Things from Another World

Chapter 1013: The master's knee hurts ...

After returning to Ellington, Teather Hackero and Murphy Hackshasa abandoned their bone dragon bodies.

Instead, Dunn approached Croto and Yustisah and teamed up to create two bodies for them.

They used expensive Aujin as the main material and based on the soul core, they made two Aujin mechanical cubs for the two of them as temporary bodies.

Of course, the small Aujin mechanical drakes are not as good as their original bodies in terms of combat effectiveness, but the victory on Aujin has a strong affinity for magic, which does not affect their spell-casting ability at all, making them much more convenient in life.

What's even better is that the young dragon of Aojin Machinery will not cause people's excessive attention at all. Even if it is curious, at most it will only be curious about what this new machine is, and it will not associate with the real dragon family. This gives Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw have very large spaces for their own use, allowing them to move freely in Ellington.

For hundreds of years under the control of Rodriguez, they rarely appeared in the world, almost out of touch with the entire world, and the channels for getting outside information were very limited. At the beginning, Rodriguez also received a name The apprentice named Horus Hohenheim was a descendant of the Hohenheim family, and he could obtain some outside intelligence from him.

Later, the corruption deepened, and Rodriguez moved to the area, and he also lost contact with Horus. Those controlled chaotic believers could not get useful information. Therefore, Tether Hackero and Murphy Hacksa Nothing about outside changes.

Not to mention other countries and cities, what they have seen in Ellington now is enough to shock them for a long time.

Especially Rodriguez, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment, when he entered the body of the construct prepared for him and witnessed the miracle capital of Ellington firsthand, the whole person was in an aggressive state at all times.

A car that can run on its own, a motorcycle that can carry people flying in the sky, pillars that illuminate themselves at night, and magical furniture that is strangely used to improve the quality of life ...

All of this was made by that Tang En?

This is no longer a genius!

"I used to think I was a real genius."

After visiting Ellington, Rodriguez felt ashamed: "But now I find that you are a well-deserved alchemy genius. These designs and ideas are wonderful and completely beyond my imagination-I didn't even think The magic circle can use it like this! "

Through magic arrays and simple mechanical structures, mechanical triggering can be achieved, thereby creating simple magic devices that ordinary people can also use. This thinking angle has gone beyond them too much!

They have never thought about popularizing the power of magic to ordinary people, so that ordinary people can also experience the convenience of magic!

"Although it will make me feel good to smack me, but I will not spare you for this."

"I know, now that I'm ready to work, what do you need me to do?"

Rodriguez stared at Don, not seeing a change in expression on the construct: "It's too easy, and there is no challenge for me."

"Don't talk big, you're almost hit by the wave of technological reform now on the shore."

Tang En said angrily: "Here I am just a novice, or a good novice, you still need to learn a lot. The Magic Engineering Institute is now in charge of Angus and he will help You quickly master the basics, and when you are ready, you can join the research work, and now it will only add chaos. "

"Ha ha……"

Although he couldn't see the expression, Rodriguez apparently didn't believe what Tang was saying.

Even though the time has passed for nearly a thousand years, although his alchemy level is not considered to be top-notch, it is absolutely impossible for even a novice to compare.

Down is scaring himself.

Rodriguez went straight to the Magic Engineering Institute and found Angus: "I'm here to report."

"Master Hohenheim!"

Angus was shocked and hurriedly welcomed him. Although Rodriguez did a lot of wrong things, it was because he was corrupted by chaos. His starting point was good. Now that he has returned to his senses, Angus There is no reason to continue to hate him.

After all, that's his idol.

"What do you need me to do?"

Rodriguez said lightly: "I see that your warriors have life potions prepared, and if needed, I can provide my personal formula, which can increase the success rate by at least 10%, and also reduce Twenty percent of the material is lost, but I have a condition that I need to join your research and lead a project. "


Angus froze, scratching his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "That, Master Hohenheim, we do n’t need to intervene too much about the life potion. Now there is a dedicated production line that has been mass producing life potions in a state of confidentiality No manpower required ... "

"Mass production? How is that possible!"

"It's true, now those who don't need us over there ..."

Rodriguez wanted to frown, but found that he had no facial features at all: "What a joke! Alchemy is a mysterious and serious matter, and there is no room for error. Although the potion of life is not a high-level potion, it must be refined High-quality 6-level potions, even 7-level master potions, are definitely not that easy. If I am in charge, I can provide you with ten powerful potions of life every month. If you are lucky, you can create one. It is not impossible to support the 'blood of the goddess.'

"That one……"

Angus was even more embarrassed: "Actually, now that Ellington is mass-produced, in fact, all are potent life potions called the goddess blood, and the soldiers are carrying potent life potions ..."


Rodriguez's voice suddenly sharpened: "Mass production 'Goddess Blood' !? What are you kidding!"

Angus can understand Rodriguez's idea very well. When he heard the news when he first arrived here, it was the same idea. It is not difficult to refine the potion of life, but to create the blood of the goddess. , Not only requires extremely precise time control, material composition control, but also a lot of luck composition, not even he can be successfully refined every time.

But what's outrageous is that with the help of amateurs who are not even known as alchemy apprentices, Tang En can stably produce the blood of the goddess and even supply them to soldiers in unlimited quantities!

This shock continued for a long time, until he was numb in Ellington, and then selectively ignored it.

Unexpectedly today, his idol, Rodriguez also suffered the same impact.

"The process of making alchemy potions is very complicated and delicate. Once there is any error, it will completely fail, especially how can a special potion such as 'Goddess Blood' be mass-produced!"

"In fact, this is true, not only the blood of the goddess, but also other potions. As long as there is a need, we can produce a stable output, but it is rarely used in normal times."

Angus explained with patience: "Town has said that everything in this world has a rule to follow. Once you understand the rules, you can use existing tools to try to reproduce that. This kind of law, once successful, can stably control a phenomenon, he said that this is called scientific analysis. "

"Scientific analysis? Find out the law?"

"Yes, just like we discovered the recipe for making the potion of life, it was also found in a coincidence after countless failures of previous people."

Angus smiled and said, "When the predecessors found that certain potions could be successfully used to refine the potion of life, they fixed these combinations, narrowed them down a little, and finally formed an effective formula."

"Now, Tang En is more precise."

Angus signaled Rodriguez to follow up, they came to a temporarily idle laboratory, pointed to the tools on the table and said, "Her Excellency Down, we are required to record all measurable Data, including the temperature, light, air humidity, reaction time, material of the reaction, the degree of wetness and dryness of the material, the freshness of the material, the weight of the material, the dry weight of the material, the proportion of the active ingredients in the experiment, crushed The quantitative composition data after extracting the essence, even including whether the house has been thoroughly cleaned up, if not, whether there is any foreign matter pollution and a series of data ... "

The moment Angus said instantly made Rodriguez dizzy and swollen-oh, he had no head-many new concepts poured into the sea of ​​knowledge, which made him temporarily unacceptable.

Is the experiment so complicated?

Isn't it just a matter of grasping the temperature, the type of material, the weight, and the timing of addition? What kind of light, humidity, reaction time, dry weight, and active ingredient ratio?

Obviously the greatest alchemist in human history, Rodriguez felt like an apprentice just now.

"This is a graduated beaker, used to hold a certain volume of melt ..."

"This is a volumetric flask, which has a higher accuracy and a constant capacity ..."

"This is a pipette, which is used to transfer a certain volume of melt. It is very convenient to mix reagents ..."

"This is a dryer that can be used to dry herbs ..."

"This is a microscope, through which you can observe the micro-morphology of herbs and melts. According to Tang, there are still microscopes with higher multiples, but now Master Croto is still developing ..."

"This is a small centrifuge that separates components with different specific gravity from the solution ..."

"This is an extractor that can be used to extract the ingredients in herbs. If you want to make a medicament, it is a very convenient method to use a quantifiable extract. As long as you follow the standard operation, the success rate can reach 99% ..."

"Of course, these laboratory indicators must meet the standard at the specified temperature and humidity. You see on the wall, one is a thermometer and the other is a hygrometer. The one next to it is our product magic air conditioner. The purpose is Constant temperature in this room ... "

Looking around, Rodriguez knelt! Knelt downright!

He now understands that Tang En is not talking loudly to stimulate him, nor is he bragging.

What is he saying about Quante?

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