They are Chasing Me!

Chapter 96: Pervert please go 18

Sheng Huaiyan didn't have any psychological trauma, he was just pure and natural, he would feel sick when he saw internal organs.

Physiologically feel repulsion, disgust, and even some inexplicable fear. He doesn't care if other people eat chicken heart, duck heart, pig heart... But if Chi Su'an eats it, Sheng Huaiyan finds it unbearable just thinking about it.

He frowned all the way to buy chicken hearts, and his momentum was restless, as if he would riot at any moment.

He tried to walk backwards, but couldn't. Sheng Huaiyan's impatience infected the stall owner. With shaking hands, the stall owner took down the foolish goods and baked something good for Sheng Huaiyan.

Why do you like to eat this kind of thing?

Sheng Huaiyan didn't understand. He looked at the roasted chicken heart, took a few deep breaths, and reached out to take it.

He came back with the things, and wanted to throw them away several times along the way, but in the end he returned to the second floor with a dark face, and kicked open the bedroom door violently. Just as the swear words rushed out of his throat, he saw Su An blushing. eyes.

He froze for a moment, "...are you crying?"

Su An pursed her lips, stood up and went into the bathroom, "I didn't."

Sheng Huai didn't believe it, he put his things on the coffee table, walked to the bathroom door and watched him wash his face. His eyes are very good, Chi Suan's eyelids are thin, and they will be slightly swollen after crying. I didn't cry when I did it, but I did cry when he left. Sheng Huaiyan leaned against the door frame, unable to tell what it was like in his heart.

"I bought something." I was extremely irritable, "Don't you want to eat? Get out and eat."

But I don't want to see him cry anyway.

Su An wiped his face, went outside and saw the misty skewers wrapped in plastic bags, and wanted to cry again.

He threw the thing in the trash can with a straight face, "Suddenly I don't want to eat."

Sheng Huaiyan paused for a moment to light his cigarette, and looked up at him inexplicably.

Su An turned around and didn't look at him, just listened to the voice, and impatiently impatiently learned, "What? Captain Sheng thinks he made a trip for nothing, or does he think he was tricked by me?"

He can't break the human design, he can only try his best to use the character of "Chi Su'an" to do what he wants to do, "Captain Sheng thinks it's useless to be played by me, and I suddenly feel that chicken hearts are not delicious. I don’t want to eat today, and I don’t plan to eat in the future.”

Sheng Huaiyan was in a daze, and came here for a long time before he burst out laughing and left with the trash, "I'll remember your words, I'll take another bite later, don't blame me for being cruel."

The change of Chi Su'an was a surprise to Sheng Huaiyan. His good mood soared like flying, until he went to the meeting the next day, he still felt that the sky was clear and the sky was bright, and he was refreshed.

Chi Suan followed him to the meeting.

Sheng Huaiyan was in a good mood and handled affairs neatly. Before the meeting started, he introduced Chi Su'an to all the big shots in the base. Standing beside Su An, with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, he seemed to be Chi Su'an's loyal striker.

The middle and high-level personnel gave Chi Su'an a high look, and Chi Su'an politely got to know them for a while, and approached them calmly.

After the meeting, Sheng Huaiyan said directly: "It was Chi Su'an who discovered the emergence of mutant zombies with IQ in the city."

Chi Su'an raised his eyebrows and smiled subtly. Sheng Huaiyan continued: "He also guessed that there are mutated zombies trying to raise Gu, and use the way of ordinary zombies to kill each other to raise more mutated zombies."

Mr. Fu, who was in charge, looked serious, and immediately cast sharp eyes on Chi Su'an, "Why do you say that?"

"If it wasn't for this purpose, why would the zombies gather in the city?" Chi Su'an wrote lightly, "Captain Sheng went out of the city yesterday and was lucky enough to hunt down a mutant zombie. I believe Captain Fu can also testify to this. This mutant zombie died, but the zombies in the city did not disperse. Someone in our team used a satellite system to observe the phenomenon inside the city, and the zombies were crowded to the point of crowding, and they were constantly attacking from the inside."

Someone breathed a sigh of relief, laughed and said, "Then let them kill each other? If these zombies can really kill their own kind, we will take advantage of it."

Chi Su'an pushed his glasses, and said calmly: "Indeed. But why do you think the mutated zombies that let zombies gather in the city raise Gu?"

"It already knows that it has raised mutated zombies, what do you think it will do?"

"Who knows..."

Chi Su'an smiled, and looked up at Mr. Fu who was in deep thought, "The day Captain Sheng and I met, riots had already begun in the city D where I was staying. City D, city C, and several surrounding cities were In such a situation, no matter how coincidental things are, it cannot be a coincidence that mutant zombies were born in several cities at the same time, and the mutant zombies also have the same ability to control ordinary zombies, and at the same time, they have the idea of ​​raising Gu."

Old Mr. Fu said solemnly: "It's just what you said about raising Gu."

Sheng Huaiyan frowned.

Chi Su'an couldn't hold back his laughter this time.

He is also really happy.

Old Mr. Fu is old, it's not that he didn't think of the worst possibility, he was just subconsciously avoiding the correct answer. After all, this world is the world of young people. A base in the early days of the end is more suitable for a leader who dares to fight, an enterprising strong man who expands the territory.

I believe that smart people can see this simple fact.

Fu Jie on the opposite side said displeasedly: "Chi Su'an, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm sorry," Chi Su'an smiled, "I just think that whether I'm right or not, the zombies gathered in the city for unknown reasons has already happened. This cannot be changed, and everyone can see it."

"The fact is right in front of us, even if it's not raising Gu, it's not a good thing," Chi Su'an said calmly, "If we don't prepare for the worst and interrupt the zombies' plans before they reach their goals, we will fall into a trap." Unfavorable situation."

The scene froze for a moment, and the middle-aged man who had laughed before questioned again: "What is the worst plan you said?"

Chi Su'an looked around at the people lightly, and said: "The purpose of the first mutant zombie to raise Gu is to raise mutant zombies for oneself to eat. Its IQ may be very high. The method of evolution, and began to implement the first step. It also knew that the zombies in one city could not raise many mutant zombies, so it went to several surrounding cities to raise 'food' in different regions."

"Its goal may be to become the zombie king."

The people in the whole room gasped, their hearts were overwhelmed.

They subconsciously thought it was impossible, but their subconscious told them that it was possible.

The abnormality of the zombies makes people have to pay attention to it, and the most terrifying thing is the unknown. If there is such a zombie trying to feed itself, if it really succeeds in raising it, how far will it evolve?

It has only been more than two months since the end of the day, and the acceptance of people who have seen the strength of various abilities has improved a lot, but they can't imagine what the Zombie King will be like.

How strong will the Zombie King be?

The strongest human being they had ever seen was Sheng Huaiyan. Everyone looked at Sheng Huaiyan as if they were looking for a backbone. Sheng Huaiyan pursed his lips and folded his arms in thought.

"If this is true..." a supernatural being on Chi Su'an's left said anxiously, "We must clean up the group of zombies in the city before this zombie completes its goal."

Chi Su'an nodded in agreement, then sighed softly.

Someone immediately asked: "Captain Chi, why are you sighing?" "If the guesses I said are true," Chi Suan said, "This mutant zombie is so smart, it is very likely that it will hide in the place of ordinary zombies before it completes its goal." There are zombie riots in several cities, who knows which city it is hiding in? I want to find a hidden mutant zombie in so many cities..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but everyone present understood what he meant.

It's hard to find it. With their second base alone, they can't do this at all.

Sheng Huaiyan looked at Mr. Fu: "Uncle, what do you think?"

Mr. Fu was silent for a while, "Send someone to notify the various bases, and ask them to come and clear up the zombies gathered in the city."

He didn't really want to get involved in the fight.

Mr. Fu just wants the base to be stable and create a false doomsday Garden of Eden. But a fake is a fake after all, if you want real stability, you have to continue to fight until the last zombie in the world dies.

His health is not good, his mentality is also old, and he has lost the energy to face a strong enemy. Old Mr. Fu seemed to be ten years old, he stood up slowly and let Fu Jie help him to leave.

The people in the meeting room left one after another, and after they left, there were only two people left in the room, Chi Su'an and Sheng Huaiyan.

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the meeting room. If you look outside, you can see the black dead branches without green leaves at the courtyard gate, as well as the scattered base buildings.

In the distance, a high and raised city wall surrounded the entire second base. I heard that it was a city wall built by all the earth and wood supernatural beings in the base.

"This base is so beautiful..." Chi Su'an murmured, stood up and walked to the French window.

Sheng Huaiyan walked to his side and looked out together.

In his eyes, the second base was unremarkable, simple and ruined, and he really didn't know where it was beautiful. Chi Su'an is not a normal person to be able to protect such a guy who says beauty in the apocalypse.

He turned his head to look at Chi Suan.

Chi Su'an's face was dizzy in the setting sun, and the lens rested on the bridge of his nose, pressing down a small red mark. Sheng Huaiyan also saw a small mole hidden at the end of his eye, and the color of the pupil was also very special, clean and clear amber.

Sheng Huaiyan raised his eyes, Chi Su'an's eyebrows were black and thick, and the eyebrows were a little messy, and he was running around, which didn't suit his cuteness.

He watched so earnestly and carefully, the sun's light changed, and suddenly a beam of golden light passed Chi Su'an's face, in a daze, Sheng Huaiyan felt a little strange and familiar.

It seemed a long time ago that he had been so engrossed in looking at Chi Su'an.

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