They posted it upside down, and I'm actually not satisfied with it.

Chapter 75 This is not the content of subject one

Zhou Ranran issued a soul torture.

Li Yuan walked to the bathroom with a smile, without closing the door, but with his back to Zhou Ranran.

After a while, there was the sound of water.

Afterwards, Li Yuan cleaned up, turned around and said: "Sister Ran, I can't prove that I am a man, but I can prove that I am not a woman. This is not another country where there are only two genders: men and women. If you If you think I can’t prove it like this, then why don’t you come up with one like me?”

Zhou Ranran frowned when he said that.

This guy still looks like a college student now.

Li Yuan walked over, put his arm around Zhou Ranran's shoulders, and pulled her to the bed.

Zhou Ranran looked disgusted, "Have you washed your hands?"

"You don't need to wash your hands. Do you still need to wash your hands after you've taken something edible?"

"You are so shameless now."

The most painful thing is that Zhou Ranran understands...

When Zhou Ranran sat down, Li Yuan asked, "Did Uncle Fang say anything?"

Zhou Ranran frowned, "That's my dad, what can I say?"

"You just left without saying anything? You don't want a handsome guy or a strong man to stay with you? What's wrong? Is there someone outside?"

"I'm as big as you!"

Zhou Ranran raised his hand, still reluctant to fight.

"Then why are you so pretentious? You are just with us, who can do anything to you? If you can't swallow this breath, I will ask Mouse to go and practice with Uncle Youfang? He can beat three of them by himself!"

Zhou Ranran rolled her eyes, Li Yuan could even say such words.

"You should concentrate more now that you have a girlfriend. If I delay you in finding a girlfriend, I will be the sinner of the whole village."

"What kind of sinner? People in the village just say that they are afraid of the third master. They are afraid of being disliked by others. The most important thing is that they are afraid of losing face."

The village where Li Yuan lives is called Xigang Village, a group of people who moved here decades ago to independently open up wasteland.

Because he is not considered a local, he will inevitably be ostracized, so Xigang Village has established many rules. For example, the whole village must provide financial support to get into college, and villagers must help each other as long as they are out of town.

Over time, the atmosphere of mutual help in the entire village became more and more intense.

When Li Yuan was admitted to college, even those who had moved away long ago asked someone to bring them gift money.

Now the oldest person in the village is the ninety-eight-year-old Third Taiye. No matter which surname he has, he is always called that.

The Third Master even controls the village chief. If he hears that someone bullies one of his own, he would dare to hit that family on the head with a cane.

Commonly known as, blow your dog's head off.

And Li Yuan's generation can be said to be the generation that enjoys the greatest dividends from this kind of rules.

The whole village will go out to work together, because there are many people and there are few people to bully them.

More than ten or twenty years ago, it was so normal for other villages to have a few people disappear, and it was not even known where they died, but in Xigang Village there was no one missing, and no foreman even dared to default on their wages.

However, any rules have limitations, and in today's world, such rules are slowly being eliminated.

Because people who are powerful will be particularly powerful, and people who are not powerful will be particularly lazy.

With such a huge gap, who would really help?

Unlike before, everyone was pretty much the same. You earned three thousand and I earned two thousand and a half. No one would look down on the other, and no one would be much better than the other.

What now? There are several doctors in the village who can now earn millions a year. Those who farm at home earn 20,000 to 30,000 cents a year.

Both of them work outside, and their income is only around 100,000 yuan a year, which is a huge gap.

It's just because of the Third Master's face that everyone is still a harmonious family on the surface, but in fact it has long been different.

Zhou Ranran didn't expect Li Yuan to say these words.

If you say it in the village, you will definitely be scolded.

"Even so, the village can still maintain its dignity. If something happens, everyone will still help."

"This is the last fig leaf left."

"It's good to keep it going forever."

Zhou Ranran liked that village very much, and it was precisely because of this that she developed this kind of character.

Li Yuan shook his head, "We can't sustain it anymore. More than ten years ago, the Third Master was the well-deserved leader. Whatever he said was whatever he said, and everyone had to listen. Because according to the background of that era, the only way to follow the rules of the Third Master was There are advantages, no disadvantages. But what about now? He Jianchuan remembers it, right? He is more than ten years older than us, and now works as a chief doctor in a private hospital, earning at least millions a year. Do you think he will still listen to the words of the Third Master? ?”

"Doesn't he always go back to the village during holidays?"

"That's because his father wants to come back for a visit. Otherwise, why would he come back? Just the shabby house and a few pieces of wasteland at home?"

"Don't talk nonsense, he should have given you money as a gift when you were admitted to university, right?"

Zhou Ranran didn't know, but he guessed it was given to him.

Li Yuan affirmed: "Give it. I didn't say what he did was wrong. I just said that the Third Master's rules are no longer suitable for today's society. His rules cannot bring benefits to the whole village. Wait until he Without it, it will be the beginning of the complete disintegration of the entire Xigang Village."

"Then is there still a chance to go back to the past?"

"No chance."


"Because the Third Master is too poor and has no money. If he could give each family in the village one million a year, even He Jianchuan's family would be willing to live in the village honestly. Everyone will be there in person.”

"He's talking nonsense again!"

Li Yuan smiled and explained: "I'm not talking nonsense. Look at some villages in the south. Even when they go abroad, they all stick together very well. Regardless of whether they have money or not, their interests are tied together, so no matter who they are, Everyone will try their best to maintain the existence of this rule. Some ancient families can even continue their bloodline for thousands of years, which is actually the division of interests just right. If no one comes out to re-plan the interests of Xigang Village, Xigang Village will not be able to go far. "

Zhou Ranran looked at Li Yuan with meaningful eyes, "Don't you have any ideas?"

"what idea?"

"Come out and reorganize the interests of Xigang Village. You have the ability."

"I can't do it. This kind of thing is thankless. I don't have that great spirit of dedication. If you have money in the future and everyone wants me to do a little help, I won't refuse as long as it doesn't violate my principles."

In fact, Li Yuan knows the benefits of being in a group. Even if you are shot in the future, there will be someone to protect you.

But he doesn't have the energy at all now, and he doesn't have the extra money to waste on it.


Zhou Ranran was a little disappointed.

Li Yuan patted her shoulder and said, "Sister Ran, you really don't have to think too much about what your family members think. In this world, even people who are close to you will have some interests involved."

"What about us? What are our interests?"

"Uh... well... Sister Ran, just pretend to be confused."

"No, you have to say it clearly!"

"This...I just said too much all at once, and now my mind is so mushy that I can't explain clearly."

Zhou Ranran looked at Li Yuan with strange eyes, "You don't want me to help you eat the paste, do you?"

"Huh? What?"


Zhou Ranran snorted lightly.

Li Yuan: "???"

What is Zhou Ranran talking about?

Long live!

Didn’t Zhou Ranran get her driver’s license yet?

Is this the content of subject one?

He took a fake subject one that year?

"'s not impossible...ha..."

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