"It's... It was given to me by a woman I met in the Futuo River before the flood, and I helped her, and when she left, she gave me a pot of cherry tomatoes.

It turned out that when Tong Xiuniang was fishing fresh fish for her ancestor on her own boat, when she reached the middle of the river, she suddenly heard a loud "poof!" "It was as if something had fallen into the water.

When she looked around, she found a whirlpool in a small boat in the river, and on it stood a woman covered in a cloak, but the captain was nowhere to be seen.

"Quick, save people!" There were a lot of people in Liufu, and at this time, someone had already thrown a rope to the woman on the boat and asked her to hold it.

Some people tied ropes and dived into the river to find the man, but unfortunately the Futuo River has always been turbulent and no one was found.

The woman was also strange, and she didn't open her mouth when she asked anything, like a mute.

But Tong Xiuniang still carried the woman across the river, and after going ashore, the woman took out a few small red fruits from under the cloak and a pot with small seedlings.

The woman pointed to the small seedling, and then pointed to the small red fruit in her hand, indicating that the seedling could bear such a small fruit when it grows up.

Then, his hand stretched forward and brought it to Tong Xiuniang's mouth, motioning for her to eat.

And Tong Xiuniang, as the descendant of Liu Zhongyuan, a person who has to search for ingredients all over the world, how could she resist the temptation of a small fruit that she had never seen before, she tasted one directly.

This taste couldn't stop, the sweet and sour and refreshing taste was so captivating that she created several related new dishes in her mind in an instant.

When the woman saw that she had accepted this fruit, the red lips under the cloak were strangely hooked, and she suddenly grabbed Tong Xiuniang's hand vigorously, hitting the spikes on the little seedlings, and her fingertips were punctured instantly!

Tong Xiuniang was shocked, but the strange thing was that she didn't feel pain, and she didn't even have blood coming out, but at that moment, she was fluttering, feeling that she had never felt so comfortable and happy in her life.

A realization came to her heart, if she wanted to raise this pot of little fruit, she needed to prick her fingertips every day!

And every time she her finger, she reaps this intoxicating sense of well-being!

"What's its name?" Tong Xiuniang said intoxicatedly.

"Cherry tomatoes."

These three words seemed to appear directly in Tong Xiuniang's heart, and she was not sure if she had heard the woman's answer.

"And then you prick your fingertips every night and feed it with blood? Don't you think it's strange at all? "Yu Yu said.

Tong Xiuniang was stunned, "I'm raising it with blood?" Didn't you? It...... It's really a little unusual, it grows very fast, it only takes two or three days to grow up, but other than that, everything is normal..."

Yu Yu was speechless, and wanted to give her a look, "Your fingertips are punctured, and there is no blood, so where did the blood go?" It must have been sucked by it, stupid,...... You feed it with blood, of course it grows fast, but fortunately it is still a small seedling, and it doesn't need much blood, otherwise you have to sacrifice yourself as fertilizer, how can you still stand here.

Tong Xiuniang shook her head with a pale face, her eyes full of disbelief, "This... This can't be, I saved her kindly, how could she harm me..."

It's good to believe that she's just that? Yu Yu finally couldn't help but roll his eyes, there were creatures in the world that were more rectum than their beasts.

"No... I don't know," Tong Xiuniang muttered as if she had lost her soul, "Her face has been hidden under the cloak, and only a pointed chin and a pair of hands have been exposed..., I can only see that her complexion is very white," Tong Xiuniang paused and emphasized, "Very white."

"It's been so long, this woman probably can't find it, let's go, go see that little tomato... Oh, your cherry tomatoes, gotta destroy it. As he spoke, Yu Yu threw the pearl beans that had been tossing around in his hand to Tong Xiuniang, "Eat it, this is the tears of the shark in the East China Sea, it has a super purifying effect, and it can clear the addiction in your body and soul." "

The most terrible thing about drug addiction is often not physical, but spiritual, which is heart-wrenching and accompanies a lifetime.

And the strongest ability of the merman race is precisely the phantom heart, which can be regarded as the right symptom.

"Tears of the East China Sea mermaid?" This is something that is not even in the legend, and now Miss Yu will give it to his apprentice grandson casually.

Liu Zhongyuan is a knowledgeable person, so excited that he hugged his fist at Yu Yu, bowed deeply, and said to Tong Xiuniang at the same time, "Quick, don't hurry up and thank the girl for the grace of the pearl!" "

Get rid of drug addiction, this is simply another life for Xiuniang, Miss Yu has three rescues for Xiuniang!

Tong Xiuniang wiped her tears with her sleeve, straightened up and thanked her on the ground, "Tong Xiuniang thank the girl for her three rescues!" Xiuniang will definitely set up an immortal tablet for you to bow day and night! As

the words fell, wisps of purple emerged from Tong Xiuniang's body, fluttering around the purple light of Mao Yu's merits, and slowly blended into it.

At the same time, there was a fainter glimmer of white light, which also entered Yu Yu's body.

Yu Yu: ...

Why do you think it's so bad?

Why do you think that the light of the motherly beast is a little more?


Although Yu Yu was speechless about this, he still had to do what he had to do.

Liu Zhongyuan recruited his subordinates to carry Tong Xiuniang and led everyone to Tong Xiuniang's boudoir.

The first time they saw the cherry tomato tree, everyone gasped, this is called everything is normal? Miss Tong's head isn't broken, is it?

I saw that the so-called cherry tomatoes grew out of a flower pot, and the lower body was still a normal eggplant plant, and after growing two feet, it suddenly became a vine plant, and it densely crawled all over half of Tong Xiuniang's room!

Except for the lovely red fruit it produces, everything else is simply crazy!

Its leaves are dark red, the vine is dark green, and it is covered with dense dark black spikes, which are very long, and at first glance, they look like a rose branch full of thorns, but it is a hundred times uglier than a rose branch!

The feather "tsk" twice, is this thing still a hybrid of a tomato and a rose?

It seems that roses are not a species on the land of my God.

As soon as he approached the strange plant, he reached out to pick the little red fruit and eat it, and as soon as he got within three feet of the fruit tree, the whole fruit tree trembled violently, and many soft vine threads suddenly grew, like twisted tapeworms, winding and stretching, wanting to get close to everyone in the room.

"Tsk, that's what you're talking about? Miss Tong, your room is about to become a silk hole, right?

Tong Xiuniang was so frightened that she was almost speechless, and she collapsed directly on the couch carrying her, "Yesterday... It wasn't so much last night... "

Tsk, it must have been because it sensed that the smoke worms in your body were gone last night, so it sucked your blood wildly, and today it mutated. ...... And it's a miracle that you didn't get sucked to death.

She stood there motionless and shook her head, and around her, the thin vines that were as dense as tapeworms were about to overwhelm her.

The county lord of Jinning unconsciously grabbed Bai Porcelain's hand and exclaimed, "Yu'er!"

Yu'er was too close to this dangerous thing, and she obviously wanted to shout, "Yu'er, get out of there", but her mouth was like a lead, and she desperately opened her mouth but couldn't make any sound.

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