In a smoky hall in the capital

, a figure of fairy wind bones put down the teacup in his hand, got up and walked to the stargazing platform, and then floated into the wind with a soft sigh:

"It's been a thousand years, is it going to end?"

In an ancient temple outside the effect, a figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes, raised his head slightly, and looked into the depths of the sky that he couldn't see

, "The era of the withering of all laws will eventually pass, Shenzhou... It's going to be revived! Buddha Gate..."

A grand voice sounded

in the unknown abyss

, "Has there been a similar awakening?"

At the end of the distant sea

, a scarlet eye also opened, and he commanded in a deep voice:

"Speed up!"


Taking advantage of the chaos, he teleported not far from the county office, and ran to the backyard of the county office.

The streets were full of people kneeling down to the sky, and even the county government was full of people kneeling one after another.

Yu Yu's mind became more and more comfortable, and he couldn't help but want to find the county lord's sister to ask for credit as soon as possible.

In front of the county lord's door, the others were still kneeling and praying, but the county lord of Jinning was supported by Mama Yin and Bai Porcelain to stand up, looking anxiously towards the gate of the courtyard.

The crisis has been resolved, but Yu'er and Steward Chen have not yet returned.

The county lord of Jinning couldn't help but walk towards the courtyard gate, and after walking a few steps, he saw Yu Yu jumping towards this side.

The county lord of Jinning quickened his pace to meet him

, "Yu'er, Yu'er, are you okay?"

"I heard that some of the water is still flooded and came to the city, Yu'er, you haven't touched it, have you? It's all my sister's fault, I shouldn't let you go!

"Steward Chen, they haven't come back yet, and my sister is really afraid that you won't be able to come back." The county lord of Jinning choked up as he spoke.

When Yu Yu saw that the county lord's sister was crying again, her head suddenly became big, and she hurriedly stepped forward to support the county lord of Jinning, and while letting her look

at it, she comforted: "Sister county lord, Yu'er has already said it, this little water can't help me at all!" Steward Chen and the others are fine, I protected them when the flood came!

At this time, Steward Chen also led a group of people to rush back, and when he heard this, he immediately stepped forward and knelt down excitedly:

"It turns out that the blisters that protect us are the work of Miss Yu, and the little one is thanking the girl for saving her life!"

Everyone behind him also followed the county lord's subordinates, and they all knew that Miss Yu was a little strange, and it was not surprising that she saved them this time, and they all knelt down and thanked them excitedly.

"Get up, you are my little brother, I naturally want to cover it." Yu Yu said to Steward Chen.

Younger brother?? Steward Chen looked confused.

Yu Yu turned his head and said to the others

, "I saved you because of the county lord's wishes, you don't have to thank me." Why are you kneeling with me, if it weren't for the county lord's sister's request, she wouldn't have bothered to save it.

Everyone hurriedly knelt down and turned to the direction of the county lord of Jinning, and kowtowed to thank him.

As soon as the county lord of Jinning saw the impatience on her face that was concerned with me, she knew that she should not expect her to say anything.

I had to say by myself:

"Everyone please hurry up, they are all old people who follow me or the children of the house, and they are all their own people." Everyone has suffered a lot with me, this time it is to protect the city, at the expense of life, I am the master of all in my eyes and in my heart, I and Miss Yu do not protect the big guy, who else will protect it. When we get to the master, we have settled down, and the county lord will be rewarded! Now everyone is tired, go back and rest, and in a while, I'll ask Mama Yin to bring you food! "

Give enough sweet dates, you need to add another stick, the county lord of Jinning accepted the smile on his face, and said solemnly:

"It's just the same, today Miss Yu saved everyone's news, no one is allowed to spread it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble!"

Everyone didn't even dare to say goodbye, and thanked them again and again, and then retreated excitedly.

After everyone retreated, the face of the county lord of Jinning changed again, and he took Wei Yu's hand and said

, "Come with me, Liu Lao has just fallen into a coma!"

Yu Yu was stunned,

"What's going on?"

It turned out that there was such a tense and exciting scene just now, followed by the ecstasy of everyone being saved, and the old man couldn't stand the excitement of the ups and downs, and he fell ill.

Liu Lao lay quietly in the room, only Tong Xiuniang was by his side, Tong Xiuniang called over and over again, however, Liu Lao still lay there with a pale face, no response.

The county lord of Jinning hurriedly came in with Yu Yu and hurriedly asked

, "Xiuniang, how is Liu Lao?"

Tong Xiuniang's face was full of tears, and she asked cautiously: "County Lord, is the person looking for the doctor back?" The

county lord of Jinning also shook his head dejectedly, just after the drastic changes, the people inside and outside the city have become a pot of porridge, and the doctor doesn't know where it is now.

Seeing this, Tong Xiuniang's tears fell down.

Yu Yu took a few steps forward and walked to the side of the bed, his consciousness was released, and he looked at Liu Zhongyuan fixedly, what is he?

Well, the five internal organs are exhausted, the vitality is dry, and under the stimulation of the ups and downs, there is a problem with the heart pulse, and the whole body is in a cold sweat, is this still angina in a coma?

Yu Yu began to think about how to save this situation, alas, so nostalgic for her previous days in the sea, when she needed to use her brain, just use her fists.

How many times has she been thinking about this with her brain since she joined the WTO? Alas....

The five internal organs are exhausted..., the old man, this is mainly because he is old, after he is old, his own vitality will decline, and his organs will have problems.

Cut, human beings are really fragile, look at their fierce beasts and divine beasts, which will be old, and the vitality of the body will always be vigorous, and it is only human beings...

Well? The vitality of the body? Won't you get old? Vitality?!

Yu Yu's eyes lit up, and she remembered that the spirit grass spit out by the big black fish demon! She saw it at the time, and one of them was full of life!

"Yu'er? Yu'er?! Yu Yu was woken up by a call of calls.

He smiled at the county lord of Jinning, and replied loudly:

"I have a way!"

The county lord of Jinning and Mama Yin were stunned,

"Method? What's the solution? Yu'er, what are you talking about? "The county lord of Jinning is a little helpless, Yu'er is like this, often saying some words without a beginning or an end, which makes people wonder.

Tong Xiuniang was worried about her ancestor, and when she heard this, her heart moved, and then she was ecstatic, and she couldn't help but ask anxiously:

"Miss Yu, the way you said is the way to cure the ancestor?"

When the county lord of Jinning heard this, he was also overjoyed, and looked at Yu Yu in anticipation.

Yu Yu nodded, put his hand into his sleeve, and actually took out the spirit grass that exuded vitality from his own space.

As soon as this grass came out, the vigorous vitality immediately filled everyone's body, and everyone's tense body seemed to be moisturized, and even the slightly turbid air in the room became a little fresher.

Yu Yu nodded with satisfaction, it was worthy of being a spirit grass, it seemed that he had chosen correctly, so he said:

"This is a spirit grass, it contains a very pampered vitality, feed it to Old Man Liu, his body will become younger, and he will not die of old age."

Spirit grass? Getting younger? It won't die of old age!

These words turned around in the minds of several people, and a shuddering excitement and fear suddenly rose in their hearts!

Since ancient times, the art of immortality pursued by human emperors is close at hand!

The eyes of Yin Mama and Bai Porcelain were fixed on the spirit grass, and there was a longing flame in their eyes.

Tong Xiuniang's body trembled slightly, the light of greed was blazing, staring at the spirit grass as if it was about to burn a hole, she even stretched out her hand and took two steps forward!

The county lord of Jinning came back to his senses suddenly, saw the state of several people, and commanded sharply:

"Silver Mama, white porcelain!" Stand down, all of you! Guard the door and don't let anyone come close! "

Yes!" Mama Yin and White Porcelain shuddered from that almost sinful trembling.

"Tong Xiuniang, you also step down!"

Tong Xiuniang woke up violently, shook her head, was afraid for a while, then bit her lip, knelt down violently, and was about to speak.

However, the county lord of Jinning waved his hand

, "You don't have to say anything, I believe you!" You can also trust me, you step back first, I have something to talk to Yu'er, and I will call you in later. Tong

Xiuniang understood what the county lord of Jinning meant.

I believe in you, because I believe that you will not disregard the life of your master because of your greed for the method of immortality.

You can also trust me, and believe that I will not save your ancestor's life because of my greed for the method of immortality!


Tong Xiuniang stood up and retreated obediently.

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