After Li Yuan arrived at the hotel, he opened a room for Zhou Ranran. Only then did Zhou Ranran confirm that Li Yuan had really been fired.

Otherwise, he is mentally ill. The school is right at the door, but he lives in a hotel?

There was no need for Liu Hao to pick him up, he had already taken a taxi.

"Sister Ran, doesn't she have a mobile phone? There happens to be a mobile phone store nearby. Can I accompany you to choose one?"

In today's society, you really don't feel safe without a mobile phone.

In addition, Zhou Ranran has not contacted anyone since he was released from prison for three months, making it clear that he does not want to go home.

Zhou Ranran was obviously a little distracted and asked: "What will you do if you drop out of school? Go out to work?"

"Ah? Well... Mouzi and I are now planning to do self-media. He is fishing and I am responsible for shooting. We have already shot one piece of material, and we can publish it after we shoot one or two more."

Zhou Ranran doesn’t know what self-media is. Although she has read news in the past few years, she has few opportunities to surf the Internet.

You can tell from Li Yuan's words that it is not a good career.

How good can it be if Liu Hao can be regarded as a main employee?

So she said coldly: "Is this why you were admitted to a key university?"

"What's the point? The society is very inclusive and there are opportunities for everything. Maybe I won't make a lot of money from self-media after I graduate from college."

"Then what's the point of studying hard before?"

"The meaning is that I can choose the direction on the right path. If I graduate from junior high school and I don't encounter the era of self-media, I will go to the construction site to work like most people in the village. Although it is not a lot of money, you also know , that money is hard to come by, but it is real hard-earned money. I went to high school and college, and this path gave me more choices."

"Don't you regret it?"

"Of course I don't regret it. If I regretted it, I wouldn't have done those things. You have already said that I am a coward. To allow a coward to make such a decision shows how determined I am."


Zhou Ranran said nothing more.

She doesn't know much about the world as Li Yuan does.

Especially after being here for more than two years, there are some gaps.

Obviously before entering, those around me were all children, but what about now? Liu Hao turned out to be a distinguished Porsche owner, and Li Yuan, a good boy, was so rebellious that he was about to be expelled from school.

"Go and buy a mobile phone first? Can I help you get the communication software that everyone is using now?"

Zhou Ranran entered in 2014. At that time, WeChat was not very popular, especially among high school students.


Zhou Ranran opened the canvas bag and took out a wad of money.

Three thousand of it was her income from working for three months. She knew that the salary was very low compared to normal, but she had no direction at all at that time. She was very satisfied to find a place to eat and stay.

The rest was earned working in prison.

She doesn't have much expenses and can save more than 600 every month.

"Is this money enough to buy a mobile phone? I want something better..."

Li Yuan: "..."

This wad of money is close to 20,000 yuan, right?

"It doesn't cost that much. You can buy the best mobile phone now with four or five thousand."

It's nothing more than 7P or mate10. This year's new models haven't been released yet. They are all last year's models and there is no room for premium prices.

"For the remaining money, apply for a card and save it. Now it's very convenient to pay with mobile phones. You don't need to carry any cash when you go out in the future. Just make sure your phone has power."


Zhou Ranran had a card before she came out, but she took out all the money and threw it away.

Half an hour later, Zhou Ranran took her mobile phone and fumbled there.

Liu Hao has also returned and is discussing with Li Yuan how to help Zhou Ranran.

While the two were discussing, Zhou Ranran's voice came over: "Just eat whatever you want, I'll treat you."

Li Yuan looked up and saw that Zhou Ranran was familiar with the phone. Was it too fast?

At this time, Zhou Ranran put his hands in his pockets and didn't know where his cell phone was.

A black vest, tight jeans, and short shoulder-length hair matched that cold, ascetic face.

"Sister Ran, it's no longer popular to put your hands in your pockets. Aren't you hot?"

Li Yuan walked over and took Zhou Ranran's hand out of his trouser pocket.

Zhou Ranran felt embarrassed for the first time...

He looked around and said casually: "Let's go to Wangxiang Tower for dinner."

She tried to ease her discomfort.

Li Yuan said: "Wangxianglou is not delicious. It is getting more and more rubbish. Most of it is pre-made dishes. Let's take a taxi to Wangyuelou. The food there is good."

The money in Li Yuan's pocket is enough to buy a meal.


Zhou Ranran agreed.

She knew where the awkwardness was coming from.

From Li Yuan.

Although she has always regarded herself as the eldest sister, she treats these people as little brothers and wants to protect them and stand up for them at all times.

But in fact, he no longer has that ability. Li Yuan is more like the backbone, a 'big brother' in a sense.

She still hasn't adapted to this change of identity and the handover of 'power' for a while.

Until, Li Yuan put his arm on her shoulders.

Of course, the other hand also rested on Liu Hao's shoulder.

"Sister Ran, how about coming home with us later?"

Liu Hao said from the side: "Yes, come back with us, everyone misses you."

It's not that they don't want to go to the prison to pick people up, it's mainly that they are a group of children who can't be the masters of the family at all. They don't know the specific day, and most of them can't even come to Jiangzhou.

At this age, the wishes of their parents override theirs.

If Li Yuan hadn't decided to go to the prison to have a look, Liu Hao wouldn't have thought of asking even if he knew it was the recent period.

The cultivation of independent consciousness needs to appear slowly.

Apart from secretly buying a Porsche, his parents had to make the final decision to buy any electrical appliance at home.

When adults miss each other, they can make appointments for parties or travel.

Thinking among children can only rely on luck.

You can tell your parents, but whether the parents agree or not has nothing to do with them.

"Let's talk more, let's eat first."

Zhou Ranran pushed Li Yuan's arm away, strode forward, and opened the distance.

This bastard knows how to take advantage of himself...

Liu Hao whispered: "Brother Yuan, is Sister Ran angry at home?"

"Absolutely. She didn't refuse, which means she still wants to go back, but she doesn't know in what capacity. Let's think of a way to see if we can find a reason for him. How about Uncle Fang's health?"

"You are in very good health."

"Where's Aunt Chunlan?"

"It's even better. I don't know how happy I am to take care of my children at home."

"I don't have any headache or fever. Do you have a cold or a fever? If it doesn't work, just being bitten by a mosquito will count..."

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