At that moment, Xiao Jinye came forward and knocked everyone on the second floor, especially for the "walking Tang monk meat", he emphasized it very harshly, no one is allowed to be greedy, let alone spread it!

No cannibalism is allowed, this is the bottom line of being born a human being!

The people who can be brought out to sit in the teahouse with the master are basically trustworthy people, Xiao Jinye is not very worried about this, and it is just through words that Yu Yu can hear these truths.

Yu Yu was also brought to the seat by Baili Cangshen, and the little girl puffed out her little face, especially indignant.

However, when she retracted her momentum, no matter how angry she was, it was not very lethal, but her cute appearance was even more poignant.

After Xiao Jinye finished speaking, he said that this matter was over, so that everyone should eat, drink, find a place to sit down, and have a good holiday.

Everyone was also relieved at this time, and they all agreed to find a place to sit down, and the atmosphere finally relaxed.

He returned to the tea table and sat down, and it happened that the shopkeeper also took a few shopkeepers upstairs, brought everyone good tea and snacks, and retreated.

Mao Yu looked a little hearty, and then his face was a little better.

Xiao Jinye had a smile on his face, poured a cup of tea for his daughter-in-law, and pushed it to his daughter-in-law's position.

On the side of the county lord of Jinning, Mama Yin was still persuading her in a good voice.

He poured another cup of tea and put it in front of Yu Yu.

The little girl had already grabbed the cake and bit it hard, as if she wanted to spread all her anger on the cake.

"Yu'er, you just said that that person can no longer be called a human now? Can you tell us why? Xiao Jinye emphasized the word "now".

"Humph!" Yu Yu twisted his head, concentrating on dealing with Hua Cake and ignoring him.

Xiao Jinye made persistent efforts, "That person can't be called a person now, does it mean that he was indeed a person before?" And not some goblin? The

little girl then twisted her body again, gave Xiao Jinye a complete back of her head, and then stuffed the last bite of flower cake in her hand into her mouth, not wanting to say a word.

The corners of Baili Cangshen's lips seemed to be slightly raised, and he picked up the glass of water that Xiao Jinye had just poured and sent it to Yu Yu's mouth.

Yu Yu naturally opened his mouth and drank it in one go.

The corners of Xiao Jinye's eyes twitched, was this a conditioned reflex that was fed?

Hmph, girls or something are really outgoing girls, and sooner or later they will be abducted by bad boys.

But, cough cough, the little padded jacket was still his own before he was abducted.

His mind turned, but he said:

"Yu'er, if that person is really a human and has become a non-human, then your brother can't ignore this matter." The yamen where he is located is called the Department of Foreign Affairs, and it is to supervise the extraordinary affairs of the world, can you bear to see him punished because he doesn't understand the situation and can't solve the case? If he is demoted, he will not have the money to buy you all kinds of special food. As he spoke, he also pointed to the small cyan clay pot that was casually placed on the table by Yu Yu.

When the words fell, I saw that Yu Yu's body stiffened.

Xiao Jinye hooked the corners of his mouth proudly, and was about to add another fire, but when he looked up, he found that the people on the table were staring at him.


Xiao Shizi, a noble person like the prince first and he second, will be punished?

Why don't you have money to buy food if you are degraded? The emperor couldn't wait to open the royal inner library and let him play with it, just to make him laugh! Can he be short of money for this kind of master?!

Even the county lord of Jinning, who was still sulking, flew with a knife in his eyes, silently condemning his outrageousness.

Baili Cangshen stared at him expressionlessly, and the ice in his eyes seemed to be disfigured by his words.

Heh, will he Xiao Jinye be afraid of the eyes of the people around him? Of course not! Continue to add fuel and vinegar for a long time:

"What's more, if he accidentally dies in the process of handling the case because he doesn't understand the situation and doesn't know the danger of the matter, you will really cut off a snack path!" Well, tell your brother what is going on with that person and what he will face in the future, okay? "

Click" Yu Yu's heart is broken.

There will be no snacks in the future, but this is the only human being who can directly instill the purple qi on the other party's body, and there is a lot of it!

Whether her original body can get out of trouble as soon as possible is still counting on him!

So she has to be optimistic about this merit-powered direct selling supplier, and she can't let him run out of stock due to death!

She was about to speak, when a gritted male voice came from her right ear,

"Xiao Jinye!"

There was also a female voice holding her breath in her left ear,


Arrange a royal group pet like this, don't you want your head?!!

Xiao Jinye waved his big hand, and was about to exert his three-inch incorruptible tongue to carry out all-round field control of this small scene without dead ends, when he heard the square downstairs, suddenly there was a noise of gongs and drums, fireworks exploded in the air, and a continuous noise suppressed all his voices!

The team of the flower gods has entered the square!

It was like a stream of hot water poured into the oil pot, and the entire teahouse and even the whole square were boiling, and there were people cheering outside the shops, upstairs, trees, and even on the rooftops.

Yu Yu forgot what had just happened in an instant, copied the heartfelt plate with one hand, and rushed to the railing, lying on the railing while eating and watching the excitement.

The others also looked out of the railing, and then at their respective masters, their eyes full of longing.

Xiao Jinye waved his hand helplessly, let them take care of themselves, and let's talk about Yu'er's affairs back to the inn.

Baili Cangshen bowed his head slightly at the Cangluo standing next to him, and Cangluo understood, and shouted at the people in the Foreign Affairs Division:

"Today's festival, everyone can feel free, let's go!"

The crowd cheered and rushed to the railing.

Those who are armed with martial arts, seeing that the railing is crowded with people, also jumps up, turns over beautifully, and flies to the roof to see the excitement, which attracts the applause of the women.

For a while, inside and outside the building, it was not lively.

The team of sending the god of flowers is getting closer and closer, and gradually can see clearly, a statue of the god of flowers of equal height is dressed luxuriously on the high platform of the float, the sculpture is extremely beautiful, the corners of the lips are smiling, and the hairpin on the head is full of real flowers, under the light of the surrounding lanterns and fireworks in the sky, the face seems to really have an expression, it is obviously carved from wood, but it gives people a vivid sense that she has come to life.

In front of and behind the float are selected young and beautiful girls, wearing dresses with different flowers as the theme, and holding corresponding flowers in their hands, all the way around the float, singing and dancing, happily moving forward.

Both sides were crowded with young lads, excitedly judging the girls, and occasionally hearing a whistle or two.

After a while, the whole team marched to the center of the square tied up under the flower god building, by the local respected old people, led a group of people to carry out an extremely complex ceremony, and finally sent the flower god sculpture to the flower god building.

Then, the old men announced, the carnival began!

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