As he said this, Mozo took out the gold-swallowing gun that he had always carried with him. Although this sealed item from Miss Knight was already an old thing that could not keep up with the times for Mozo today.

But Mozo still didn't throw it away or shelve it.

After all, this gold-swallowing gun actually helped him get through many difficulties. People are nostalgic for the past, and Mo Zuo is no exception. Even if it is no longer practical, he is still willing to take it with him as long as it does not drag him down. .

"What? The Big Alpha Coin is missing too? Why is this one missing too?"

Chun Tian Ping also knew that Mozo had a large Alpha coin in his collection.

But neither it nor Mozo could figure out why even this big Alpha coin was missing.

However, Chun Tian Ping also quickly thought of a possibility and asked Mo Zuo strangely:

"Are you sure you haven't provoked any other goddess? And is it related to the big Alpha coin?"

Mo Zuo, who had also thought about this problem, shook his head very simply and said:

"No, absolutely not!"

Having lost the memory of his first dream opera, he naturally would not have any clue about it.


Even though what Mo Zuo said was extremely categorical, Chun Tian Ping was still full of doubts.

It is true that Pure White Ping has not been deceived by Mo Zuo, but it has been tricked to death by Mo Zuo. Therefore, it has almost become the instinct of this unlucky Libra to doubt every word of Mo Zuo.

Regarding Chun Tian Ping's suspicion, Mo Zuo added helplessly:

"At least I don't remember anything like that."

After looking Mo Zuo up and down, Chun Tianping shook his head and said:

"Okay. So what are you going to do now?"

After checking the gold-swallowing gun in his hand, Mozo took it in his hand and said:

"Since the host has invited us here in advance, there is no reason not to go and meet us, right?"

After saying that, Mozo looked deeply towards the center of this pure white city, where there was a white palace that was obviously higher than the other buildings.

Chun Tianping wanted to say that I think you will regret it, but after speaking, she had no choice but to say:


After sighing inwardly, Chun Tianping told Mo Zuo another piece of information:

"Partner, you know that your mirror image in Fog City is shattered, right?"

After hearing this, Mo Zuo nodded helplessly and said:

"Of course, but what can we do? Fortunately, I am only a quasi-king, and a fake at that."

"Yes, this is the only luck."

After finishing these few words, Mo Zuo did not take the pure white scale back, but just held it in his hand.

The other party already knows about the existence of the Pure White Scale and has not confiscated it. In this case, Mo Zuo has no intention of hiding the Pure White Scale. Holding it in his hand can also be considered as a boost.

After jumping from the roof of the white building.

Mozo, who had just taken a few steps forward, was surprised to find that countless residents were walking out of every corner of the streets and alleys, and heading in a certain direction uniformly. And the pure white city is constantly adding its own color as the residents move forward.

In almost a few seconds, Mozo felt as if he had come from the white Grantriel to a normal human city.

He even felt that the city scenery in front of him seemed like he had seen it before somewhere before.

Out of caution, Mozo did not take any action against these residents. Just walking among them silently.

After looking carefully for a moment, Mo Zuo and Chun Tian Ping both came to the same answer - these residents are all dolls!

Moreover, it is a high-end doll whose flaws are completely invisible even to demigods!

As for why they can still be sure of their doll identities even though they can't see any flaws. That's because of two reasons.

First, both Mozo and Jun Tianping knew that this was Grantrell, the city of dolls.

Second, the owners who control these puppets seem to be intentionally letting them see that these puppets are following a certain script to perform lifelike performances.

After realizing this, Mozo also quickened his pace and followed the puppets in the direction they were going.

Mozo also tried to observe the expressions and structures of these dolls on the way, but unfortunately, no matter how he looked, he could not see any flaws in them.

But Mozzo noticed another thing, that is, the language used by these dolls was not only Lorraine, but also a very pure Southern accent.

Coupled with some conversations he heard on the road, Mozo thought of a possibility, and then accelerated his pace. And soon after, he appeared at the end of the dolls' progress.

This is a medium-sized square, and on the statue standing in the center of the square, there are several people standing leaning on the statue.

Below them were a row of Loran soldiers who were maintaining order.

However, they are wearing old-fashioned equipment from three hundred years ago.

Seeing more and more citizens gathering, a few people standing on the statue immediately shouted to the soldiers below:

"Almost, bring them up!"

After that, a group of soldiers escorted a group of prisoners dressed in Chinese uniforms from a hotel.

It can be seen that they were all nobles before! Great noble!

As these prisoners were taken out, there were exclamations from the citizens below.

They couldn't believe that the normally aloof noble man had actually been arrested.

What made them even more unbelievable and excited was when all the nobles were escorted up. The few people standing on the statue shouted loudly to the crowd and soldiers:

"In the name of Archduke Cromwell, I declare the immediate execution of Earl Marlov and his followers!"

As these very brief words came out, the nobles were executed by the soldiers amidst the exclamations of the citizens who were extremely disbelieving and extremely happy.

The voice of the person standing on the statue did not stop there. He continued to speak louder than all the exclamations:

"In the name of the Grand Duke Cromwell and His Majesty the Young Queen, we declare that we will use all the land and wealth of these nobles for the municipal government and people's livelihood!"

"Rejoice, my countrymen, better times have come! Long live Lord Cromwell! Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

Under his leadership and promise, the crowd who had just been exclaiming at the sudden death of the great nobleman instantly became excited and shouted:

"Long live Duke Cromwell! Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

Among the crowd shouting long live, Mo Zuo and Chun Tian Ping both remained silent and left the crowd immediately after a moment.

As they moved away from the crowd behind them, Mozo also noticed that the surrounding buildings began to fade again.

At the same time, the number of dolls around him also decreased rapidly.

When Mozo walked to a new street, the scene he had seen before happened again.

In other words, countless people who didn't know where they came from came out from all directions.

But this time, the difference from before is that the surrounding architectural style has changed, the clothes and body shapes of the dolls have also changed, and of course, their language has also changed.

What changed this time was the most widely used local dialect in Justice Parish.

At the same time, the dolls are no longer moving in a certain direction together. They stood on both sides of the road, on the street and on the houses, but they only moved out of the middle of the street.

This makes Mozo's existence seem extremely different!

After looking at the crowd of people around him who were looking forward to the same direction, Mozuo let out a breath and then also moved out of the way.

When Mozo got out of the way, several children rushed out excitedly on the other side of the road. They shouted loudly as they ran:

"The heroes are back!"

"We defeated the devil!"

"They triumphed!"

Such a sound made the people around who were looking forward to cheer.

At the same time, after a few children ran past excitedly, an impressive troop also walked out with their heads held high.

Their equipment is truly made by all nations. But their spirits are extremely high, because their achievements are as great as the shining sun!

They left the small town full of passion, and together with countless companions like them, they defeated the ruler of this land - the devil!

The appearance of this team undoubtedly pushed the atmosphere to the highest point.

Countless people were extremely excited and threw the flowers they had prepared into the sky, and then they fell on the heroes who walked out of their small town.

The returning heroes or the children in the small town also shouted:

"Long live His Majesty Tyr! Long live Queen Bernadette!"

The crowd around also shouted:

"Long live His Majesty Tyr! Long live Queen Bernadette!"

Seeing this, Mo Zuo unconsciously loosened his collar.

After taking a long breath, he walked towards the next street.

Just like before, the crowds are moving away and the colors are fading.

Then it snowed heavily.

The white snowflakes set off the less obvious color of the city, making it seem like this is still 'Grantriel'.

The puppets participating in the performance naturally changed their clothes into fur coats that are popular in cold places.

They were different from the people from Lorraine heading towards the square and the people from the small city waiting on both sides of the street.

These people in the bitter cold land looked expectantly at the sky above their heads, and looked in a certain direction from time to time.

After thinking for a moment, Mozo walked in the direction they were looking. First, he wanted to confirm what they were looking at. Second, if he wanted to go to the palace, this was the only way to go.

Sure enough, after Mozo walked forward for a while, he saw hundreds of warriors wearing fur armor pushing an obelisk into a deep pit that had been dug in a small square. stood up in the middle.

When this familiar obelisk to Mozo could not stand completely upright.

The heavy goose-feather snow that had just filled the sky suddenly disappeared, and even Mo Zuo could feel a heart-warming heat beginning to flow around him.

The thick snow on the ground naturally melted quickly in front of this heat flow.

Such a scene also caused people present to shout:

"Praise the Duke of Aragon! Praise the goddess!"

After wiping his forehead, which was as warm as spring but still sweating non-stop.

Mozo raised his feet and rushed to the next area.

It was still the same development as before, the crowd quickly dissipated, and the buildings also faded.

Wait until Mozo comes to a new area again. Pure white Grantriel has transformed from a city of dolls into a capital of art.

Different from the previous three cities that were full of life, the people here are more well-dressed, have a richer spirit, and the architectural style is also extremely elegant.

At the same time, there are also quite a few painters here whose identities can be identified at a glance!

After swallowing, Mo Zuo wiped his face and naturally continued to move forward.

After walking for about a few minutes, Mozo saw a large group of painters stopping in front of a huge list.

Mozzo was also familiar with this, which was the list he used to announce the identities and works of painters selected for the Louvre collection.

After the old list of painters and their works from the previous issue was removed by the Painting Messengers and properly preserved.

A brand new list was re-posted by these good-looking painting messengers.

As the list was announced, the following painters did not feel sad that they were not on the list. Instead, they praised the painters and paintings in front of them from the bottom of their hearts:

"It's Master Keyes from Bolloron City. I've long said that he is definitely worthy of the title of master!"

"Oh my God, what a wonderful work! I have never heard of the existence of such a master before! Blasphemy, it is really too blasphemous!"

"We must thank His Majesty Ingres and Queen Victoria. If they had not tirelessly explored all art and beauty, God knows how many pearls like this master would have been forever covered in dust!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty Angel, and praise Queen Victoria!"

At this point, Chun Tian Ping finally spoke:

"Partner, if I read correctly, are we only halfway there?"

Mozo wiped his sweaty cheek again and again and said immediately:

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