
Walking on the road, Yu Yu was surprised again, she seemed to feel that someone had set up something similar to a one-way contract in her heart.

Although she didn't quite understand, she could also vaguely feel that once this kind of one-way contract was made in front of her, it would take effect immediately, and if she did what she said, she might get peace, and if she talked nonsense and betrayed her promise, she was afraid that she would be immediately punished.

What's going on? This situation inexplicably feels a little familiar? said it was familiar, because Yu Yu thought her mother might have mentioned it.

Because her mother ascended early, many things were not taught to her, causing her to rely on the bloodline inheritance of ancient beasts, and she passed the juvenile period in a mess, and many things seemed to be understood.

The ancient bloodline of the beasts, the more noble the bloodline, the longer the juvenile period, some are thousands of years old, the hair has not grown, or milk dolls, parents dare not release it to harm the world.

After all, the lethality of a giant baby or something is terrifying.

In fact, in this respect, Yu Yu is a poor baby, and her mother left her when she was in kindergarten. Let her survive all the way in ignorance and rampage.

No, there was a thousand years of "death" in between.

Fortunately, she is now 2,000 years old, past her infancy, and has entered the growth period. In my mother's words, I finally graduated from kindergarten and was ready to go to elementary school.

But Yu Yu was not convinced, and felt that he could read it at the beginning of the year.

It's just sad that it's a little bit away from adulthood... Well, it's a thousand years away. This also led to the fact that she was a little girl who had not yet grown up after her transformation, rather than a mighty and domineering queen.

Yu Yu secretly poked and poked his lips, very dissatisfied with this!


Squinting at the faint afterglow of the light of the contract, it floated out of the steward's body and fell on his own.

After thinking about it for a while with her little knowledge, she came to a conclusion:

Could it be that this steward wants to be her little brother? Is this an oath of allegiance to yourself?

Uh..., the beasts of their clan have always been single-minded and alone, but they have never received a younger brother.

But I've never eaten wolf meat, so I've always seen wolves go, right? I heard that the wolf king has countless younger brothers.

That...... Little brother or something, although I don't know what the use is, but as the boss, I just cover it.

Since he is his own person, then indulge a little, and don't care about his own opinions, so that he didn't eat fresh horses, well, forget it.

It's a big deal that I'm really hungry later, so I went to the water to catch the little demon junior to fill my stomach.

The heartless snack Yu Yu completely forgot that the point she should be focusing on was why she saw something similar to the sound transmission of mortals again...


Row after line, line after line, line and line, uh... In short, after a lot of hardships, their group finally arrived at the stone bridge, where the county lord's convoy was still waiting.

In the rain, as soon as they saw their figures, two figures rushed out of the convoy, crying as they ran:

"Have you found the county lord?!"

"But the county lord was found?!"

Listening to the voice, it was two women, an old man and a young woman, who stumbled and helped each other to meet them, and the other people who were slow to react behind also followed.

All the people, in the rain curtain of heavy rain, were embarrassed, their faces were numb or even desperate, they could not see or hear clearly, and they could only communicate by shouting.

The steward stepped out of the line and shouted:

"The county lord has found it, come and help!"

When the people who ushered in heard it, the hope in their hearts was suddenly born, and the depression was swept away, and they hurriedly rushed over, helping people to help people, covering the hat, umbrella or something, in such a wind and rain, it is useless.

Yu Yu did not hand over the county lord to others, but still carried the county lord to the convoy with the people, and placed the county lord in a carriage, the roof of which was indiscriminately covered with a few coats, and there was no rain leakage for the time being.

The two women followed Yu Yu all the way, crying and shouting in their mouths, so annoyed that Yu Yu almost didn't reveal their true bodies and gave them a tail. Now that I'm in

the car, I'm still crying and shouting, what's the matter: "County master, what's wrong with you, you open your eyes and look at

the old slave~" "It's all to blame on the slave maid, why didn't you change the car with you, if it was the slave who fell down, it would be fine, woo~~

" "County lord, wake up, it's all because the old slave didn't take care of you, you really dug the heart and liver of the old slave

~" "The county master, the slave can't live up to the county lord's entrustment, Hurry up and punish the slave and maid~ "

Huh? Listening carefully, it seems that there is a rhythm in it, and the eyes of Yu Yu, who has never seen the world, widened, could it be... Could it be that this is a spell that my mother mentioned? I heard that human beings have to recite spells when they cast spells, and some of them have to perform them, but this is not a spell casting performance before saving people?

Yu Yu looked at the two women curiously, and then looked at the steward:

"Are they chanting spells to save people?"

"Ahem... This... It's not..."The

steward looked at the little girl embarrassedly, not knowing how to explain it, this... Where is this saving people, this is just the best crying of women, especially among middle-aged and elderly women.

These two people, one is the county lord's nursing mother, and the other is the county lord's personal maid.

It is said that they usually serve by the side of the county lord, but at that time, the rain was pouring down, the road was really muddy, and the vehicle had to fall into the mud from time to time and could not be pulled out. In order to reduce the burden on the carriage, the others had to get out of the carriage, leaving only the county lord alone in the carriage.

Of course, characters such as the county lord's nurse and grandmother, the big girl, etc., are still in the carriages vacated by others. But it's so good that you don't die, so many cars haven't had an accident, and the one that happened was the one the county lord was sitting in!

Seeing that the steward was not satisfied with her curiosity, the two women cried and quarreled again, and Yu Yu was displeased, and asked with a pout

, "Do the two of them have a way?"

The steward was speechless, and said in his heart, if the two of them had a way, they could still cry like this? The woman's family is really unreliable, and when something happens, she can cry or cry.

The steward shook his head, and then said to the two women:

"Silver Mama, white porcelain girl, don't cry first, hurry up and change clean clothes for the county lord to warm your body!"

Only then did the two women react, and they hurriedly stopped crying

, "Yes, yes, the old body is in a hurry, white porcelain, hurry, go and get the county lord's thick clothes, the thicker the better!"

Bai Porcelain hurriedly responded, turned around to look for the county lord's clothes, fortunately, Bai Porcelain was in charge of the county lord's personal belongings, and all the products were in the car of Bai Porcelain and Yin Mama, but they didn't all fall into the water.

Mama Yin began to prepare a wide coat for the county lord.

Seeing this, the steward hurriedly got out of the car to avoid suspicion, and Yu Yu didn't want to stay in this stuffy carriage, so he jumped out of the carriage.

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