"Brother Yuan, where have you gone?"

Liu Hao had been waiting for half an hour, but he still didn't see Li Yuan.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm faster. Then when you get impatient, I'll go out for a ride. Wait for another hour for me to go over and pay."

"Oh, but Brother Yuan, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I know, hang up first."

Friday came as expected.

Li Yuan still followed Liu Hao to shoot the video, but there was no Shu Yanlin today.

If Shu Yanlin didn't take the initiative to say that she wanted to go, Li Yuan wouldn't take her with her. After all, coaxing a girl would be too hard on the brain cells.

After the two had lunch, they went out under the bright sun.

On the way, Liu Hao asked: "Brother Yuan, is Sister Ran's aunt here today? Why is her temper so bad?"

"I guess so."

During lunch, Zhou Ranran's eyes were so fierce that she wanted to kill someone.

This didn't happen before.

In fact, Li Yuan didn't feel that he was irritable at all, because there were signs of being even more irritable on his body.

They bit their shoulders so much that they bled.

"What about your girlfriend? Why didn't she come today?"

"Maybe there is something going on at home. The college entrance examination results are coming out recently, so I have a lot to do."

Li Yuan didn't know why Shu Yanlin didn't send a message.

Even if you don't come, I will definitely send you a message or two today to say hello.

There is a high probability that her family won't let her out.

With Ana Shen's character, even if she didn't complain and said a few yin and yang, Shu Yanlin couldn't handle it.

These are all problems that need to be faced, which are a great challenge for Shu Yanlin.

I can't face this kind of test for her, right?

No time, no interest.

Most of the emotions are slowly weakened in the process of stumbling.

It was useless for Li Yuan to try hard. All he could do was wait where he was.

When it comes, continue. If you can’t wait, you won’t be tired.

It's no different from cultivating immortals. If you get involved in the cause and effect, you might sink into it one day.

While Liu Hao was fishing, Li Yuan looked at his account, and the number of fans and those who were free of charge increased.

In just one week, the number of fans has exceeded 300,000.

And what about your own account? Review the market every day and update your operations every day. Currently, there is no loss every day, and the total funds are already 170,000.

There are only a pitiful 50,000 fans.

Although the number is increasing day by day, a niche is a niche, and it is destined to be difficult to create an account with millions or even tens of millions of fans.

But the quality of fans is relatively high.

After all, Liu Hao's fans are just looking for fun, while his own fans are looking for faith...

Maybe one day he will crook his mouth and shout out the phrase "technology and hard work", and countless people will still follow him.

Otherwise, he will not disclose the patent and see how you trade in stocks.

After Xin Sheng, Luo Sheng, and Ma Sheng, he may become Li Sheng.

After reading the account information, his attention returned to the disk again.

The focus is on Tianqi Shares.

In fact, the matter is very simple. Tianqi shares have too many circulating shares, and Tianfu Capital wants to conduct mergers and acquisitions in the secondary market and is in the stage of collecting chips.

There must be illegal transactions in it, such as letting someone buy it privately and then selling it to him at a certain price.

When he holds more than 30%, he can issue an acquisition offer and finally negotiate with the board of directors of Tianqi Shares.

Either the shareholders of Tianqi Shares will bleed a lot and take over what he holds, or he will negotiate with the shareholders of Tianqi Shares at a price that everyone can accept and take over some of the shares from those major shareholders.

In short, this is an operation involving tens of billions of funds, and it is not just Tianfu Capital's capital involved. It can only be said that Shen Tianfu is too ambitious. He is unwilling to accept that Tianfu Capital can only pick up some leftovers to eat. Get a big one.

After all, Shen Tianfu is not a top genius, and there is no way to guarantee profits in such a fragmented market. Tianfu Capital has fallen into a quagmire.

Nothing can be broken or established.

If Tianqi's shares are acquired, Shen Tianfu will have greater room for maneuver.

Tianqi shares have been rising steadily in the past two months. The market control is very serious and there are not many transactions every day.

Even if Li Yuan has money, he may not be able to get it in.

The most important thing is to guard against risks.

If he fails to leave the market in time, is discovered by the board of directors, or if Shen Tianfu has collected enough chips, Tianqi shares will be suspended due to a major incident, and all funds will be locked up.

Who knows when it will be resumed.

Therefore, there must be more funds, the more, the better!

If he only gets 1% of the shares, it may not be useful to Shen Tianfu, and he will not buy it at a premium.

But if there are 4.99% shares, it is different.

If Shen Tianfu doesn't accept it, he will directly join his competitor.

He did not believe that Shen Tianfu could collect more than 50% of the stocks. It was almost impossible.

Maybe he only has 30% at most, and the rest depends on wooing him, and eventually he gets enough voting rights to control the entire company.

It is actually very difficult to start mergers and acquisitions from the secondary market. Even if 100% of the shares are tradable shares, if one person takes 30%, it will cause a market shock. Anyone who is not a pig can detect it.

Li Yuan faced two difficulties. First, he obtained hundreds of millions of chips when the transaction volume was not high.

The second is not to mess with Shen Tianfu's plan, otherwise no one will come to take over for him.

Shen Tianfu and the others played very carefully, with daily transactions ranging from 80 million to 200 million. Li Yuan estimated that their daily investment capital should not exceed 20 million.

Perhaps this layout had already started a few months ago.

So patient...

He already has a grasp on how to trade Tianqi shares.

The next thing is the details.

I opened my main account and it has been in Deutsche Transport for six trading days, eight days.

The floating profit is +86%, and it will nearly double on the seventh board next Monday.

This wave is purely lying, and the other thing is to let Thirteen Taibao ship the goods in advance and let market funds come in to take on part of the pressure. Otherwise, you will be the one who gets stabbed when the time comes.

The principle is also very simple, that is, if there are only three-party funds in it, and the other two have the same goal, if they want to make money, they must join forces to make money.

And when they introduced funds at a high level, they were reluctant to cut until they reached their psychological expectations. When they reached their psychological expectations, they found that there was no need to cut because the market was full of funds moving in.

Who wants to become enemies when they can break up peacefully?

Among them, Li Yuan took advantage of the mentality of retail investors who will not leave until they open the market.

Most retail investors are greedy and feel that the future will be promising if they don't open the market.

In fact, others have already changed hands on the board.

Looking at the bill, there are still hundreds of millions, but in fact they are all fake.

When the market opened, they poured funds into the market and retail investors began to follow suit.

Then they withdraw their orders bit by bit and get back in line.

In this way, retail investors' funds will be at the front of the queue. Once someone flows out, retail investors will be the first to take over.

The banker spends almost no money. With his several hundred million closing funds, he has already brought in retail investors after only a few transactions.

How can retail investors resist the temptation of a flat market every day?

When you think you are lucky and the funds are traded, you have actually become a chess piece.

When I want to cut you, it depends on when others are full.

Only a small number of lucky people who can run fast can grab chestnuts from the fire and take a sip of soup while others eat meat.

Most of them didn't drink the soup, and the beating was a complete failure.

Thanks to [Think about what waste will do] [Qiuqiu biubiubiu] [It’s too good] [I think it should be me] [The doll is so beautiful] for the tip.

Thank you all for your monthly support.

As for the person who rewarded the Silver Alliance is my friend, I won’t thank him. I will arrange for him to go there in reality.

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