Things from Another World

Chapter 1021: Problems that must be faced

Although Beland's first drag racing party appeared on the street, fortunately, there are not many magic cars on the street, and the city street has been transformed to become very spacious, so their drag racing competition Did not cause any bad consequences, but their cars are now registered with the traffic police, the next time they violate traffic rules, waiting for them must be severe punishment.

At the urging of Sax, his driver finally won the first place. After Sax threw a banknote to reward him, he immediately got out of the car and rushed into the store, waving the banknote in his hand and shouting, "I want to buy Optimus Column! All the spot is required! "

"Sorry, sir."

The salesperson apologized and said lightly: "You are late, the car is sold out."

Sold out! ?

If a thunderbolt hit his head on a sunny day, Sax was dumbfounded: "What about Hercules ?!"

"Sold out."

"Where is Little King Kong ?!"

"It's sold out."

The salesperson smiled: "All the trucks in this batch have been sold out. Please hurry up next time, or order now in advance. We will notify you as soon as the vehicle arrives. "

It's okay to book!

Sax did not hesitate to pull out his Star Diamond Bank Crystal Card and Datang Chamber of Commerce's Samsung Card: "I want to book four Optimus Prime! Five Hercules! Ten Little King Kong!"

"Okay, your total consumption is 7 million gold. According to the current 20% discount activity, the discount price is 5.6 million gold. Your membership card can enjoy a discount and then a 10% discount, so the final price is 5.04 million gold. I'll charge you a 40,000 deposit, and the rest will be paid in one lump when you pick up the car. Is that okay? "

When the salesperson said 7 million gold, Sax's liver was trembling. Even him, it was very painful to take out 7 million gold in one breath, but after the salesperson continued to talk about the discounted price, he grew up. With a long sigh of relief, my heart was immediately relieved.

Before, he never felt that the Samsung Lord card in his hand had any special benefits. After all, the 10% discount was not really a discount, but when the price base of the purchase was large, a 10% discount saved him a full 56. The million gold is equivalent to giving him five Little King Kong and 60 advanced magic crystals for free!

And still discounts!

His Majesty Tang En is so generous that he really loves him!


Sax hurriedly asked, "Am I the first to book?"

"Well, that's right."

"That is to say, if a new car arrives, would you give me priority notification?"

"That's it, sir."

Suddenly Sax frowned: "That's it, sign a contract!"

Although we didn't grab the first batch of purchases, we can make the first batch of orders! There is no lead, but you cannot fall behind!

When Saks paid the money to sign the contract, he saw other people who came one after another made the same choices, and immediately smiled proudly.

What about your reservations? It is obvious that the capacity of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is insufficient. Even if you have booked it, I will give priority to the car when it arrives. You all stare at me in the back!

The same situation here as in Mountain City Bein was staged throughout the Illus Empire. After understanding the advantages of trucks and carriages, those chambers of commerce were almost crazy and snapped up, even if they were expensive Optimus Prime trucks. It was completely sold out in the blink of an eye.

In other words, on this day alone, the Optimus Prime heavy truck alone generated more than 80 million yuan in revenue for the Datang Chamber of Commerce!

Optimus Prime ’s material cost is only 50,000 gold, and the research and development cost is almost negligible. That is to say, the net profit brought by selling this hundred Optimus Prime heavy trucks has reached more than 75 million gold!

This terrible profitability not only scared Aurelia, but also Fiona.

"Although I know that everything you make is very profitable, but this heavy truck is also too profitable!"

Fiona couldn't help but sigh: "I now have a little regret to continue the 20% discount. If there is no 20% discount, the profit will rise by almost 20 million gold!"

"You're really looking for money."

Tang En turned silver: "Again, don't forget that the money is printed by us! Our task is to sell the product to them to earn their money, and then spend the money where it should be spent. Significant."

"I understand my Majesty!"

Fiona gave him a white look, and then continued to look at the report cheerfully, no matter how many times she looked, the beautiful numbers on it made her feel very happy.

"Oh, right."

At this moment, Fiona suddenly thought of one thing: "Brian is looking for you. Go and see what's wrong with him. He is waiting for you at the Magic Engineering Institute."

"He looks for me?"

Tang En's mouth flickered. "It just so happened that I had something to look for him."

Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute.

"... Due to a large number of technical support and personnel training policies, the number of our downstream manufacturers is now very large. Every day we have to export a large number of raw materials and core components to meet their needs, which has led to Now our consumption of raw materials is extraordinary, so big brother, we are facing a very troublesome problem now. "


"The production capacity has increased greatly, and it is expected to continue to grow rapidly. The consumption of raw materials has increased significantly. Now our raw ore production capacity can no longer keep up!"

"I know."

Tang En nodded, he considered the problem, and knew that this problem would come one day or another, but he did not expect that day would come so early.

"Do you have a solution?"

Brian's eyes brightened, and then he closed his eyes in a hurry, pursing his lips and saying, "... maybe come back, can you put me down and talk well?"

At this moment, Brian was tied to his feet with a rope and hung his head down from the ceiling. The mage's hand pushed it from time to time to let him spin in the air. Although it was only a few meters above the ground, this pure mountain dwarf At this point his eyes had circled and he was beginning to become cyanotic.

"Want to come down? Maybe I will consider letting you go down when you know what to say and what not to say."

Tang En's lip-slap, yes, he was deliberately punishing this big-mouthed talk, just because he couldn't control his mouth as soon as he drank, and spreading rumors in Ellington would cause almost everyone to gossip now. .

The annoying password answer to the original Rift Valley camp was this guy's idea.

Brian blinked and accompanied the smiley and said, "That, big brother, I have deeply reflected on my mistake, haven't you seen my sincerity in my glittering eyes?"

"No, I just saw the shit."

Tang En was too lazy to lift his eyelids, rubbing his chin and thinking about the issue of raw materials.

Due to the previously launched magic rigs and mining cart components, Prendall's raw ore production capacity has actually increased a lot now. Compared with the initial output, it has increased by more than ten times. Not to mention, let's talk about Brussels nearby. Iron mines, this Ellington's own iron ore, was initially mined with iron picks by miners to remove useless gravel and soil. Only a few tons of pure iron ore were mined daily by thousands of miners.

But when I replaced the magic rig and carried out the mine renovation, now there are fewer people working shifts and less work pressure, but the production capacity has increased by nearly 20 times, and I can deliver fifty or sixty tons to Ellington in one day. Iron ore.

Don't look at it far from the hundreds of thousands of tons of daily output of mines on the earth. From the perspective of the current plant, this capacity is already quite scary.

Unfortunately, this amount of capacity still cannot meet the current industrial needs of Ellington.

In particular, after the industrial scale is further expanded, this kind of raw ore production capacity is a bit stretched.

Now Tang En's name includes many mines under the control of the Illus royal family. However, most of the mines are still in an undeveloped state, and it is difficult to form an effective capacity to supply ore in a short period of time.

Why not go mining?

Again, because there is no one! !! !!

Unlike on earth, Plantar uses a word to describe it, that is, the land is wide and the people are scarce.

Tang En had previously estimated that this planet was larger than the Earth, but after two wars of chaotic invasion, how many people are there on this planet? Roughly counting the statistics of each race, it will kill 500 million people in the sky!

With a population of 500 million, walking on a land that is even wider than the continent of Europe and Europe, how could there be a large number of foreign labor under the previous traffic conditions?

Generally speaking, the miners in a local mine are local residents who serve in the mine after they reach the grade level to replace military service or deduct taxes. Very few migrant workers go to the mine to work.

How many people can there be in a third-tier town? Including surrounding villages, no more than 200,000 people were killed.

Do n’t feel less, do n’t forget, the super large cities of Prandall, namely the cities of Alynx, Anthem, Fira, Nanila, and Blood Rock, have an average population of only about 1.5 million. It is far less than the population of third-tier cities on the earth!

In other words, to solve the labor shortage situation, we must solve the problem of low fertility, high fetal mortality, and a steady increase in population.

But this is a long-term plan. It is obviously impossible for Tang En to wait for decades to develop the industry.

Of course, long-term plans cannot be abandoned, but short-term plans must be solved.

So, how can we solve the existing labor shortage problem if we cannot get the demographic dividend?

Tang En narrowed his eyes and looked at the dangling Brian, a faint plan came to mind ...

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