Things from Another World

Chapter 1019: Test Experimental Kinetic Armor

"Besides that, there is this very critical feature."

Croto smiled slightly, pointing to the legs, feet, arms, and underneath the Magic Engine armor of Magic Kinetic Armor, and signaled the jets for Tang En.

Tang En's eyes lit up: "Fly!"


Klotto said with a smile: "After all, we were thinking about joint combat with the sky carrier. How can we lack the flight function? This function is the top priority, so we considered this problem after solving the power problem."

"The good news is that we successfully solved the flight problem based on the ideas and theoretical guidance you gave."

"The bad news is that this flight mode is quite different from flight technology. According to Depp's feelings after trying them on, the possibility of using this armor to fight in flight mode is almost zero."

Tang En smiled and said, "It's normal to not get used to it now. Everything requires a habitual process. More importantly, the current magic kinetic energy armor is still immature, far from being a finished product. Don't worry too much. "

Flying combat? Not impossible, of course.

Now they are not used to it, just because they are not ready to lock down the enemy and attack under high speed maneuver.

After all, there are no intelligent assistance systems like Jarvis in this world, and no radar helps to lock in the target, let alone the missile launched by the target.

The enemy is locked here with binocular observation and mental power.

Although the strong can achieve offense under high-speed maneuvers, don't forget that this magic kinetic energy armor was originally designed for ordinary people.

"How fast can you fly now? Compared to a comet motorcycle?"

"Although there are no restrictions imposed, they are currently not as fast as comet motorcycles."

"too heavy?"

"No, floating stone crystals are added to it, but the armor's strength must be taken into account, so the specific gravity has only been reduced to about 0.6. The current weight of this set of armor is only about 160 kg."

Klotto spread his hand and said, "On the one hand, because the size of the magic engine is reduced and the power output is weakened, on the other hand, it is difficult to balance the overall shape and structure because of the problem of weapons and equipment. Dynamics would be difficult to achieve ... "

"Using the magic engine to promote flight is only an expedient measure considering the cost issue. If it is really necessary, constant flight can be used on it, but it consumes a lot of money and cannot be stable in mass production."

Tang Enmo rubbed his chin: "I see, but it's better to say that you can solve this problem without constant flying and installing your gravity well."

Croto was speechless: "My friend, we haven't thoroughly understood the technology of gravity wells, and the volume of gravity wells is slightly larger, and it is impossible to fit them into kinetic energy armor."

"Well, so ..."

Tang En nodded: "Then grave the anti-gravity magic array. The magic array can use stamp printing to achieve mass production. The volume of kinetic energy armor also barely meets the area requirements of the magic array. The effect does not need to be too strong, which can reduce Part of gravity can make flying speed even faster. "

"Do it then."

Croto nodded: "Then there is the issue of combat methods. We have considered installing assault rifles and miniature missile launchers, but there are still many technical difficulties that have not been resolved, so the only offensive method is the chain saw sword. Combine them and use the additional power provided by the Magic Kinetic Armor to superimpose with your own power for a melee attack. "

"For the time being this is enough."

Croto, they can do this according to their own ideas and inspirations. Tang En is very satisfied. Although there is no long-range attack method, this is normal. Assault rifles and missile launchers involve too many technologies. It is necessary to readjust the center of gravity and structure of the armor, and also take into account the problem of ammunition loading, weapon loading and launching, which is very complicated.

Using a chain saw sword is much simpler, although it can only be used in close combat, but with the power of the magic engine, the power of a sword to cut down is much more powerful than their own.

"Let's try this armor."

Tang En walked behind the power armor and walked directly in. After the artificial soul realized that someone was entering, he closed the back armor.

Then the internal adjustable lining shrinks automatically, matching Tang En's body shape, allowing him to easily control this set of kinetic armor.

"How to start the magic engine?"

Croto pointed to his arm: "There is a small control board there, and now the basic control functions are all there."

Tang En glanced, pressed the start button, and then he heard that the magic engine behind him started to buzz, the turbine engine spun up and started to output power, the auxiliary hydraulic rod played an active support role, and the heavy armor Suddenly lightened a lot.

"咣, 咣, 咣 ..."

Tang En tried to take a few steps, and then frowned.

There is no feeling of ease, but a kind of jerky block.

However, he quickly ignored this problem. There was no way. After all, the industrial foundation of this world is so weak, and key points such as power bearings cannot be made too precise, and errors are inevitable.

After walking back and forth a few laps, Tang En and Croto came to the yard, and stood in front of a pile of abandoned metal blocks, using it as a target, converging their strength, and quickly punched!

At the moment when he punched out quickly, a heavy airflow suddenly sprayed from the elbow of heavy kinetic energy armor. The huge driving force smashed the metal block with the iron fist, and Tang En even heard the break. Whistling!


The armour of the Magic Kinetic Armor sent a strong anti-shock force, but Tang En also clearly saw that the Iron Fist of the Kinetic Armor had been trapped in the metal block, and the armor's legs were pushed back by half a meter by the reaction .

He did not use his own power for this punch, and almost completely output it only with the power of kinetic armor. The power of this punch was already more than a few tons!

The power-up assist function is very good, but this counter-shock force ...

Anyway, Tang En feels that ordinary people can't withstand this kind of seismic force.

The kinetic energy armor buffering measures need to be further optimized and adjusted, and if necessary, a special team must be set up to solve this problem.

Don't underestimate the problem of buffering. If kinetic energy armor cannot absorb most of the impact force, let alone combat, the impact of sudden deceleration when moving at high speed alone will kill people.

After Tang En thought for a while, he started the propelling flight mode, and several jets from the kinetic energy armor spouted a violent airflow, pushing him to the sky from slow to fast.

Down tried to fly a circle over Ellington before landing again.

The first sentence after landing was "Flight mode needs further adjustment."

"Where exactly is that?"

Croto looked at Tang En with a small book in his eyes: "Don't look at me, look at my body and know that I can't put on a lap by myself. Those big men will only say '666', this They all like the experimental type. They ca n’t come up with any constructive opinions, so I ’m counting on you. ”

Tang En smiled bitterly, and apart from that, this foreign culture was quite successful.

"First, it's a matter of steering adjustment."

Tang En left the armor and pointed at the jet. "The steering adjustment is too rigid now. If possible, add more auxiliary jets and push through different jets to steer-of course, how to control these jets. It is also a very troublesome problem, so I recommend that you increase the spray port in the palm, if necessary, you can use both hands and legs to make steering adjustments. "

"Keys are the ability for people to learn, but touch is the instinct of humans. No matter how precise and ingenious the mechanical design is, it is not as natural as human instincts-so waving and turning is probably the simplest solution, unless you can achieve conscious tracking."

Buttons are human's ability to learn, but touch is human's instinct?

Klotto's eyes lighted, and he hurriedly wrote the sentence before recording Down's suggestion.

"Then there is the problem of high air flow. Our design standard is to allow ordinary people to use it, so the breathing problem at high speeds must be solved. A full-cover helmet is essential-at least one assisted breathing Device. "

Tang En pointed to the bare helmet: "Otherwise, breathing problems at high speed can kill people."

"Note it down, what else?"

"The constant temperature problem is that the temperature at high altitude is very low, and the temperature will be lower during high-speed flight, so we must find a way to maintain a constant temperature environment ..."

"The armored high-altitude endurance problem, how to replace the magic crystal if there is no power in the air? So you must prepare a spare energy cabin, and you can switch to the spare energy at any time ..."

"Emergency escape from the system. Once there is a problem with the armor, you can immediately escape from the armor ..."

Tang En talked eloquently. This time, he could turn Klotto's excited red light. He quickly wrote down these problems, which were not found by others. Only Tang En could find the problems.

With these problems, he knows the direction that needs to be solved next, and can take a lot less detours. Even more, by organizing people to solve these problems, by solving the problems, they can also master a lot of new knowledge and technology!

In fact, the magic kinetic energy armor has more problems than imagined. The most important point is that the positioning system flies in the air at a speed of nearly two hundred kilometers per hour. There is no radar system and no map positioning. I do n’t know where to fly if I accidentally Yes, this problem is quite fatal, but now Prandall does not have satellites or computers, and even maps are quite confidential. It is impossible to achieve accurate positioning. This problem has almost no solution.

Unless you can now make something similar to a computer and achieve inertial navigation.

But the possibility of this technology ...

Ha ha, it is better to consider how to use the astral cube to level the world faster ...

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