There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 72 A-070 Gyarados, so scary!

After treating Cocodora and Nianmeilulong, Fang Che waved goodbye to Zhao Guodong. He was going back to pack his luggage and prepare to return to Liuli City.

Zhao Wanxi also followed Fang Che's words. She wanted to conduct a comprehensive examination for Cocodola so that she could formulate a unique nutrition training plan.

After learning from her father that Fang Che's mother, Su Ya, was once a senior breeder and was even expected to have a top professional title, Zhao Wanxi always wanted to ask for advice.

However, Fang Che was a little worried. With the personalities of his parents, they would definitely say something about Zhao Wanxi after seeing her, and the situation would be very embarrassing.

"Speaking of which, who is Daxiang you mentioned in the elf center just now? Brother Guodong has a grudge against him?"

On the way back, Fang Che asked Zhao Wanxi curiously while stroking the Coco Dora floating in front of him.

Because he has not been around the Imperial Capital Circle in the past ten years or so. The few times he came to the Imperial City, he always stayed in the holiday villa prepared by Fang Tianyang. He didn’t have much contact with the outside world, so he really didn’t know much about the people in the Imperial Capital Circle. .

Zhao Wanxi seemed to have expected that Fang Che would want to ask this. She took out her phone and clicked twice, then placed a piece of compiled information in front of Fang Che.

"Long Yingxiang, the third eldest son of the third generation of the Long family in the Imperial City, is seventeen years old. He studies at the No. 1 Senior High School in the Imperial City. The original elf... the shining mandible ant?"

Looking at the information on Zhao Wanxi's phone, Fang Che couldn't help but pause because his interest was aroused.

The Dragon Family of the Imperial Capital, to be precise, should be one of the Eighteen Heavenly Kings of the Alliance. The Dragon Family Heavenly King, Long Tianyin, is an ancient family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. This family has been specialized since the elves appeared in this world. Dragon type, it is said that the family also has the secret method of cultivating dragon type elves.

But for people from the Long family, the dragon elves in their hands seem to grow much faster than ordinary people's dragon elves.

You know, dragon elves or elves with dragon blood generally have a long growth cycle, which can be regarded as the "price" of their super potential.

The Long Family can weaken this "price" to the point where it is acceptable. This power has been coveted by people for who knows how many years, but the Long Family is still standing, and no one has found out the core secret of the Long Family. .

None of this information moved Fang Che. After all, he didn't have any dragon elves to cultivate. What he found strange was that Long Yingxiang actually chose the mandible ant as the initial elf.

Being from the Long family, even if he wants a dragon quasi-god, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

But speaking of it, although the mandible ants are relatively common, they are related to the heterochromatic, and their future evolution will also be related to the dragon type, which means that the potential of Long Yingxiang's mandibular ants will definitely not be inferior to that of ordinary quasi-gods.

Coupled with the Long family's unique cultivation method, I am afraid that Long Yingxiang's mandible ants have now completed a period of evolution.

Just when Fang Che was about to ask, Zhao Wanxi seemed to know what he wanted to say, so she naturally stretched out her hand and lightly swiped on the phone.

The next moment, another piece of information appeared in front of Zhao Wanxi.

"There are no secrets in the imperial capital circle. Your performance in the battle center has been spread to the circle for a long time. Today's battle scene between you and Brother Guodong will also be analyzed frame by frame."

"This is the information that Daxiang leaked when he had a full-scale battle with an elite trainer two days ago. Take a look. If you participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup, Daxiang should be a strong enemy of yours. "

Zhao Wanxi tapped her phone, and Fang Che's eyes became deeper and deeper.

[Long Yingxiang, male, seventeen years old, holding Elf Ultrasonic Larva (Flash) (suspected to have special control over sandstorms), Hackosaurus, Fire Dinosaur, Metamorphosaurus]

"Of the four holding the main force, three have completed the second stage of evolution, and is there another quasi-god?"

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Che took a breath of cold air. Why did he suddenly feel that he seemed so shabby compared to Long Yingxiang, the "third generation"!

At least, so far, of the three elves he had, one of them, the Variety Monster, was given to him by others because of his grandfather's favor, and the other two were obtained by himself through hard work.

He even secured two championship-level battles for his family.

Based on this alone, the old man should give him a generous reward, right?

Zhao Wanxi didn't notice that Fang Che's eyes gradually turned a little regretful. She gently tapped her lips with her fingers, and then analyzed Fang Che carefully.

"Not all the children of the family can be treated as well as Daxiang. Without enough contribution, it is impossible to obtain quasi-god-level training. After all, the family is not just one person's words. Daxiang has shown outstanding performance since he was a child. With his talent for training, he is naturally favored by dragon elves and has long been trained as the third generation heir of the Long family."

"Brother Guodong was so angry at the beginning that Daxiang was loved more by his family than him at such a young age, so when Daxiang came to play at our house, he threw stones to scare him. Unexpectedly, Daxiang fell into the water and cried. He stood up, and his cry alerted a Gyarados in the pond."

"My grandfather brought that Gyarados back from the secret realm and raised it at home. It was originally intended to improve the bloodline of the Carp King in the pond. I heard from him that the Gyarados showed signs of returning to its ancestors."

"Perhaps because of this, Gyarados is actually relatively close to Daxiang, and then it beat Brother Guodong so violently that Brother Guodong is still a little scared when he sees Gyarados."

A smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Wanxi's face. She leaned in front of Fang Che and whispered, "Let me tell you a secret. When Brother Guodong participated in the U18 Poké Ball Cup, even the qualifiers Can't get in."

"Because, when he faced his opponent using Gyarados, he showed timidity and forgot to direct the elves to fight, and was eventually eliminated."

"Because of this incident, my uncle hung Brother Guodong from a tree and whipped him with a whip that looked like a Gyarados for two days!"



I no longer know whether my head is my own or not. It has been burning for seven or eight days in a row, and my whole body has lost layers of skin.

All I can say is that everyone must pay attention to their health. Also, if you are sick, you can avoid taking a shower. Try not to take a shower.

I just took a shower and used air conditioning for a day, which resulted in at least two days of severe illness.

It's almost better today, and I'll probably be able to resume normal updates tomorrow, just in time for recommendations, so it's not a loss.

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