There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 381: 【Shenhuo Avenue】

"Mozong Luxun !?" The voice sounded in the hearts of everyone on the battlefield.

When I saw this sword light coming from afar, everyone thought it was Xizhou's sword repair who came to support us.

After all, everyone is close, and they are old neighbors for many years, and Shang Haiqing just sent Feijian Biography, frantically asking for support, frantically shaking people.

Unexpectedly, only one reinforcement came, and not from the two swords.

I want to come too, the battle is just beginning, even if the two swords sent to send people, it is not so fast.

For them, it is enough to have this reinforcement now.

The word "Mozong Luxun" is enough!

Because just a few days ago, a news had already spread all over the world, it was about Lu Xun, and it was also about [Jian Qi near].

Everyone already knows that [Jian Qi is near] all the way to the south, it is to find a way to go.

Therefore, everyone's eyes on the black-robed man immediately became different. The eyes on the sword beside him also became different.

Even the elder Huo Yanzong, who was cultivated in the sixth realm, had a trace of awe in his eyes!

[Sword Qi is near] How terrible it is, everyone knows it in the Sky Dust Continent.

Although Yanli is closed, [Sword Qi is near] Although sealed in the Tibetan mountains for many years, this world has never had fewer legends about them.

It ’s my blessing to have [Jian Qi near] join the battle!

And I have to say that with Lu Xun's current reputation, his appearance is very encouraging to morale.

Especially in the case of killing the beast with one sword!

In today's younger generation, countless people are like Lu Xun's fans, seeing them as idols and as models of my generation.

No matter where he goes, he will leave his legend.

Regardless of appearance, character, background, strength ... it seems that all aspects are impeccable.

Huo Yanzong is very close to Xizhou, and some of them are also affected by Xizhou, and there are many sword practitioners.

The name of Lu Xun's natural sword tire is already well known.

He has no swordsmanship and no swords and never loses.

Today, he has a sword around him.

That's the peerless sword [Sword Qi is near]!

To meet the enemy with these characters, why should I fear a battle?

As for the sand sculpture players, it goes without saying.

"Purple Palace! Lying trough! It's the Purple Palace!"

"Crazy! The old lady is going crazy! How can you be so handsome with a hat!"

"All the protagonists of the world are here, brothers, kill!"

"Fuck! Kill them! The Purple Palace is here, maybe what else can be hidden! Ori!"

"Through me! Purple Palace is here, you have the ability to come through me!"

The morale of the two armies is very important.

The word "Mozong Luxun" and the existence of "Sword Qi Near" are enough to raise morale to the top!

Lu Xun sat on the paper crane and said to [Jian Qi near]: "Go."

He gestured [Jian Qi near] to act on his own.

[Sword Qi is near] A sword sound resounding through the world, Lu Xun probably understands its meaning, it is scolding him: "Don't command Lao Tzu!"

However, in the eyes of outsiders, this will be regarded as: Lu Xun let [Jian Qi near] go to kill the enemy, [Jian Qi near] excitedly gave out a loud sword cry!

No, [Sword Qi is near] swish away and disappear into the alien army!

Lu Xun sat on the paper crane and took a deep breath.

"The familiar feeling is back!" He said in his heart.

In the past life, when he played the fierce stickman, he likes to join the battle.

This can not only start your own name, but also enhance your strength.

And ... he really enjoys this hearty battle!

He felt his heart beating faster and blood flow faster, and his spirit was always in a state of excitement.

Interracials are bloodthirsty for special reasons. And Lu Xun is not a bloodthirsty, but it is simply ... love battle!

"Leave this area to me, and wait for Mo to get too close. Let's go to support other places." Lu Xun said to the group of disciples who were rescued by him.

They looked at each other, but did not dare to violate Lu Xun's order.

It is clear that the other party is not the elder of his own sect. He clearly has a gentle voice and a calm face, but he is convincing and makes people unconsciously listen to his words and obey his instructions and arrangements.

A stream of ink-colored air began to generate around Lu Xun's body. [Pink and ink] was spread by him to protect himself.

Due to the improvement of [endurance], [powder] has also been strengthened to a certain extent.

The ink-colored airflow has not become thicker, and the color has not become thicker, but it seems more artistic.

As if there was an invisible brush writing and drawing beside him, the pen walked the dragon and snake!

Then, with him as the center, the hazy mist began to spread around.

Sword intention-[Mist Sword]!

Where the clouds spread, where is the sword intention!

The interweaving of ink and mist makes everything around me very psychedelic, with an unclear smell.

But in this superior artistic conception, there are actually endless killing opportunities!

Lu Xun raised his left index finger, tapped the scabbard gently, and said, "Get up!"

More than a thousand sword qi burst out from the scabbard, and the momentum is amazing!

Lu Xun didn't move, the sword gas moved.

He is about to harvest experience.

In a mist, this man, dressed in black robe, wandering all over the body, constantly killing the surrounding aliens.

One will kill one, one pair will kill one pair!

This is also thanks to [Sword Qi Near] who is arbitrarily harvesting life on the battlefield.

Any high-level alien who wants to play Lu Xun's idea will be cut in half by [Sword Qi Near] in a flash.

It doesn't mean that it protects Lu Xun with all its strength, it just wants to protect the sword sheath that Lu Xun holds tightly in his hand.

Lu Xun is holding it, but its life door!

So, Lu Xun wantonly killed the surrounding aliens, the experience value began to skyrocket!

The word "Mozong Luxun" just now, the aliens also heard clearly. Therefore, even if Lu Xun was madly killing, there were still countless aliens who came to him like a tide and wanted to kill him for merit.

"Is my name so loud on the other side?" He thought to himself.

Seeing that there was another Huo Yanzong disciple in front of him, Lu Xun was still able to free his hand and popped a fingertip sword spirit.

Jian Qi instantly penetrated the 33-level alien, and passed it directly on his brow.

He killed as much as he came, and when he was idle, he could still fight for support. If it were other people, his spiritual power would have dried up.

The mysterious and surging Five Elements spiritual power is running crazy in his body. His blue bar looks terrifying, and the total amount of spiritual power in the body is scary enough to allow him to output as much as he wants.

Although it takes a lot of experience to fill in during the upgrade, on weekdays, the benefits are reflected in this kind of melee.

It's just that manipulating this more than a thousand sword energies consumes too much knowledge.

Although spiritual power is still sufficient, in such a long period of time, the consciousness will not be overwhelmed.

If it was in the past, his consciousness is also much stronger than the practitioners in the same realm, and it can be controlled by more than a thousand sword qi at the same time, which is not a joke.

"It's just that there is no way right now. Huo Yanzong's ordinary disciples have no advantage. I must kill as many low-level aliens as possible in the shortest time, otherwise Huo Yanzong's death and injury will be more serious." Lu Xun said in his heart.

It can only be said that Huo Yanzong's luck is really bad. This altar near Zongmen actually came to such a large number of low-level aliens!

In the past of one minute and one second, although Lu Xun has the blessing of 5 points of [spiritual power], his consciousness is nearing exhaustion.

But his current gains are also very gratifying. Under his crazy killing, the experience value in the character panel is enough to upgrade!

Practitioners can break through in battle, and players can upgrade during monster killing. Although Lu Xun has a great demand for experience points, who calls his monster killing speed even more outrageous?

Lu Xun decisively chose [upgrade]!

Auras around him flooded into his body instantly, raising his level to 37.

"Breakthrough! He broke through again!"

"Breaking through the situation is like eating and drinking water, this rumor turned out to be true!"

"Zi Dian Ye is so fierce, I killed so many strangers, and the experience points are not enough to upgrade!"

Lu Xun, who was above the paper crane, felt his consciousness had returned to saturation.

He likes this fulfilling feeling very much.

It was full of stuff, especially comfortable.

More than a thousand sword qi flew into the sky quickly under one of his thoughts.

Then, they fell from the sky like a rainstorm, spread out and killed the aliens around Luxun.

From beginning to end, Lu Xun's paper crane stayed there without moving too much.

The low-level aliens around him couldn't take him completely, no one could force him back, and no one could hurt him.

And at the next moment, Lu Xun moved.

An ink-colored air flow lingered around him, hundreds of sword qi flew out of the scabbard, hovering around him, and he began to fly forward.

He lifted his right hand, and the sword gas of his fingertips gathered in his hand, and the dense sword-like sword intention also produced a cloud-like vortex at his fingertips.

Hundreds of sword qi are killing the enemy, and the same is true at the fingertips.

Each sword energy is accurately outputting the surrounding aliens, some are cut off by Lu Xun's arm, and some are directly in a different place.

And these sword qi have a burning effect on them, as long as they are injured by these sword qi, it will ignite the black [Shenhuo]!

This man in a black robe ~ ~ just keeps on moving forward and wielding his sword, and behind him, a ray of black flames are burning, as if the paving has become a avenue of fire!

Lu Xun killed nearly a thousand kilometers forward, Lu Xun stopped and then swung the sleeve of the black robe violently.

In an instant, the black [Shenhuo] violently spread outward until it spread to the entire body of each alien!

He held up his palm, his fingertip ticked slightly in the direction of the palm, and the endless [Shenhuo] dissipated immediately.

But at this moment, after thinking about it, he was empty behind him, and he could not see any figure of an alien.


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