There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 92: Want to fight one against three

After taking a bath, the little witch is heading to her residence halfway up the mountain. At this moment, she is only wearing a simple and elegant nightgown. As for her bellyband and underpants, she has not worn them for two days. Anyway, she has become his witch. There's no other man within a hundred miles, so it's better to be simple and convenient.

Arriving outside the house, Xuanyin gently pushed open the door, and saw the little fox practicing his sword in the courtyard. The half-sisters looked at each other, and the little fox suddenly smiled happily and casually He dropped his sword and hurried to Xuanyin's side.

"elder sister!"

"I'm going to miss you so much!" The little fox took her arm, leaned against her affectionately, raised his head and whispered softly: "Why are you back today? I remember it's only the sixth day. Isn’t it the most critical moment?”

Xuanyin touched the little fox's head and said softly: "I came here to see Master. I stopped by to see if you are good. Lu Xun has been telling you stories during this time, right?"


"Telling about Journey to the West." The little fox nodded and replied softly: "It's almost finished."

Xuanyin pursed her lips and whispered to her: "Today and tomorrow, he will stay with me. You, please be patient for two days. When I get through these most critical two days, you can pester him again." Tell me the story, if he doesn’t want to, just come to me.”

The little fox flattened his mouth and said cautiously: "Sister, didn't Lu Xun tell you?"


"What are you talking about?" Xuanyin looked confused.

"That's it. That's it." The little fox bit his lips lightly and said in a squeaky voice: "I will accompany you through the period of burning Xu Yin. Lu Xun. Lu Xun took me to go down the mountain to play. He. He didn't follow me. Did you talk about it?"

Xuanyin couldn't help being stunned for a moment, her brows full of confusion, but she soon understood what her husband was doing, and said softly: "I understand. Since you have been so good during this period, let him take it with you. You go out and have some fun, but you have to follow his arrangements in everything, don’t do whatever you want.”

"Hee hee hee--"

"Know it!"

The little fox nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "Sister, do you have anything to do with Master?"


Xuanyin didn't know how to answer for a while, and said helplessly: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that you are still young and there are some things you don't understand. I'll leave now. You continue to practice your sword. Practice hard and don't be lazy."

After saying that,

Minding his own business, he walked towards the backyard.

Looking at Xuanyin's leaving figure, the little fox couldn't help but pout, and secretly cursed in his heart. What else could be going on? It's not just that kind of thing.

"Is this really that happy?"

The little fox murmured softly. She noticed Xuanyin's face full of happiness, which was clearly a sign of great satisfaction. For a moment, the contents of the little man's painting flashed through her mind again, and her cute and delicate face turned red instantly. , trembling uncontrollably in my heart.

Oh My God

So ashamed! So ashamed!

at the same time,

Xuanyin came to the door of Miao Fengxian's house, raised her hand and knocked gently on the door, shouting in a low voice: "Master, it's me."


Miao Fengxian then appeared in front of her. Looking at Xuanyin standing at the door, the demon girl didn't seem to be surprised. She said lightly: "I have prepared it for you, but you must exercise some restraint and don't indulge yourself too much." , if he is ruined by you, it will be you who will suffer in the future. "

"I I know."

Xuanyin lowered his head and answered hesitantly.

Walking into the room, as soon as Xuanyin sat down, Miao Fengxian took a small bag, handed it directly to Xuanyin, and said softly: "There are ten pills in it."

The little demon girl took the bag, opened the opening and took a look inside. She looked up at her master and said squeakingly: "Master, can you give me a little more? It's only ten pills. Maybe it's not very good." Enough, you know that in the next two days, I will probably be very fierce."


"You're killing him."

"Ten pills in two days is already the limit. If it exceeds this amount, it will cause serious internal injuries. Moreover, the effect of his absorption of pills is several times that of others, and the damage suffered will naturally be several times that of others." The big demon girl said angrily: "Please be patient for a little bit and don't torture him to death. If it's worn out now, what will you do in the future?"

As soon as the words fell,

There were many ripples in the heart of the great witch, and at the same time she felt a little sad and helpless.

"That's fine then."

Xuanyin clutched the bag tightly and said as thinly as an ant: "Master, I'm going back first, he's still waiting for me."

"Let him rest for a while. He must have stayed up all night last night. He didn't even take a few breaths, so he rushed to work in the fields. Even his iron body will be exhausted." The big demon woman said softly. : "The time when Xu Yin breaks out is regular. It is at noon on the sixth day, and it is only Chen time now. There is no need to rush."


Very impatient!

Master, you have no idea how happy this is.

The little demon girl was almost anxious, but she didn't dare to talk back to Miao Fengxian, so she could only sit there obediently, pouting slightly, and muttered: "Oh."

Miao Fengxian heard the reluctance in Xuanyin's words, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "I don't want you to go to him now, why are you angry with me? You damn girl, why didn't I For your sake.”

The little demon girl was guessed that she was worried. She was a little embarrassed and said awkwardly: "Master. I. I don't have it."

Miao Fengxian rolled her eyes at her, hesitated for a moment and asked nonchalantly: "Xuan Yin. If Lu Xun wants to marry another wife, and his attitude is very determined, what are your plans? Agree or reject?"

"He won't."

"He swore in front of me that he would only like me in this life." The little demon girl replied.

This shameless little thief who does one thing in front of others and does another behind the scenes. Miao Fengxian pursed her lips and said leisurely: "The most unbelievable thing in this world is that the words from a man's mouth often mean the same thing in front of others and behind the scenes."

"Maybe... maybe other men in the world are like this, but... but he is definitely not like this." The little demon girl said, "I believe what he says."

Miao Fengxian looked at him and at Xuanyin next to her. Deep down in her heart, she was extremely confused. She felt regretful and a little overwhelmed. She was more resentful towards someone. If it hadn't been for his passion, she wouldn't have caused such a situation now. .


"Master, if Lu Xun dares to marry another wife, you will definitely stop her." The little demon girl looked at Miao Fengxian with a smile, and said with a hint of playfulness in her eyebrows: "So I'm not worried at all."


The question is, the person your husband-in-law wants to marry is me!

Miao Fengxian forced a smile, and instead of continuing to discuss this issue with Xuanyin, started chatting with her.

"what's the situation?"

"Didn't you go to the great witch to get the elixir?"

"It's almost noon, why aren't you back yet?"

Lu Xun was lying on a bed in a small wooden house in the back mountain, wearing only a pair of underpants, waiting anxiously for the little demon girl to appear.

at this time,

The door of the wooden house was slowly opened, and the little demon girl walked in from the outside with light steps.


"You're here!" Lu Xun hurriedly sat up, looked at the little witch who walked into the room, and asked doubtfully: "Why have you been gone for so long?"

"I have wanted to come back for a long time, but Master forced me to chat." The little demon girl walked to the edge of the bed and plunged into the arms of her heart. The strong and strong feeling, as well as the male aura that hit her face, There was a ripple in my heart instantly.

"What did she talk to you about?"

Lu Xun hugged this arrogant and delicate body, and at the same time reached out to the plump buttocks with one hand.


"Bad sir, don't be naughty!" The little demon girl rolled her eyes at him charmingly, then twisted in his arms and said softly: "Master asked me, if you want to marry another wife, I...I What will be the attitude?”

Lu Xun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his lips, and asked softly: "What about your answer?"

"I told Master that you swore in front of me that you would only like me in this life." The little demon girl answered honestly, and after finishing her words, she continued: "It turns out that Master doesn't trust you very much, so she told me. These men are all liars, they tell one thing in person and another behind the scenes, and they are not worthy of trust.”



Lu Xun was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Don't worry, sir, I believe what you say." The little demon girl grabbed the hand touching her butt, gently played with his fingers, and said in a charming voice: "I have given you everything I have, you... you are sure You won’t let me down, right?”

"hold head high"

Lu Xun muttered casually.

At this time,

The little demon girl suddenly broke away from his embrace, looked at him seriously, and asked seriously: "We were on the roof the night before and you said you wanted to subjugate the demon. I said there was more than one demon girl here. Which one do you want to subjugate? You tell me the result." I want to drop three, please explain to me now.”


"Explain what?"

Lu Xun hugged the little demon girl into his arms, gently raised her chin with his index finger, and said mischievously: "Not only do I covet your body, I also covet your master's body, and I also covet the little fox. In the future, the three of you will be my wives. You lie on the left side, your master lies on the right side, and the little fox lies on my body."

The little demon girl almost went crazy and stared at him angrily. She was about to open her mouth when she suddenly realized something. She couldn't help but look at him lovingly and said softly: "You greedy bad husband, you want me to pay you back." Not satisfied, he actually wants to catch us all.”

The words fell,

He pushed him down on the bed one after another, and then the little demon girl sat on his crotch, looking down at him, her brows filled with tenderness.

"You can't even handle me as a witch, and you actually want to fight one against three."



In an instant,

The little demon girl pounced forward, and her plump and red lips immediately sucked his mouth.

There will be another update tomorrow. Let’s play with the cat’s butt first. orz

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