They all call me master

Chapter 37 Contact! touch!

Arthur frowned.

Not just because the baby he rescued was snatched away would affect his XP gain, but also because something was wrong about it.

That baby, he held.

They are just children from ordinary civilian families, nothing special.

So why would anyone be obsessed with this baby?

He even went directly to the police station to snatch it!


Four babies had been lost before.

Seeing that Arthur just frowned but did not yell angrily, Maltz breathed a sigh of relief. When he just opened his mouth, he imagined that Arthur's mouth would be a waste.

Because when he learned about this just now, he just said nonsense.

At the Shire District Police Station, in front of at least twenty people, the baby was snatched away and a patrolman was beaten to death.

From beginning to end, the frightened police officers and patrolmen did not fire their weapons or unsheath their swords.

What is it if it’s not waste?

Especially afterward, he swore that he was afraid of accidentally injuring the baby.

If he didn't want to retire peacefully, he would have slapped the other party at that time.

It’s just ‘Crosso’s donkey’!

Crosso's donkeys are a local specialty. They are small and have no strength or endurance. It can be said that except for the delicious meat, they have no advantages.

Of course, every time he was slaughtered, he screamed loudly.

In South Los Angeles, many tough-talking people are called "Crosso's donkeys".

After cursing a few words in his heart, Maltz took a deep breath several times, forced himself to calm down, and then began to tell Arthur about the case——

"Early yesterday morning, the first people to report the crime were Mr and Mrs Coffey of Pea Lane, followed by Mr and Mrs Neil of Pipe Lane, and around noon it was Mr and Mrs Souther of Olive Lane and Mr and Mrs Purton of Milk Thistle Lane."

"The first and second cases were reported only twenty minutes apart, while the third and fourth cases were reported almost at the same time."

"At that time, the Shire District Police Department dispatched all patrol officers."

"There were no more stolen babies until what happened on the stagecoach."

"After several witnesses identified the bodies, it was found that these two people had appeared near these baby theft cases. The previous cases were probably committed by these two people. They only stopped yesterday afternoon because there were more police patrols, and today they took advantage of the situation. It was raining and the two of them committed another crime together."

The third-level police officer explained the case while explaining his own understanding.

Arthur didn't object.

Because what the other party said was quite reasonable and there were witnesses.

And this made Arthur more and more concerned about who stole the baby.

After all, for two human traffickers to take such a desperate risk, the other party must have spent a lot of money - a price worth risking their lives.

What does the other party want to do?

Arthur thought, and then asked.

"The person who took the baby away, did you see clearly?"

Maltz's face immediately turned ugly.

Because, among the more than twenty people, no one could clearly see each other's face, and even one of his colleagues was killed by the other party.

"Didn't you see clearly?"

"Or did the other party cover his face with something?"

Arthur asked.

In both cases, the face of the attacker was not seen, but the difference was huge.

The latter is covered by something.


That's worth pondering.

In the Shire District Police Station, according to the memory of its predecessor, there are at least twenty people in total who are resident police officers and patrolmen.

One person can't see clearly, and two people can't see clearly. It's understandable that they are in a panic.

But if more than twenty people can't see clearly, that's impossible.

Either these police officers are on the same team as the other party and are deliberately hiding the truth.

Either that or the attackers used tricks.

The former is unlikely. Although the police officers and patrolmen in Nanlos are not good people, they can be bribed as long as they have enough benefits, but it is too difficult to bribe so many people at once.

And the latter?

Naturally, it is the mysterious side, or some special technique is used to create an effect similar to the mysterious side.

Plus that mugger's persistent baby.

Immediately, a word appeared in Arthur's mind -


A mysterious ritual!

He couldn't think of anything else.

At the same time, he finally understood why Maltz came to him.

Not only is it related to the fact that he saved the baby, but also because of the weirdness of this incident.

Therefore, I hope to borrow his psychic skills.

But I know my own business.

He knew exactly what was going on with his psychic skills. If he had been given arrangements in advance, he would definitely be able to perform amazingly well.

But emergencies like this are the most difficult to deal with.

Even old Charlie is not willing to face such an emergency.

But Arthur didn't shirk.



In order to keep the XP he was about to get and gain more XP, Arthur quickly calmed himself down and thought about the information Maltz said.

Relying on some experiences in his hometown, Arthur knew that the key now was to find common ground in the case.

It’s all babies, the same traffickers, Pea Alley, Pipe Alley, Olive Alley, Milk Thistle Alley…

Um? !

Suddenly, Arthur narrowed his eyes.

Apart from the common points mentioned by Maltz, Pea Lane, Pipe Lane, Olive Lane, Milk Thistle Lane are all in the Shire...


To be precise, they are all near Kirk Street!

Moreover, the four addresses are parallel in pairs, and when connected together they form a trapezoid.

But if you add a little more, it will become a pentagon, or...


With the mysterious ritual as a foreshadowing, Arthur naturally thought of the pentagram.

The five babies are the five points of the pentagram.

What about the middle position?

It’s a building!

There is……

14 Kirk Street!

Almost as soon as he circled this point in his mind, Arthur narrowed his eyes.

This is too close to 2 Kirk Street.

It's so close that you can't see it when you look up.

Recently, the baskets in grocery stores, pork shops, dairy shops, and bakeries may be used up by the previous household and then given to the next household.

touch! touch!

Thinking about his previous guess, Arthur's narrowed eyes flashed with a cold light.


It's that toad!

The other party borrowed the baby's pure blood to heal himself!

Arthur was at least 80% sure.

The other party is obsessed with the baby because the baby's home is on the point of the pentagram.

There is no doubt that the five babies were carefully selected by the toad.

Why not a beggar?

Because the baby was lost early yesterday morning, and the time did not match the time when the unknown counterpart ‘left the beggar’s body’!

However, he did not act immediately, but continued to listen to Maltz's words——

"I didn't see it clearly!"

"That's the weirdest thing!"

"The guy shot and killed the patrolman who was looking at the baby, then picked up the baby and left. The whole process was very aboveboard, but no one saw it clearly... Well, maybe to be precise, they saw it, but afterward, But I don’t remember the other person’s face.”

Maltz's words became uncertain.

Moreover, while speaking, he looked at Arthur's expression.

Then, the third-level police officer began to twist his body unnaturally - because Arthur was really a bit too scary at the moment.

On a heavy rainy day, in a dark and empty room, a handsome young man in well-dressed clothes held a strange-looking puppet in his arms, his eyes extremely gentle.

Then, he raised his hand to comb the puppet's hair.

When Maltz saw this scene, his scalp went numb.

And at this moment——


A cool breeze mixed with raindrops blew in through the crack in the door.

Suddenly, Maltz trembled.

The hairs on the third-level police officer's back stood up immediately, and he rushed to the door in one step, obviously planning to run away.

But Arthur's voice behind him made him stop.

"'Anna', have you heard the screams of Carbon Fire Street?"

Carbon Fire Street?

The fifth baby family location!

Maltz turned around and stared at Arthur and the strange puppet in Arthur's arms with bright eyes.

After seeing Maltz turn around and the expression on the other person's face, Arthur felt certain.

He knew he was right.

Then the next step is naturally...

His show time!

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