They all call me master

Chapter 82 The Phantom at the Window!

Ramit and Geert looked at each other.

The development of things is not what they imagined!

This 'Detective' Albers seems... not very smart!

Lamit looked at his brother Geert with anger and complaint in his eyes - it was his brother who told him that Albers was an excellent 'detective', and it was his brother who told him that if The appearance of Albers at Oak Manor will definitely bring down the illegitimate son and his assistant.

But now?

He actually wants to investigate the cause of his father's death!

Could he still not know how his father died?

He died of illness!

There is no doubt about this!

Lamit snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the suspension bridge.

Geert kept his smile and motioned to Albers to come with him - but no matter how he looked at it, the Lord's second son's smile was stiff at the moment.

'Detective' Albers's carriage was in front, and the carriages of Arthur and his party were behind.

Scott exclaimed in the car.

"This detective is indeed as good as the rumors say - albeit with a weird temper!"

"Have you heard of this detective?"

Vonter looked surprised.

As a former libertine and a model of idleness, Vonter believed that he was well-informed. What happened in Nanlos must not be hidden from him.

"'Detective' Albers is from Rorschach. It's quite far away from Nanlos. If you want to go there, you have to pass through the inner bay. I don't know how this detective came to Nanlos?

Is it because some major case happened that we don’t know about? "

Scott said getting excited.

As a reporter, he always pursues news, and it is precisely because of this pursuit that he will habitually collect more information, which also leads him to know about the 'detective' Albers who is far away in Rorschach Castle.

"A big case?"

Vonter's eyes lit up, but then turned gloomy.

The rich man thought of his father who died in mysterious circumstances.

Arthur, who remained silent, was also thinking about this 'detective'.

The person who is far away from Roschach Castle happens to come to Nanlos, happens to be acquainted with Gilt, and also happens to have something happen to the Gilt family. Is this too coincidental?

As for confirming that the 'detective' and Gilt know each other?

After seeing Lamit's angry, dissatisfied and complaining expression towards Gilt, Arthur was very sure.

The continuous 'coincidences' gave Arthur a sense of familiarity - just like the cases he had encountered in succession before.

But it has become a lot rougher and has become traceable.

as if……

The planner hidden behind the scenes was a little anxious.

simply put--

''Detective' Albers is very likely to have chased Nanlos because of the other party. The other party was greatly surprised when he learned the news, so he hurriedly made a plan to divert Albers' attention... Maybe it can be done Talk to Albers! ’

Arthur guessed in his heart.

At the same time, on the carriage in front, Albers scratched his head in annoyance.

He has already reacted.

He was deceived by that 'spiritual medium'.

He was led by the other party's nose.

But even if he knew it, Albers had no solution.

Even if he had to do it over again, he would still be fooled.


As a detective, you must pursue the truth!

In fact, after a brief moment of chagrin, the detective began to think seriously about the cause of Lord Doyle's death.

According to his friend Geert, his lordship died of a serious illness.

But the illegitimate son obviously didn't think so. He believed that his father had been murdered, and even went so far as to find a 'spiritual medium' for verification.

This would make sense if the illegitimate child did not acquire property.

But this illegitimate child already has his share, and judging from his clothes, he lives a pretty good life.

It proves that the Lord takes good care of his illegitimate son.

So, is there really something fishy about Lord's death?

Or is it the deception of greedy people?

Albers prefers the former.

Not choosing to trust Vonter.

But he believed in Arthur, the 'spiritual medium'.

‘Like us, we are all observant guys, and they seem to have a great reputation in Nanlos. It seems that... we can have a chat? ’

'Detective' Albers thought.

The three carriages passed the suspension bridge and entered the core building complex of Oak Manor - the main building is supported by six spiral columns that require two people to hold each other and are 10 meters high. In front of the door, 20 waiters stood in a row. Judging by their attire, there are cooks, valets, maids, hunter apprentices, tanners, blacksmiths, grooms, etc., all of whom are middle-aged and have obviously served the Doyle family for a long time.

At the front of the servants is the steward of Oak Manor. To the right of the servants, a little further away, are 4 teams of 40 guards. They have straight bodies, swords at their waists, and long blazing guns on their backs. They are all uniformly dressed. Neat, with a firm face and sharp eyes.

Arthur glanced at the posture and expressions of these guards. He could confirm that these guards had been trained for a long time and were not just farmers.

Coupled with the farmers outside the manor, if something happens, the old lord may be able to pull up a team of 300 people in less than an hour - if the consequences are ignored, the team may reach 800-1,000 people.

‘Aristocratic heritage? ’

Arthur sighed and looked at the water tower and clock tower on the side of the manor complex - these two places, he thought there would be hidden sentries during war.

However, Arthur didn't really care about these. He was mainly looking for the oak forest.

Unfortunately it was not found.

‘Behind the manor? ’

Arthur looked at the main building complex, but unfortunately his view was blocked and he couldn't see anything.

However, just when Arthur looked back, [Death Intuition] flashed fiercely, and a malicious and cold gaze stared at him.

Arthur looked calmly and saw a figure flashing past the right window on the second floor of the main building.

‘Who is this? ’

Arthur narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, the three carriages had already bypassed the small square of the fountain and stopped in front of the stables of the manor. The coachmen began to loosen the restraints of the horses. Arthur winked at Maltz when he got out of the car.

The latter immediately understood and signaled Andy to go to the stable as an attendant.

Of course, the stables are not the point.

Inquiring about information is the purpose.

And himself?

He chose the best support position - the back of the team.

"I asked the cook to prepare lunch, please..."

"I want to see the body!"

Facing Geert's invitation, Albers said unceremoniously.

This made Lamit even more angry. The eldest son of the lord was about to scold the 'detective', but when he saw Scott on the side holding a charcoal pen to quickly record, he immediately snorted again and walked towards the main building.

"plz follow me!"

Gilt said helplessly.

The butler Vic who was following him immediately walked to the end of the hall, took a three-pronged candlestick from the maid's hand, lit the candle on it, and walked towards the basement first.

A group of people followed closely behind.

Arthur was keenly aware of the coldness and the smell of some herbs.

‘Ice and some special antiseptic means? ’

Arthur guessed, looking towards the underground hall.

Through the candlelight in the butler's hand, he could clearly see the solid wood coffin placed in the center of the hall. Thick ice was piled around it, leaving only a passage for people to pass on one side. The old Lord's corpse had his eyes closed. , with his palms folded over his lower abdomen. There is a sheathed sword on the left side of the body to show the bravery of the old Lord. On the right side is a notebook, which is a book recording the achievements of the old Lord. , every noble will do this.

Even if this nobleman has no merit to speak of.


Vonter looked at the old Lord in the coffin and knelt down on his side.

The tears in his eyes proved the relationship between the illegitimate son and his biological father.

In Nanlos, although illegitimate children are recognized, they are only recognized. The biological father and his family have no obligation to raise them, let alone support them in education and literacy, and divide the family property. In some noble families, secondary No one has such rights. They usually give him a knighthood and a small amount of money, and then send him off to wander.

If you are lucky enough to earn enough wealth, you can buy a manor as your own territory and continue your bloodline.

If you are unlucky, your armor and weapons will become the trophies of others, and you will be buried in the wilderness or in the mouths of wild beasts.

Although this situation became slightly better with the end of the Silver Age, most of the time, the second son still couldn't get anything.

It is extremely rare for the old Lord to divide the family property equally between his three sons and his current wife.

Vonter knew this, so he understood his father's love for him.

Therefore, he wants to find out the truth.

Wiping his tears, Vonter stood up. After taking another look at his father's body, he silently walked aside and stared at Lamie and Geert with fierce eyes.

He is waiting for the results.

'Detective' Albers, who had been impatient for a long time, rushed forward with a box in hand.

Arthur watched the other party take out saws, pliers, scissors, tweezers, white gauze, containers with wine, vinegar and other items from the box, and then began to inspect the eyelids, mouth, and then the body.

‘Forensic doctor? ’

Inexplicably, Arthur thought of this profession, and then observed the other party and the corpse.

"No trauma, no poisoning, not suffocation..."

Albers murmured to himself as he checked.

"Huh, I told you, my father died of illness, not murder!"

When Lamit said these words, his face was angry and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes, but then it turned into more anger.

Geert did not speak. The second son of the lord remained calm, but the disdain in his eyes when he looked at Fonter became more and more obvious.

Arthur glanced at the two of them, and then looked at 'Detective' Albers who picked up the saw and prepared to examine the body in more detail.


"What do you want to do?"

Lamit scolded Albers angrily, and Geert couldn't keep calm anymore, staring at him with an unkind expression.

Vonter had already rushed over and grabbed the opponent's arm.

But Albers said calmly.


However, it is obvious that such words will never convince the Lord's three sons.

For the nobles in Nanlos, or the entire South County, the corpse needs to be kept intact - this is the tradition of the nobles, and any attempt to destroy the corpse is an unpardonable crime in the eyes of the nobles.

But for Albers, it didn't matter.

He just hopes to find the truth.

Different ideas naturally lead to collisions. When a conflict was about to break out, Arthur said lightly——


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