failed to climb to the top in the end.

"My grandfather is one of the eighteen kings of the Chinese League, a champion trainer. My father is a gym trainer and is about to enter the realm of kings. My mother is a senior trainer, and my aunt is a non-director and honorary consultant of a multinational company. , my uncle is the owner of a mine, I wonder what you think of this condition?"

Fang Che said a lot without hesitation, and then he stood quietly waiting for Boscodora's reaction.

The two Boss Cordora were confused by Fang Che's words. They were not natives of the legendary realm. They were quite familiar with the status of some celebrities in the outside world. After hearing that Fang Che's grandfather was a champion-level king, then the family After leaving the mine, even they felt the urge to follow Fang Che out.

After experiencing the prosperity of the city, who would want to stay in this boring realm of legends.

Just like the rich yearn for a pastoral life where the sun rises and the sun comes in, but they want to go on vacation, not really stay in the farmland.

Boscodora is used to seeing thrilling secret realms, experiencing high-profile luxury arenas, and even enjoying the services of top masseurs. He has long been tired of living in the legendary realm for decades.

If they weren't grateful for Reggie Locke's blessing and didn't know how to get out, they would have left long ago.


The two Boss Cordora began to discuss. Among them, the smaller male Boss Cordora wanted his wife to think about it carefully. After all, Fang Che just said this. Whether he has these conditions or not, he doesn’t know whether it is true or not. .

But the female Boss Cordora had already begun to miss the services she had enjoyed. After hearing that Fang Che's mother turned out to be a high-level breeder, she almost decided to go out with Fang Che on the spot.

Their trainer has been dead for decades. They entered the legendary realm when Fang Che's grandfather was still a teenager. Over the past few decades, the conditions outside have definitely become better.

After realizing that he could not dissuade his wife, the male Boss Cordora raised his hand towards Fang Che. He wanted to ask if Fang Che could afford it if the couple wanted to go out together.

If he couldn't afford it, he would prefer to let his children go out. After all, it might be a tragedy for Cocodola to continue living in this legendary realm with no end in sight.

After listening to Lucario's narration, Fang Che had only one thought in his mind.

Children make choices, of course adults choose them all!

Although he cannot command the two nearly invincible Boscodoras, there is absolutely no problem in making them the patron saints of the Fang family.

Boscodora, who has been blessed by Reggie Locke, should not have a problem living for three hundred years. By the time Boscodora is about to die, Fang Che will have already conquered Arceus!

"Don't talk about you guys, even if we package the entire legendary field... that might be a real problem."



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