"Brother Yuan, I have received more than 12 million yuan from here."

Liu Hao came out not long after entering the room.

"Well, let's handle it as before."

Li Yuan thought it was a good thing for Liu Hao. After he used it, he would return the money to him. Although the money was not particularly clean, it would not cause much trouble.

"Brother Yuan, I know you want to take care of me. If it were tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, I would have accepted it without saying a word. But now it is more than 20 million, and no one can tell how much more will be left in the future."

"You deserve this."

"It's not about killing me, and I can't gain that much. Brother Yuan, please change someone else. No matter what happens in the future, I will definitely stand up and take responsibility for this matter."

Liu Hao felt that more than 20 million was enough, so much that it scared him.

He is willing to continue to take the blame, but he really doesn't dare to take any more money.

Li Yuan thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll use Sister Ran's bank card next time."

"Okay, then I'll go play the game first."

Liu Hao returned to his room with a smile.

Li Yuan waited for a while and felt that the time was almost up, so he went out to pick up Zhou Ranran.

The follow-up funds will be no problem for Zhou Ranran in the future, and they are relatively reliable.

Li Yuan believed that if he randomly picked up a person from the street and told him that he would be given tens of millions as long as he stayed for more than ten days after the accident, few people would be able to refuse.

But what the world lacks most is the cost of trust.

Including his roommates, he doesn't dare to take risks like this now.

The car quickly drove out of the community.

But there was another car waiting for him at the gate of the community.

Ana Shen got out of the car and stopped directly in front of Li Yuan's car.

Li Yuan stopped the car and lowered the window. A wave of heat blew in from outside.

"Miss Shen, are you sick?"

"I have something to ask you. Let's go and talk to you."

Ana Shen pointed to a milk tea shop next to her.

But Li Yuan didn't want to get out of the car at all, and said impatiently: "What else can we talk about? The matter of spreading rumors has nothing to do with me. You forcefully want me to take the blame. For the sake of my roommate, I'm too lazy to argue with you. If you want to make it even, then let's make it even. If you don't want to make it even, just go and ask the school to expel Gu Dongsheng."

Li Yuan and Ana Shen really have nothing to talk about.

Human nature can be seen in many details.

It just so happened that Ana Shen was the kind of character he hated the most.

No one in the world can resist your charm, right? Doing anything just to get close to you?

Damn it, why don’t you talk about the moon’s perigee every month just to get closer to you?

Why don't you say that the earth rotates just to dance ballet for you?

It's bad luck for Shu Yanlin to have a cousin like you, but I won't take the blame.

Ana Shen's expression did not change and she said: "Even if that incident has passed, I did do something wrong before. After all, there are many people like that around me. I have become more vigilant over the years. I hope you can understand."

"You did nothing wrong."

Ana Shen’s heart moved.

Is Li Yuan looking for a way down?

It seems that he still has something in his heart...

"What's wrong is this world! The earth shouldn't rotate for you, the moon shouldn't come close to you, and the sun shouldn't shine for you."


"Li Yuan, don't be so extreme. I have also realized my wrong behavior in this matter and have been actively making up for it. On Sunday, I went to the school specifically to suppress your expulsion announcement, and also After contacting the college, they will arrange a make-up exam for you if you did not take the exam."

Generally, make-up exams in universities are held two days before the start of the next semester.

However, Ana Shen was discussing with the college the opportunity to give Li Yuan a make-up exam in the near future.

This kind of make-up exam is just an excuse for the teacher to fill in the grades. Even if Li Yuan writes randomly, he will eventually pass.

She had been busy with this matter for the past few days. She thought she had given Li Yuan the best explanation, so she came to see him.

Li Yuan smiled and said, "Don't you know, Miss Shen? Only by dropping out can I enjoy my family's money. If I don't drop out, I will be a pauper. Do you think I care about a degree?"

This is a story made up by Gu Dongsheng and others.

But it is the person involved who is speaking out today.

"Is everything they said true?"

Ana Shen felt that her three views were about to be subverted.

Because there are only two possibilities for a family that can make such an outrageous setting.

Either he is a big shot in politics, because he has to consider his future. If Li Yuan takes a political path in the future, and during the review it is found that he shows off his wealth in school all day long and lives a luxurious life, then he will not meet the screening conditions.

Either the family is too big, maybe there are dozens or even hundreds of people in Li Yuan's generation. Then there is a strict internal system. For example, those who study can manage things in the future, and those who don't study are treated as salted fish. They are given tens of millions of pocket money every year and become a rich man.

Li Yuan just gave up his status as successor and chose to enjoy life.

No matter which one of these two, they can crush Ana Shen in latitude.

Tianfu Capital is only slightly famous in Jiangzhou, and Tianfu Capital belongs to her father and has nothing to do with her.

"If you believe it, it's true. Get out of the way quickly, I have something to go out to."

After Li Yuan finished speaking, the car engine roared.

Ana Shen didn’t want to joke with her life.

This time I thought I would come here with sincerity so that I could have more conversations with Li Yuan and at least find out who he really is.

As a result, Li Yuan didn't give him any chance.

Seeing that Li Yuan was about to leave, she immediately said: "I deleted Linlin's side, it has nothing to do with her. She has never had any malice towards you. Please go through her friend application. I made a mistake. We can't let her bear the consequences."

"Ana Shen, so far, you have only said half a human word! Forget about adding friends, I didn't have any thoughts about her in the first place."

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he drove away.

Ana Shen didn't expect Li Yuan to be so decisive. She took the blame for Shu Yanlin's incident on herself, and he didn't give Shu Yanlin a chance.

Why does this guy have no gentlemanly manners at all?

He had done everything he could to the best of his ability. Even if he didn't forgive her, he should give himself a chance, and he shouldn't vent his anger on Shu Yanlin.

Still a man, he doesn’t even have this measure!

Maybe he dropped out of school on purpose. His family failed to win power, and then he gave up on himself and found a decent way to leave.

The more she thought about it, the more likely it became that Li Yuan was not particularly good at studying. His so-called specialty was that he wrote several good financial articles for Tong Xuefei.

How could such a person pass the test of being the heir of a large family?

Thinking of this, the unwillingness in her heart slowly calmed down.

"He is nothing special. At least I am still the heir of Tianfu Capital. My status is not higher than that of an abandoned son of the family?"

Watching Li Yuan's car leave, she suddenly realized that she had overlooked one point.

That's the license plate.

The Ferrari driven by Li Yuan had a license plate from Jiangzhou.

As long as you check the license plate, don't you know who Li Yuan is?

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