They are Chasing Me!

Chapter 170: Campus 01

In sleep, forgotten memories fly by like dreams.

Su An remembered that she picked up a doll when she was a child, and the doll was named Jiang Sheng. He regards the doll as his friend and sleeps with it every day.

When he arrived at the university, he found a boy named Jiang Sheng who had the same name as his doll.

They were in the same major but in different classes. Su An curiously looked at the boy a few more times, and happened to meet his gaze. The boy laughed, and said something silently, Su An hurriedly turned around, pretending to be an indifferent cool guy.

Because of the boy's name, Su An always pays more attention to him. Paying attention, Su Anchun's heart sprouted.

Jiang Sheng didn't know why, but he could always dangle in front of Su An. Su An liked him more and more, but he had a lot of worries, and silently hid his liking in the bottom of his heart, and walked past the boy expressionlessly again and again.

Looking at these memories, Su An felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. It was hard to imagine that she was so timid as a mouse before.

What are you afraid of, what are your scruples, as soon as you take off your clothes, go for it!

Such ambiguous temptation and alienation were completely shattered in the face of a car accident.

The boy was in a car accident, and when Su An arrived at the hospital, he was crying and broke down, and he hugged him tightly. When the boy was sent to the emergency room, he stretched out his **** hand from the hospital bed, hooked Su An's finger, and smiled with his dark eyes.

"Be careful when crossing the road from now on," the boy repeatedly told Su An, but he didn't seem to care so much about his own life. "After this time, you'll be fine."

"Don't forget me, Su An. My name is Jiang Sheng, I really don't want to..."

Su An didn't understand what he said, he only knew that the boy would not come back.

Su An squatted in the corner of the hospital yard, tears streaming down his face. He was buried in his knees, almost suffocated by regret and discomfort, this kind of sadness is so strong, what the boy said is more like a spell, how can Su An forget him?

He kept chanting the word "Jiang Sheng" and couldn't stop crying. I don't know how long it took, when the black spots in front of my eyes were dim, a footstep stopped in front of Su An.

Time in the whole world seemed to stop for an instant.

The sound of birds stopped, the sound of water flow stopped, and the wind and grass stopped.

Someone stretched out his finger to the top of Su An's head, and sighed, "Do you remember me being so uncomfortable?"

Su An's tears flowed out again, he thought to himself, so sad, really sad.

But not sad because I remember you.

The voice was low, a little sad, "Su An, I'm really sorry that you don't like me... It's just my selfishness to let you remember, but it seems to make you very sad."

The man bent over, brushing Su An's hair with his fingers softly and affectionately, "Forget it, then forget about me."

Su An's tears flowed faster, and she wanted to say, I fell in love with you, I'm sorry, I just pretended too much.

don't want to forget you.

But his memory was still sealed by Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng rambled: "This world is polluted, and the protagonists in the world will die in various accidents, or their originally happy life will become rough...I'm sorry, I didn't see you earlier."

"But you are so good, you still persist, making the polluted world consciousness come back to life."

He smiled, "...but unfortunately, I was moved, but you didn't feel anything for me."

"You would have died in a car accident, so you must pay attention to safety," he said a lot, and finally said, "ah, it's still a little uncomfortable."

"Perhaps after you forget me, I will be so sad that I want to forget you. Let me find a place to rest. With such a heavy heart, I'm afraid I will do something to make you sad."


"Baby, goodbye."

Time starts to turn. The birds called insects and Su An opened his eyes.

He stood up from the corner in a trance, unable to remember why he came to the hospital. He touched his face, and there were still traces of moisture on his face.

When he didn't want to cry, the tears flowed uncontrollably.

Su An returned to the dormitory and watched the sunset from the window on the bed.

After the old beggar died, Su An had no relatives. He lived hard, but never felt so desolate and empty for a moment like now.

It seems that there is nothing in the whole world that Su An can miss.

He lives aimlessly, dissociated from the crowd. But the world consciousness loves him too much, even if the man leaves, even if the man seals his memory, all the good gifts in the world will still be sent to Su An.

Su An is almost a smooth life in the eyes of others.

On the day of graduation, Su An went to the balcony alone and drank a few bottles of beer, and then began to be in a daze again.

If a person doesn't have what he wants, what keeps him alive, will he still stay in this world?

But if you go, where can you go?

Su An will never commit suicide, because he cherishes his life too much, and he will always understand the value of life.

But he did not live happily.

He is the protagonist of the world, the favored son of heaven favored by the world consciousness. Su An's strong thoughts disturbed the world consciousness, and the world consciousness couldn't bear to see Su An sad, so he sent Su An to other worlds.

Su An crossed over.

All the memories were awakened one by one, and when Su An was called up by her roommate, tears were streaming down her face.

The roommates hurriedly helped him up, "Su An, why are you crying?"

Su An looked at the faces of the familiar classmates, sat up "squeaky", and said anxiously: "How old are we now?!"

The classmate said in confusion, "Sophomore."

Su An instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and collapsed on the bed limply.

The roommate cautiously said, "Su An, what's wrong with you, did you have a nightmare?"

"Well," Su An said weakly, "I dreamed that when we were in our senior year, we failed all defenses in the first dormitory, and we were going to enter the second defense."

Roommates: "..."

They wiped the sweat from their brows again and again, and said happily, "Fortunately, it's a dream."

Su An nodded seriously, nodded, and suddenly laughed again, the laughter became louder and louder, all the roommates in the dormitory looked at him in horror, as if they were looking at a person with a high fever and his brain was burnt out patient.

After all, Su An rarely smiled in front of them.

Su An didn't change his face and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just too happy."

"You're a little lively today," the dorm boss tentatively said, "Are you all right?"

Su An pursed her lips and smiled, "It's okay."

The roommates looked at each other, but seeing that he seemed to be fine, they didn't ask further, "Go to sleep, we have morning class tomorrow."

The dormitory gradually became quiet. Su An lay on the bed and looked at the familiar moon and the familiar tree outside the window, silently pursing his lips.

He wanted to see Jiang Sheng very much.

But their future is still very long, so there is no rush for today.

An anxious night passed, and the next morning the light was slightly bright. As soon as the roommates got up, they saw that Su An had packed up her books and was ready to go to class.

The roommates hurriedly got out of bed, and said embarrassedly: "Why don't you go to eat and go to class first?"

Su An paused, but sat down and waited for them, "I'm with you."

Once again, Su An wants to change herself, let go of those inferiority complexes and excessive self-protection, accept the world, fall in love, make friends, and become happy.

The roommates were flattered, and each of them sped up. After 20 minutes, the four of them ate together in the cafeteria and entered the classroom 15 minutes earlier.

The morning class is a big class, with more than 200 people from three majors in one classroom. They used to ring the bell to enter the door, but now there are still a lot of vacancies in the big classroom.

Su An sat down by the window, raised his head and looked around, while his roommate Xiao Luo approached and lowered his voice, "Su An, the boy in the next class is looking at you again."

Su An's heart moved, he turned around to look, and met a pair of dark eyes with a lazy smile.

The other party was wearing loose sports clothes, tall and slender, like a natural hanger. His black hair was disheveled, and he was looking at Su An with his head still.

Su An also looked back without moving, "What do you mean?"

Crackling fire lights flashed in their eyes.

"Boss and I have found out many times. Isn't our two professional classes in the same classroom? He will always watch you secretly for the whole class." Xiao Luo scratched his head, "We wanted to tell you before ,but…"

But Su An looked cold, they were afraid of being nosy.

Su An smiled, "Is his name Jiang Sheng?"

"I guess so," Ronaldinho was uncertain, "Su An, do you think this person is gay?"

Su An touched his chin and said seriously: "It's very possible."

Xiao Luo hugged himself, "Oh, then we have to protect ourselves well, it's very dangerous for a boy to go out alone now."

Su An was happy, "Why don't I try him?"

The other two roommates who were listening to gossip poked their heads, ready to move, "How do I try?"

"Didn't you say that he has been watching me?" Su An said, "I'll give it a try and see what he wants to do."

This kind of thing sounds very exciting. On the one hand, the roommates wanted to encourage him to try it, but on the other hand they were worried that Su An's character would be bullied, "Su An, can you do it?"

"Forget it, what if the other party is not a good person?"

"What if it is really a **** who is after you and you are taken advantage of?"

Su An had an expression of "I sacrificed for the people", "I'm fine, aren't you still watching?"

The roommates were fooled, "That's right. And this is in the classroom, the other party must not dare to do anything."

Under the attention of her roommates, Su An got up and walked towards Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng was also sitting with his friends, watching Su An walking towards them, a few friends squeezed me, I bumped you, winked at Jiang Sheng, and smiled obscenely.

As soon as Su An walked to the side, the big brother sitting next to Jiang Sheng immediately stepped aside, "Hey classmate, you sit here."

The others pretended to look at the sky and the earth, but they didn't look at Su An and Jiang Sheng. But the corner of the eye was full of excitement and gossip, each ear pricked up, not letting go of a word.

In Jiang Sheng's small group.

[Sloppy! Jiang Sheng's crush is coming, everyone is on alert! Make room for Jiang Sheng to flirt! ]

[Report, the wingman is ready, waiting for the crush to speak. ]

[Recording, recording, recording, play it back for Jiang Sheng to listen to, and analyze the meaning of the words of the crush's crush one sentence at a time. Hurry up, don't f*cking delay, Jiang Sheng has had a crush on someone for two years and only watched today! ]

[Ah, by the way, remember today's date, on May 20th, the first time Jiang Sheng's crush chatted with him was at 520, it's unreasonable not to be together. ]

The fast-handed friends were typing while listening to Jiang Sheng's crush say, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

The voice of the crush's crush is soft and sweet, completely inconsistent with the cold appearance on the surface.

Friends: Good, so cute.

Jiang Sheng laughed, "Aren't you allowed to watch?"


They were worried, Su An was a well-known flower of the high mountains, Jiang Sheng's words would definitely make people angry, look, the face of the crush was flushed with anger.

The big brother at the side rushed to save the situation, pushed Su An to Jiang Sheng's position, smoothed things over and said, "Don't mind, classmate, Jiang Sheng speaks like this."

Su An sat down with a blushing face, before saying anything else, Jiang Sheng asked concerned: "Have you had breakfast?"

Su An: "Eat."

Jiang Sheng took out a bottle of milk from the desk and put it on Su An's desk, "Drink another bottle of milk."

Several people were watching them in the open and in the dark, and Su An's heart was soaring. The little ambiguity in adolescence made him ready to enjoy the feeling of being intimate and probing each other in public, "Well."

Jiang Sheng inserted the thin tube for him, "Don't you like the smell?"

"No..." Su An silently took a sip from the straw, and glanced at him quickly, "You haven't told me why you want to look at me."

Jiang Sheng said slowly: "I almost failed two subjects last semester."

Su An was puzzled, "Huh?"

Jiang Sheng: "It's all because of watching you."

Su An: "..."


Under the desk where no one was looking, Jiang Sheng put his hand on Su An's thigh and tapped lightly a few times.

Su An jerked her legs together and looked at him shyly and angrily.

What are you doing, can you do something that students should do.

Jiang Sheng looked back innocently, but Su An saw some malicious intent. Su An pinched him, but her legs relaxed a little bit in refusal.

Jiang Sheng couldn't help laughing, recalling the days in this world, he said slowly: "I have been watching you for two years."

Su An was taken aback.

"Watch it in spring, watch it in autumn and winter, sit behind you and watch it during class. Have fun when there is class, run around the campus when there is no class, hope to meet you in a corner, seven days a week, seven days want to see you," Jiang Sheng He hooked his hand, "I will be very happy when you turn your head and look at me occasionally. So this is called..."

This is called crush.

Su An didn't know this.

He would also peek at Jiang Sheng, but it was all sneaky and cautious. He would indeed meet Jiang Sheng on campus, but he only thought it was fate between them.

It turns out that behind the fate is the other party's sweat and time.

The sour feeling rose from the internal organs, and Su An was completely moved.

There was an uproar in the small group.

[Is this confession? Good luck Jiang Ge. ]

[I hope that the crush will agree with our brother Jiang's handsome face and affection, and pray. ]

Su An's roommates were also anxiously whispering.

"What's the matter with that Jiang Sheng, you can see that he is getting closer and closer to Su An, and his shoulders are almost leaning together."

"Sure enough, he has evil intentions. Look at the way he looks at Su An, just like playing hooligans."

"What are you doing? No, I'm going to rescue Su An."

The boss in the dormitory was about to get up when the teacher walked into the classroom. In desperation, the boss sat back aggrieved.

Su An was teased by these words, feeling uncomfortable and shy, "Let's go to get out of class, let's talk after class."

"But you are sitting here, interfering with my class." Jiang Sheng.

Su An: "???"

Friends followed with question marks all over their heads.

Will Jiang Sheng know how to speak?

Su An was stunned: "Why did I interfere with your class?"

Jiang Sheng smiled, blinked at him, and said deliberately: "I always want to see you, and always think of you."

Su An really wanted to kiss him, but she could only pretend to be calm in front of her classmates.


Jiang Sheng moved his fingers on his legs, Su An gave him an angry look, but he didn't know whether to stop or encourage him.

Jiang Sheng naturally changed places, and lightly put his bony hands on Su An's waist, "You are so skinny, have you really eaten breakfast?"

Touching it further, Su An really couldn't help it. He patted Jiang Sheng's hand lightly, "Student Jiang, be more honest."

Jiang Sheng clasped his five fingers with his backhand, "Yeah."

"Is the milk delicious?" Jiang Sheng looked at Su An's straw, "Let me taste it."

The people around couldn't keep up with Jiang Sheng's speed. While they were still praying for the smooth end of the first exchange, Jiang Sheng had already shook hands with Su An. The singles had "Master" written on their left faces, and "Enlightened" on the other faces, bowing down to Jiang Sheng.

Su An also wanted to tease him back. He rolled his eyes and drank half of the bottle of milk in one go. He licked the milk on his lips, with a tantalizing taste, "I'm sorry, I've finished it all."

Under the table, the calf and the boyfriend's calf are close together, sticking to each other.

Jiang Sheng, "What's the smell?"

There was a small hook in Su An's eyes, and he kept catching a fish named Jiang Sheng, "It's a bit sweet."

Jiang Sheng pondered for a while, took the empty milk bottle, tasted the straw used by Su An, nodded, "It's really sweet, you like it, next time I will only buy this brand."

Su An, "How can you just use my straw."

He himself was taken aback by the sweetness of his voice, coughed his throat, and muttered twice, "Smelly rascal."

Jiang Sheng leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Su An's ears turned red in an instant, as magnificent as the clouds burning in the evening.

The first half of the class lasted two hours. During the break, Su An's roommates came to Su An impatiently and looked at Jiang Sheng vigilantly: "Su An, are you okay?"

As soon as he asked, he saw Su An's hand tightly held by Jiang Sheng, and the expressions of the three roommates suddenly changed, "Hey you, what are you doing!"

Jiang Sheng pulled the hands that were intertwined between the two onto his lap and looked back calmly, "What are you doing?"

Seeing the faces of her roommates who were about to turn green with anger, Su An shook her hands and said in a low voice, "I'll go back first."

Jiang Sheng acted as if he hadn't heard it, he still held hands honestly.

His friends persuaded in a low voice: "Forget it Jiang Sheng, today's advantage is enough, let's take our time, we can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"Quickly ask for your mobile phone number. If you have contact information, what are you afraid of?"

The boss of the dormitory suppressed the veins on his forehead and sneered, "We all heard it."

Su An scratched the back of Jiang Sheng's hand with her little finger, forget it, forget it, I will go on a date with you in the afternoon.

Only then did Jiang Sheng let go of Su An's hand, and said casually: "I have your contact information two years ago, but we have never chatted."

Su An was shocked, "I don't know."

He was taken back by his roommates in a daze, and listened to them read for twenty minutes. When the second half of the class started, he turned on his phone without his roommate behind his back, frantically searching for his boyfriend's WeChat.

He didn't add many people, so he quickly found the WeChat account that was suspected to be Jiang Sheng—it was a WeChat account with a blank profile picture and only a ".".

Su An: "..."

Seriously, it looked like a blank line, no wonder he didn't see it.

The boyfriend sent a message in time: [. ]

[An: What do you mean? ]

[.:look at me. ]

Su An turned to look at Jiang Sheng. Jiang Sheng snapped a photo of Su An with his mobile phone.

Soon, the other party's WeChat account changed to a profile picture, and the name changed to "Baby".

Every time Jiang Sheng called Su An's baby, Su An's secret joy would appear deep in his heart.

He likes Jiang Sheng calling "baby, baby" over and over again in his deep voice.

It's **** when it's breathing, and it's affectionate when it's with love. In the sound of "baby", Su An knew that he had really become Jiang Sheng's baby.

The baby of the whole world consciousness.

Su An hummed softly, the sun was shining brightly, casting a layer of gentle and gorgeous light on him.

Jiang Sheng said: [Follow me after class at noon. ]

Su An: [Okay. ]

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