They posted it upside down, and I'm actually not satisfied with it.

Chapter 99 Zhou Ranran feels that she is a good person for the first time

Li Yuan came to the headquarters of Tianfu Capital for the first time.

The entire 6th floor of Hongyun Building is their territory.

Li Yuan was a little moved when he saw the name of this building. Those who are involved in finance are very concerned about these connotations.

The 8th floor is the famous Shangyuan Capital.

After such a comparison, Li Yuan felt that the names of these people were really amazing.

Shangyuan, Shangyuanzi...

Yuanzi is money on the Internet.


Do you also want to give your company a good name?


Three days without slipping away? Represents one trillion?

No matter what, it feels like it's a bit lacking in flavor.

They have both modern connotations and classical charms, and the names I thought of are a bit unconventional.

Forget it, it’s still early anyway.

He hasn't taken the exam yet, and he hasn't hired anyone yet. The qualification review will take several months anyway.

Shen Tianfu had prepared everything a long time ago, and when Li Yuan came over, the two parties began to sign frantically.

The staff next to them are responsible for financial docking.

An hour and a half later, the two sat down to drink tea and wait for the final data.

Shen Tianfu was very curious about Li Yuan. It would be too outrageous to say that this young man was just an intermediary. With the ability he showed, he was willing to be an intermediary?

What if it’s not an intermediary? That would be even more outrageous.

That means he is in charge of this matter, and he will definitely take most of all the profits this time.

Three and a half billion!

How many can he eat?

After excluding their costs of more than 1 billion, the net profit is more than 2 billion.

Shen Tianfu asked: "Li Yuan, we are now considered business partners. Can you tell me what you do?"

"As a self-media person, Mr. Shen should have found my company, right?"

Shen Tianfu didn't know what to say.

Li Yuan's Jiutian Media, which can definitely be found, is just a small studio and cannot be put on the stage at all.

Even if there is great potential in the future, it is not in line with what Li Yuan is doing now.

They are now investigating the identities of Jiang Yuanqiao and Hou Zhenguo, and the results should be available within the next two days.

"With all due respect, Jiutian Media is not worthy of your status."

Li Yuan smiled and said: "I really don't have any identity. I used to have a student identity, but now it's basically gone."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"You're fired."

"Haha, what's the point? For ordinary people, studying is the best way out, but for you, studying will become a burden. This time you are trading Tianqi shares, it can be said that everyone is I’ve been fooled, I’d like to see that expert’s technique, can you recommend him if you have time?”

"This... probably won't work. I'm just a small intermediary. All I earn is my hard-earned money. I'm not qualified to participate in big decisions."

It is impossible for Li Yuan to take the blame for this matter, even if he is the one who benefits the most.

Otherwise, if Wu Tianqi and Shen Tianfu found out, they wouldn't be able to find someone to kill them?

Everything was done by those retired old men. They were evil-minded, unkind, and cold-blooded killers.

"Okay, then come to Tianfu Capital often from now on. You are still young, and my daughter is about the same age as you. I believe there will be a lot of common topics between you."


Ana Shen, I’m an old acquaintance.

However, he can guarantee that he will never ask for excessive prices because of Ana Shen.

Life is life, work is work, he distinguishes it very clearly.

After the final process was completed, Li Yuan left.

Shen Tianfu sent Li Yuan downstairs, his heart still bleeding.

In this matter, he had an explanation for the time being, but it was not considered a success at all.

Before things started to work, more than one billion profits were forcibly taken away. The share price of Tianqi Shares doubled, which was the only way for him to recover his capital.

Who knows how long it will take to do that.

After half a year of planning, someone picked the peaches in just a few days.

It was slightly better than Wu Tianqi, who had his pants ripped off.

"Lao Wu, my securities account suddenly received 180 million."

"I received 150 million."

"I received 200 million."

The Thirteen Taibao began to tell their own situations in the group.

After Hou Zhenguo saw it, he said: "I also received 160 million here. Everyone come out and send screenshots of their accounts, and I will see how much the total is."

Not everyone is online, there is always someone busy with their own business.

Soon, people began to post screenshots one after another. Basically, they were more than 150 million, and the most were more than 200 million.

I just saw the screenshots of eight people, and everyone is not calm.

"This money is our stock?"

"Didn't you say yesterday that Lao Twelve's side is the big one? How come there are more of us than Lao Twelve's side?"

There are currently eight people counted, and the money in their accounts has exceeded 1.4 billion.

Including yesterday's more than 600 million, the total is 2 billion?

"Hurry up and call a few other people and ask them to send screenshots."

For the first time, Hou Zhenguo felt that there was too much money.

From the current point of view, after excluding costs, they have made a net profit of more than one billion, and they must give Li Yuan at least 200 million.

There are still four people whose accounts I haven’t seen yet.

If according to the current situation, each account has no less than 150 million, that means there are still more than 600 million.

So at least more than 300 million funds must be prepared to hand over to Li Yuan?

Jiang Yuanqiao had withdrawn 100 million before and thought it would be enough.

But now it seems that a few more days may not be enough.

"This is a bad broker, I'm going to scold them again!"

The group has entered the stage of collecting money.

Because until now, Li Yuan has not spoken.

It was clear that he was waiting for their performance.

At the same time, Hou Zhenguo once again gathered a small group.

Unlike last time, this time it was about discussing the future.

"Lao Wu, why are you trying to win over others?"

"Of course we guys should discuss how to keep the boss here."

"What do you mean? Isn't the boss still there?"

"Didn't you see that after what the boss said yesterday, he didn't say a word today? And according to the news I got, the boss is planning to do a public fundraiser, and Lao Twelve also knows about it."

"What? Do a public fundraiser? Do a shitty public fundraiser. How much money can you make from the public fundraiser?"

"That's right, this time the big boss can earn at least 300 million, and doing public fundraising will not count the operating costs. He will have to absorb at least 15 billion in funds, and he can earn 300 million in management fees a year. What did he think? ?Is it necessary to have trouble with money?"

Everyone thinks that doing public fundraising is a stupid decision.

Isn’t it great to continue to make money with them and earn 400 million in just over a month?

Even if you take a break, you can still make one billion a year.

If you have the ability, do you want to do public fundraising?

Various restrictions on public offerings are destined to be impossible to function as they are now.

If you want to make one billion in public fundraising, you need at least 70 billion or more funds. How many people in the world can do this?

Those public offerings have been developed for many years, and it is likely that billions of dollars have been spent on various marketing expenses to reach the current scale.

Hou Zhenguo said helplessly: "They are determined to do public fundraising, but no matter how hard they persuade them, it's useless. So I thought of asking everyone if they have any ideas and suggestions."

"Have you met the boss? How old is he?"

"Must be in your twenties."

"What? Only in your twenties?"

Jiang Yuanqiao also said: "He is indeed very young, but he is a very independent young man. Lao Wu and I tried to persuade him for a long time, but it was of no use. Do you think there is any way to make him change his mind? Public fundraising is definitely a dead end."

Soon, the group began to think of various solutions.

What about increasing the dividend ratio, giving him more cars and houses, etc.

But in the end, someone said: "Young man, who is rich and capable, introduce him to a girlfriend, Yiling from Lao Twelve's family, I don't believe any young man in the world can refuse. Make him a Our own people, no matter whether they do public fundraising or private equity in the future, aren’t we all close to the water?”

This sentence seemed to open the door to a new world for the people in the group.

After all, they had never thought about this before.

No serious person would think about this.

Jiang Yuanqiao said: "I can't be the master of Yiling's affairs."

He had always felt that he owed Jiang Yiling, and now rashly intervening in Jiang Yiling's marriage would only make Jiang Yiling farther and farther away from him.

He would definitely not be willing to abandon family ties for money.

However, Hou Zhenguo said: "Who let you make the decision? You only need to be responsible for the introduction. There is no reason for Yiling to look down on such an outstanding person like him."

"???, have you already had this idea?"

Jiang Yuanqiao felt that Hou Zhenguo might have had this idea the first time he met Li Yuan, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

Otherwise, if this topic was brought up today, he would not be able to answer it so quickly.

"No, the main reason is that Yiling is really suitable. Not to mention what his ability can bring to us, we have recovered our capital this time, and we are not so short of money. Just based on his personal ability, I feel that at a young age It’s hard to find a second one among people. How many more years do you have to live? It’s time for you to think about Yiling’s future.”

These words silenced Jiang Yuanqiao.

There are only two people left in their family.

If he leaves, Jiang Yiling will be alone. What use will the money left to her be?

If you can't find the right person or a reliable family to rely on, you will only attract a lot of flies around you.

"But he already has a girl with him."

Jiang Yuanqiao met Zhou Ranran, and it was obvious that she was a girl who had a close relationship with Li Yuan.

Hou Zhenguo said: "I have asked those people a long time ago. That Zhou Ranran is just his childhood friend, and his background is very poor. He just came out of prison. Do you think it is possible for the two of them?"

Jiang Yuanqiao: "..."

You still said you have no ideas?

If you don't have this idea, how about asking about it?

These old guys started plotting against his granddaughter.

"I now understand that if he does public offering and also invests, even if the profit is only a dozen points a year, it will be better than our own trading."

"Public offerings are so boring. Our purpose in stock trading is to make money. Even if the risk is a little higher, we can accept it. Now each company is not short of 30 to 50 million, but short of 3 to 5 billion. After all, times have changed, and money is important in this era. "

Thirteen CPIC did not trade in stocks before, but the situation has changed rapidly in recent years.

The position that I thought was very important in the past is now almost transparent, and my power is being constrained more and more, and it is almost useless.

Money is king.

They basically all had big families and big businesses. In those days, it was normal to have five or six children, which meant five or six families.

Even if you say you have no money, you are not poor. It is no problem to scrape together tens of millions or even one or two billion.

If you have money, you won’t be able to do many big things. In particular, projects that start at three to five billion yuan are the most profitable, but they can't afford it.

If they can earn three to five billion, the entire family will benefit.

Therefore, they have no interest at all in Li Yuan's public offering. They would rather lose tens of millions more to win a big one than waste time and money on the steady stream of public offering.

"Old Twelve, brothers, it's up to you."

"Let me find out first..."


Li Yuan took Zhou Ranran for examination.

First find a doctor to make an order, and then go for a color ultrasound.

After the color ultrasound is completed, you have to wait for an hour to get the results, and then the hospital will be closed.

As planned, Li Yuan took Zhou Ranran home for a meal and planned to go there in the afternoon.

In fact, when Zhou Ranran was doing the color ultrasound, she had already heard the doctor over there saying something.

Basically cut off her last thoughts.

Because the doctor said: "The child is so old that he can see his face..."

After all the calculations, it had been less than a month since she and Li Yuan were together.

She didn't expect the baby to be conceived so quickly.

I really wanted to keep the child before, but later I calmed down and realized that the child would suffer even if he was with me.

After all, my own experience is enough to narrow the path that my children can choose in the future.

If there were no embryos yet, he had other options, but he couldn't bear to part with them now.

While eating, she suddenly said: "The child is already very big, and I don't want to hit him."

Li Yuan: "...don't you know that you have wanted to give birth to me for a long time?"

"I'm just telling you, I won't hit you no matter what. But don't worry, I won't blackmail you. From now on, when the child is listed in my household registration book, I won't tell him who his father is. I won’t ask you for a penny in the future.”

"Then how do you raise a child?"

"I have hands and feet, but I can't afford to raise a child? Although I can't find a good job, I saw that in many stores, people who recruit dishwashers can be paid more than 4,000. So don't worry, no. It will cause you trouble."

Li Yuan asked what this meant, wasn't he afraid that he would regret it in the future and ask him for alimony?

"There's no need for that. You lent me more than 60 million before. I'll pay you back in a few months."

"That's your money, I don't want it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Ranran received a message on his phone.

She thought it was from the hospital. When she picked it up and looked at it, she didn't recover for a long time.

One hundred million!

"Didn't you say you wouldn't do that kind of work again? Why did I receive another 100 million?"

"Ah? It's only 100 million? Shouldn't it be more than 300 million?"

Zhou Ranran didn't eat anymore, and she was extremely flustered at this moment.

"Tell me, what on earth did you do! The last time was less than twenty days ago, how could you earn more than 300 million?"

Apart from that taboo industry, Zhou Ranran really can't think of anything else.

And that kind of industry is dead if you touch it.

Just because Li Yuan can get so much money, it's not enough to eat a hundred peanuts.

What kind of evil did the child in his belly do to meet a mother like himself and a father like Li Yuan?

"No, I have to leave now, as far away from you as possible. The child has nothing to do with you. You are not allowed to talk about the child in the future. If you dare to harm the child, I will fight you to the death!"

For the first time, Zhou Ranran felt that he was a good person.

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