Things from Another World

Chapter 1003: More than 800 years ago


Bathed in the fiery dragon's breath, the two necromancers roared painfully, and quickly rolled out to the left and right, but the fire of the void stuck to them. Even if they escaped, the bones were still immortal. Nether Fire.

The faint void fire is so inconspicuous on the huge bone dragon body, but the damage caused to them is extremely amazing, and everyone can clearly see the chaos breath peeled from them!

Angus froze: "What is he doing !?"


Sasha Glott took a moment to take a look, and paused: "Don't Tangen want to purify them! How is this possible! They have been corrupted-wait? Could it be-"

If Rodriguez had imprisoned their souls just after the death of Taser Hakro and Murphy Haksha, and later enslaved them, until recently corrupted by chaos, with the power of Down, It is indeed possible to repurify their souls!

Sasha Glott thought of a possibility, and couldn't help but get excited.

If Tang En can really purify them and let their souls rest in peace, it will definitely be a big benefactor of the dragon family!

In fact, Tang En's thought was more exaggerated than Sacha Glot, because he wanted to let Elsa and her parents meet! He wanted to take the souls of the husband and wife of Tether Hackero and Murphy Hacksa!

The dragon's soul is more powerful. Based on the soul core, if you build equipment for them, they can drive a larger magic energy machine, which will definitely be of great use!

not to mention……

This is also for Elsa!

"Give me-wake up!"

Tang En snarled and rushed forward, forcing the escaped Taser Hackero back again, and then clutching his back, spraying another breath!

Taser Hackero can't escape at all, but can only fly wildly, but is blocked by dragons around him. It has nowhere to escape!

And at this moment, Rodriguez's life box hidden in its spine was greatly damaged. The protective layer outside the life box was on the verge of collapse, and Rodriguez's soul hiding inside began to panic.

Rodriguez growled: "Murphy Hackshaw! Come and save me!"


Murphy Hackshaw endured the pain of his body and hit Tang En severely. The huge impact force knocked both Tang En and Tather Hackero on the ground. The two dragons rolled on the ground and bumped Collapsed countless houses.

"They smashed it over!"

The nearby team 051 suddenly panicked: "Run away!"

The convoy backed up roaring, but was blocked by the chaotic followers around it, even if it was crushed!

The huge shadow has covered the commando, and despair comes instantly!


A dragon screamed and landed in front of it, holding on to the impact of Taser Haklow and Tang En. The giant dragon claws made a ditch of nearly 100 meters on the ground, and then stopped.

"Sister head!"

The 051 squad almost burst into tears.

Elsa clasped Taser Hackero with her two claws, turned her head and exhaled a breath, helped clear a passage, and shouted to the 051 team behind her: "Go!"

After covering their retreat, Elsa retracted her gaze and touched the eyes of Taser Haklo at her feet, unable to help herself again.

"Well !!!"

Murphy Hackshasa raised her head, and a strong magic wave broke out in the sky!

"Magic waves of this intensity-not good! Stop it!"

Angus was shocked: "She's going to use a ninth-order spell!"

Aigwin's face changed slightly: "You can't do anything, who of us can stop it !?"

"I need time to counter ---"

Before Angus could finish speaking, several missiles whistled from a distance and blasted directly on Murphy's Haksha's head, forming a short magic vacuum zone. The strong magic wave was suddenly broken. With the balance, the forming spells also collapsed!

Special Missile-Black Hole One!

The collapsed flow of magic backfired Murphy Haksha, and she mourned to escape the flow of magic.

At this time, Elsa had already rushed up, forced it directly below, and confronted it.

"It's incredible!"

Angus stunned: "Black Hole One is so good at countering spells !?"

Angus was very aware of the effect of Black Hole One, but it has been used to penetrate spell armor before. I did not expect that it would also be effective in counter-spells!


The deafening artillery sounded through the night sky, almost frightening Angus: "What's up !?"

"Chaotic creatures are beginning to walk through the gates of chaos!"

Aegwynn narrowed his eyes and pointed at Sasha Glott: "The Dragon King has launched an attack-so powerful!"

Angus looked back. The thick magic cannon was like ten huge beams of light. It was continuously radiated on the gate of chaos. It just passed through the other end of the gate of chaos, and the chaotic creatures like the tide had not left. , Was blasted into scum!

"You monsters-get out of our world!"

Roaring, Sasha Glott was the first time in history that he could go all out to deal with chaotic creatures, and the anger that had been suppressed for many years vented in a breath!

Angus was stunned and crazy! All crazy!

In heaven, there are ten dragons against the gate of chaos!

On the ground, Tang En and Elsa tussled with two undead dragons, almost turning the entire central city into ruins. Numerous chaotic believers and resurrected skeletons were affected by their battles, and they were inexplicably crushed to death!

In the distance, a hundred assault squads are desperately cleaning up chaotic believers, resurrected skeletons, and ordered chaotic creatures.

There were shouts of gunfire everywhere, and Lotheramar had entered purgatory mode!

"We can't help here."

Aigwin said calmly, "Now let's go and help the commando."

Although Angus and her are very strong, the fighting here is not something they can intervene anymore. It is unnecessary to stay here. It is better to take advantage of this time to kill more enemies and reduce the pressure of the commando.


Angus gritted his teeth and separated from Eggwin.

On the other side, Tang En suppressed Taser Hackero, and the Netherfire was forcibly purifying the chaos in his body. Taser Hackelo struggled frantically, but in vain.

He and Murphy Haksha said suddenly to her Elsa in weakness: "My Majesty, I, I feel it is watching me ..."

After Murphy Haksha's unattended attention was caught by Elsa, it stayed there, the black hole in her eyes kept staring at her, and she was panicking.

At the moment, Tang En has gone all out and has no time to answer Elsa's question.

At this time, Rodriguez trapped in the life box panicked. The shield outside the life box was already fragile and was about to collapse, but Tang En didn't want to stop, he immediately began to give orders. .

"Murphy Huksha! What are you doing! Stop him! Hurry!"

When Murphy Haksha received the instructions, there was a clear resistance, but Elsa was worried that it would disturb Tang En, and when she saw it, she immediately slammed.

Murphy Haksha subconsciously began to fight back, and the two sides fought again.

"Just **** you a lot!"

Tang En originally wanted to cook Rodriguez last time. Seeing that he was not honest at the moment, he was furious and popped his claws, pierced directly into a spine of Taser Hackero, and killed him. The box was dug out!

Dunn wanted to threaten Rodriguez and stop Taser Hackelo and Murphy Hackshasa, but think carefully, this guy has been corrupted by chaos, so to speak for nothing, he threw his hand and threw it to Nora: [Look at it! 】

【Hey! give it to me! 】

Norah shook her finger cheerfully, summoned a ball of emerald green light, and wrapped the life box inside.

Although Nora has no combat power, it is still OK to trap the Lich's life box with the power of life. The power of life and the power of death are against each other, but the strength of the two sides is completely a crushing gap. There is no possibility of escape.

"Do you think this will trap the great Rodriguez! This is impossible! I will break-ah ah ah-damn it! What is this !?"

Wrapped in strong life force, Rodriguez is extremely frightened. This is probably the situation that the Lich is most afraid of. Even though it has been corrupted by chaos, it still deeply feels the threat of life.

Just once trying to break the cage, Rodriguez screamed in pain, his tentative attack made it extremely strong counterattack, and the outstretched soul tentacles were directly purified by the force of life.

Also said to dedicate soul and life to Kaos!

Damn it!

Displeased Tang En no longer cares about it, looking at the "father-in-law" that is under him, Tang En takes a deep breath and launches the attack again!

The fiery dragon's breath swept from head to toe, and Taser Hakro burned all over his body. The thin void of fire continued to burn the chaos breath, and the chaos breath in the blue-black soul core was stripped away Come out, revealing the faint blue luster of the soul core.

As the chaos breath was gradually purified, the painful and struggling Taser Hackero gradually stopped struggling, and the fire of the soul in his eyes was swaying, watching Tang En straightly.

Tang En rejoiced: "Wake up here !?"


Taser Hackero slowly said, "Who ... are you ..."

Tang En increased the purification speed of the Netherfire, and hurriedly asked, "Don't ask who I am! Do you know who you are !?"

"I am ... who am I ..."

The fire of Taser Haklo's soul swayed, and it seemed to be remembering something. His eyes passed through Tang En, and he saw the dragon in the sky besieging the door of Chaos, and suddenly an extremely strong body burst out breath.

"——The Gate of Chaos!"

Strong killing and warfare erupted from Taser Hackero, and it growled: "Let me go quickly-I can still fight! I don't need rest!"

Tang En looked back and froze.

Does he think he is still in the war?

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