There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 630 This is your man standing up, you should support him!

The entire lobby of the hotel fell into a dead silence!

Ding Wenhui talked about Lin Nan so contemptuously, and in front of Lin Nan, he glanced at Lin Nan as if looking at a commodity, and shocked Boss Hu and Manager Ma into a cold sweat!

Manager Ma didn't know Lin Nan, but Boss Hu did. By chance, he saw Lin Nan's photo!

Since then, Boss Hu has deeply remembered Lin Nan's appearance in his heart!

Unexpectedly, I would meet Lin Nan here today!

'OMG! He——it turned out to be Mr. Lin! Then what I said just now, didn't I offend Mr. Lin? '

Manager Ma thought tremblingly.

On the other side, Ding Wenhui and the group of people he brought stood there calmly. Some of the rich men and the women were full of curiosity, looking back and forth at Lin Nan's body non-stop!

"Wen Hui, is he Mr. Lin?"

A girl with a beautiful face, a pretty face, and a graceful figure asked curiously.

"I heard about his reputation in the three northern provinces. It seems that he is famous in Jiangnan. A few months ago, it was even rumored in Yanjing! It seems that there is another Ye family in Yanjing who worships him. Guests here?"

"It seems so!"

"I don't know exactly what happened, but it has something to do with Ye Fengyun from the Ye family!"

A few wealthy people from the three northeastern provinces talked calmly as if they were visiting a vegetable market!

In their tone, there is not much respect for the Yanjing Ye family!

He didn't have much respect for Ye Fengyun, let alone Lin Nan!

The land in the three northern provinces belongs to outside the customs, and the forces in Yanjing are incompatible with each other!

Taking a step back, these rich people from the three northern provinces are attached to the Ding family in the three northern provinces. With the current power of the Ding family, they don't need to flatter anyone at all!

Moreover, although the Ye family is known as the number one family in Huaguo,

But this number one does not include Shanhaiguan!

The Ding family and the Ye family have been fighting openly and secretly for many years!

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Nan has a relationship with the Yanjing Ye family, and is very likely to be an ally. It is strange that this group of Ding family will give Lin Nan a good look!

Hearing what this group of people said, Boss Hu and Manager Ma glanced at each other!

Although the two of them are only little people, they are not stupid. On the contrary, they have high emotional intelligence. They immediately understood that everyone in the Ding family doesn't have much respect for Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!

'With the power of the Ding family, they have spanned the three northern provinces for decades, and the business there is impenetrable, and foreign forces can't get in at all! '

‘How long has Mr. Lin ruled Jiangnan? In less than a year, although the rich and powerful people in Jiangnan admire him, Mr. Lin may not be able to do it for a long time! '

'Maybe one day, it will be wiped out by the new forces! '

'In that case, why am I so afraid of him? '

Boss Hu and Manager Ma were thinking in unison.

After thinking about this, the awe towards Lin Nan disappeared without a trace at this moment, and his waist stood up!

At this time, Ding Wenhui's disdainful voice came from the ears of everyone:

"You are Mr. Lin from Jiangnan. When I was in the three northern provinces, I heard about your deeds. I didn't expect you to be as young as the rumors said. I thought the rumors were deceiving!"

Lin Nanli ignored him, and turned his eyes to Manager Ma!

"Manager Ma, why did the box we reserved belong to someone else? Tell me, how do you explain it!"

Lin Nan's voice was very calm!

Manager Ma's heart throbbed, his eyes rolled cunningly, as if he was thinking about how to answer Lin Nan!

"Mr. Lin, you can't say that. Although you have reserved a box in advance, Ding Shao and the others also want this box! As the person in charge of the hotel, there is nothing wrong with making arrangements and moving the box together, right? ?”

Manager Ma explained with a smile.

"Besides, it's not that the hotel doesn't prepare a box for you. I'll ask someone to change it for you right away?"

"what do you mean?"

Shen Qingxue's complexion sank and became very ugly!

"If we arrive late and the box is used by someone, I can accept it! But now, we arrive before them, and you still want us to give up the box? What's the reason for that!"

Shen Qingxue stared, eyes full of anger!

"Ms. Shen, I can only say sorry for this. You should know what Ding's family in the three northern provinces means—!"

Manager Ma chuckled, and suddenly realized that Mr. Lin seemed to be nothing special!

Isn't it just a few words, and you are speechless by yourself? It turns out that the rumors are false!

Thinking of this, Manager Ma felt even more proud!



There was a burst of good laughter, Lin Nan shook his head, and sighed: "The ants are so life-threatening, why are you so reckless?"

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about?" Manager Ma frowned.

"So the people in Jiangnan haven't been shocked by me yet? How long has it been? You people, have you forgotten my majesty! If this is the case, it's time for a real cleansing!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Lin Nan gently raised his hand!


There was a loud noise, and Manager Ma flew out. His slightly obese body hovered in the air before landing heavily on the ground!

At a glance, Lin Nan slapped him to death!

Until his death, Manager Ma's face had a terrified expression!


Liu Ruqing grabbed Shen Qingxue's arm!

"Don't be afraid of my daughter, these days, Lin Nan has the final say in the entire Jiangnan! But a hotel lobby manager can ignore Lin Nan's majesty like this, let alone other rich men!" Shen Qingxue's eyes rolled In, full of coldness!

"This is your man standing up, you should support him!"

Shen Qingxue said calmly.

"I see!"

Liu Rusheng nodded half-understood, and then resolutely stood behind Lin Nan!


Boss Hu on the side, seeing Manager Ma being slapped to death by Lin Nan, exclaimed, trembling with fright, fell to his knees with a plop!

"Mr. Lin, spare your life, Mr. Lin, spare your life!"

Boss Hu kowtowed like garlic, he was completely scared!

"Mr. Lin is very skillful, he doesn't sloppily kill people at all, I admire him!" A trace of joke flashed across Ding Wenhui's face!

"As expected of Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

"Tsk tsk! When you do things, you don't hesitate at all!"

In his opinion, Lin Nan had no place to vent his anger, so he found a lobby manager to vent his anger!

Then, Ding Wenhui thought about it, and said a few words of sarcasm!

Unexpectedly, these few words completely poked a hornet's nest!

In Lin Nan's eyes, the cold light rose sharply, and a wave of indifference shot towards him. Ding Wenhui trembled in shock, and subconsciously asked, "What are you going to do?"

"What are you? What are you talking about here?"

Lin Nan stretched out a hand, and grabbed Ding Wenhui from the air!

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