The flower demon was a little proud when he saw that both of them were shocked by her name

, "I was called the king when I was born," the flower demon glanced at the feather again, "Didn't you just say what the way of heaven?" Hmph, my name is recognized by Heaven. "

Heavenly Dao has approved? That's not good to grab.

Yu Yu suddenly raised his head, looked at the flower demon and said with a deep face:

"You give me this name, and I will eat one of your petals."

The flower demon lowered his head and counted his petals, and suddenly reversed,

"Don't let it!" Do you eat one less of my petals? The point is a slice, right? Why did you eat me to only one piece, what's the difference between me and after eating, don't let me, don't let me, you have the ability to eat me! "

The flower demon has a unique backbone.

"Oh, don't want to kill that guy anymore?" Yu Yu glanced at Mu Chen on the ground lightly.


The flower demon was so angry that smoke began to rise from his head.

Baili Cangshen raised his forehead, are all this person and demon childish ghosts?

It's just a name, what's there to grab, King? Such an ugly name, which normal girl's family would be willing to ask for it.

Sigh and stop the two of them from arguing again.

"Yu'er, her name is Dawang, it should be that she is a plant called "Dawanghua" herself. The name has been passed down through the generations... It is indeed recognized by heaven. The

flower demon was surprised,

"You actually know my body?" They are rare.

"Well, man-eating flowers, there are them in the southern rainforest, I happen to have seen them. Your clan is the biggest flower in the world, so people call you Rafflesia again! It's just that...... That flower eats flesh and blood, and it can also emit a strange smell, why is the smell you emitting such an incomparably tempting sweet fragrance?

Baili Cangshen was a little puzzled

, "Just now Yu'er also said that you haven't killed living beings, and if you don't eat flesh and blood, how are you... Grown? "

If you go against biological instincts, you'll be malnourished and die halfway through, right?

When the flower demon heard this, he quietly lowered his head, and his tears began to fall down, and after a while, a large piece of ice crystals under his feet was blurred.

After a few breaths, the flower demon suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red, and he gritted his gums and said

, "I'll tell you why, you can still eat me all in a while, but I have one condition, can you let me kill him before eating me!" Even according to the law of your world, murder is a capital offense, right? He ate woody incense... Ate woody fragrance! I could smell the smell of wood in his flesh! As

she spoke, the flower demon began to break down and cry!

Baili Cangshen and Yu Yu were also a little moved, this flower demon, it was really painful.

Baili Cangshen looked at

Yu Yu, and Yu Yu nodded, "She is right, that Mu Chen's body contains the spiritual power of herbs and trees at the level of nine immortal grasses, which can live and die with flesh and bones, and when the medicinal power is in its heyday, it can directly achieve the earth immortal, so I want to eat it." But the medicinal power in this person's body is not complete, only a little bit remains, which can only make him... Well, you can't kill it. Baili

Cangchen's heart was shocked, but there was also a wave of anger rising in his heart, if what the flower demon said was true...

The demon named Mu Xiang has been able to transform into a human form, and if he and Mu Chen become husband and wife, then Mu Chen is equivalent to eating his wife raw because of his own selfishness, this kind of man... I really don't deserve to live in this world!


He said in a deep voice,

"The king... Girl, don't worry, I've taken over this case from the Department of Strange Affairs of the Great Xia Dynasty, whether it is a human or a demon, in the territory of Great Xia, only about right and wrong, not about race! If it is really Mu Chen, who is ungrateful, destroys human nature, kills his wife and eats it, he will definitely be sentenced to death according to the law!

"However, before the case is investigated, you must not take any action against him privately, put away your set of monster behavior, everything is subject to the laws of Great Xia!"

"You're a monster! Your whole family is a monster! The flower demon stopped breaking down and crying, staring at Baili Cangshen viciously and said, "I am a flower spirit, and I will be a fairy spirit in the future!" After

the flower demon finished his mouth, he began to cry again, and said in a choked voice, "Woo... I can't beat you, now I can only believe you, you... You are different from other human beings..."


hundred years ago, in the 100,000 mountains in the south of Shenzhou, above the rainforest, a firebird with red flames and a black shadow with wings fought together, the flames splashed everywhere, and almost all the trees on the ground were burned.

After a long fierce battle, the firebird roared and the fire was magnificent, collided with the black shadow, and flew diagonally towards another mountain, and finally died with a "boom"!

The post-war rainforest, both on the surface and below the ground, was scorched and deprived of all moisture.

One by one, the vegetation on the ground died.

There was only one plant left, a tiny flower seedling.

The flower seedling was also dying, and it could not yet be shaped, and there was no way to go to the waterhole ten miles away to draw water.

Xiaohuamiao sighed in her heart, afraid that she was going to die of drought here.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and a pair of human feet stopped in front of her.

It's a herb picker, right? It's better to be able to contribute to the living soul after you die, than to decay meaninglessly.

No, the expected pain of root fracture did not come, but a long-lost sweet spring poured on the body.

Xiaohua Miao perked up and raised her head to see the person's appearance.

He carried a medicine basket on his back, his body was thin but straight, and when he stood there, there was a kind of silence that did not eat the fireworks of the world.

I saw that he bent down with some pity, gently stroked her body, and said to himself:

"This little water is not enough, you wait, I will go and draw water for you."

As he spoke, he straightened up, lifted the medicine basket behind his back with his backhand, and set off.

The sun was sinking in the west, and I thought that he would not come back, and she would die of drought after all.

But he didn't want to, when Yinyue was born, he still limped back, he brought two big gourds of water, he only drank a sip, and the rest was poured on her roots.

Enough, her root system has the function of storing water, and this water is enough for her to live for half a month.

She'll definitely be alive to wait for the next rainy season.

His leg seemed to be wounded, and that night, he rested by her side.

Fortunately, there is the residual breath of the firebird here, and no animal will come, so he is safe.

The moonlight shone on his sleeping handsome face, and Mu Xiang felt that it was the best time she remembered.

Another two hundred years have passed

, and the vegetation in this place has long been restored, and perhaps this place has the existence of her fairy grass, and there is more aura, and a red flower actually grows on the opposite side of her.

Belch...... Although it is a man-eating flower.

From the moment the king realized it, he felt that the white flower opposite was very annoying!

She's a man-eating flower, okay, what's wrong with her catching a small animal?

Every time she quietly let out the scent of temptation and lured the little animals over, the white flower on the opposite side would turn into a human form and come over and rescue the little animal that had fallen into her flower hole!

Slowly treat the wounds of those little animals, and then release them alive.

Then, just throw a few wild fruits into her flower hole!


She ate human flowers in a dine-in, and she was reduced to the point of eating wild fruits and vegetarians to make a living!

When she was a child, she wanted to catch insects to eat, but she didn't let her, and now she is about to transform, and when she needs nutrition urgently, she won't let her catch a small animal!

The king was furious, and a head popped out of the flower core

, "Bai Muxiang, do you just want me to die?!"

He didn't transform into shape, he was malnourished, and the king only had a head.

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