Things from Another World

Chapter 1044: Half-plane and subspace style

A few days later, when the simplely trained Kobolds and Lizardmen finally figured out that they could mine in the mines and then use the ore for food, this batch of cheap miners could finally come in handy.

Just digging the hard ore under the ground is not difficult, but it can easily be exchanged for food that can fill your stomach. For the Goblin and the Lizardman, this is simply a gift of God.

After knowing this benefit, a large number of dog people and lizard people were called by their companions, and they actively joined the army of miners to plan and eat in the mine. In just a few days, they gathered more than 100,000 dog heads. People and lizard people, and under the enlightenment of Tang En, a group of dog people and lizard people were released to promote the news, so the number is still growing rapidly.

Tang En is very optimistic that by the end of the declining moon, the number of minions of the dogheads and lizardmen can exceed the 500,000 mark-latecomers do not even need training, and they will internally teach each other the necessary Experience it.

These cheap labors were separated in batches by Tang En, and then sent to different mines to join the mining team.

Tang En was worried that these guys wouldn't be too honest at first, so he specially distributed a whip to each of the workers working in the mine-now the doghead and lizard people have been completely conditioned by the reflex. After seeing the whip The subconscious will obey orders.

Therefore, equipping everyone with a whip can effectively urge their enthusiasm for labor.

After the Kobold and Lizardmen joined the mining army, the first day of the effect was not obvious, because they were not able to distinguish the difference between the ore and the stone, but when the Kobold Lizardmen who held the stone for food were punished, , They finally remember.

From the second day, the output of raw ore has increased sharply, and the output of one day is even more than that of the past week. It has to be said that the talents of dogheads and lizardmen have played a huge role in it. effect.

With these cheap miners, the mine's production capacity can temporarily meet demand, but considering long-term development, another plan is also being carried out simultaneously.

During this period of time, a full set of mine production equipment has been produced in the Moeng Machinery Processing Plant. These production equipment have been transported to various mature mines, and the mine has been completely and completely upgraded. The original human miners were Under the leadership of the engineer, he became a worker. Those who are more familiar with the situation of the mine can even be mixed with a small team leader. Not only has the income increased significantly, but the labor intensity has also greatly decreased. This measure has been unanimously agreed by the mine workers. Praise, they are very active in new work.

Although there are still a large number of new mines that have not been developed, Tang En expects that after the transformation of these mines is completed, the production capacity will be increased by at least ten times. After the workers are used to mechanized production, the production capacity will be further increased. Conservative figures, the output of raw ore will definitely meet the current and short-term development needs.

At the same time, there is good news.

The mining-type gold colossus jointly developed by Feistissa, Angus, Jean, Tim, and Croto was finally successful!

"According to your request, this modified gold giant statue uses advanced magic crystal as the power source."

Angus pointed to a block-shaped armor bulge on the back of the Gold Titan and said, "Because the Gold Titan is very expensive to act, it uses a group of ten magic crystals as a power source. The joint function can The output is very large and stable enough to drive the Golden Colossus to work continuously for a week in normal mode. "

"At the same time, taking into account the various unexpected situations that may be encountered in the astral world, after the Gold Titan has activated the combat mode, it can only support about 12 minutes in full-fighting. Its combat mode consumes too much magic power. In order to cope with Consumption in battle mode, we also prepared a backup magic crystal marshalling power source, which can provide the same power output, even if the battle cannot be completely resolved, the golden giant statue can also have the ability to escape from danger. "

Angus spread his hands after saying: "This is already the limit we can achieve at present. If the development of new energy is unsuccessful, I am afraid that in the future, we can only use the magic crystal grouping method to provide stronger power."

The magic power provided by ten advanced magic crystal groups is similar to that of one magic essence, but the quantity of magic essence is too scarce and the value of the monomer is higher. It is obviously a waste to use in this kind of place, and the relative value of ten advanced crystals It's much cheaper.

After a pause, Angus reminded Tang En: "I must say that the current market price of ten high-quality crystals is about 7000 gold. If the ore mined in a week cannot be several times this value, it is completely a loss-making business. Now. "

As the magic crystal mines controlled by Tang En produce a large amount of magic crystals, but the consumption methods have not increased much, the price of magic crystals on the market has been declining all the way, and the original high-level magic crystals that have a value of 1,000 gold have fallen to about 700 gold.

"I know."

Tang En smiled happily: "But do you think the resources of the astral world are not worth the price?"

Angus scratched his head and suddenly found himself worrying.

The resources of the astral world are extremely rich. It is only because the mining risk is too high that it is so rare and expensive. Not to mention, as long as a gold giant statue can mine one cubic meter of magic iron a week, it has already returned to the original, more Don't mention the more expensive magical metals, such as fine gold Mithril Aujin.

Of course, as the amount of mining increases, the prices of these magical metals will go down, but at least Tang En no longer needs to worry about the lack of resources.

"That's all for my case, it's Gene."

Jean spread his hands: "My situation is nothing to say. The astral cubes you provided were used by me. According to Angus' inspiration from the royal staff, we have improved the space equipment and no longer force it. To open up space, we solidify a small, non-master half-plane, and stabilize the space coordinates to open up each other. This can greatly expand the storage space. We decided to call it a half-plane space warehouse. "

Angus grinned, "This old **** in alchemy is still not as good as mine."

Gene rolled his eyes and couldn't bother to care about this guy.

"It might as well be called the Asian Space Warehouse ..."

When Tang En patted his mind, these two goods actually created a subspace warehouse ...

The concept of a half-plane and a sub-space is similar. The half-plane space warehouse sounds very fantasy, but if you change to a sub-space warehouse, you will feel a sudden change in the style of painting.

"Asia Space Warehouse? It doesn't matter what the name is, Ms. Yustisah, it's your turn."

Yu Stisa said directly: "The transmission module has been completely solved at present, and Elijah's mount 'Invincible' has helped us a lot. After several demonstrations and extraction of its astral biological characteristics, we were able to obtain The possibility of precise teleportation also transforms this teleportation into a device that can be activated manually. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement in this kind of transmission device, especially the current transmission requires a lot of magic. "

"How much do you need?"

"In the size of the Golden Titan, it takes about five magic crystals of advanced magic to be transmitted at one time."

Yusita shrugged and said very helplessly: "That is to say, if you don't actually use backup energy, a golden giant statue can only work for more than three days at a time. Even if you are not satisfied, I can't help it. It's already the limit of my ability. "

"No, I'm very satisfied, it is indeed the genius of the Einzbelen family, you worked hard."

How could Tang En be dissatisfied, let alone how happy he is now.

This is a stable delivery solution!

With this solution, it is possible to form a research team dedicated to in-depth research on this technology. In the later stage, the technology can be optimized and used on various vehicles to form a hyperspace combat force. It can reach the battlefield in an instant and form a super Strong strike force.

Tang En especially told her: "The potential of this technology is great, if you have energy, it is best to continue to study it in depth."

"I understand."

"My side is basically not difficult, just re-setting the artificial soul, adding some additional features."

Tim is still the one who doesn't sleep enough, yawning with his eyes narrowed: "Considering that the future controller is the soul body, so I made some adaptive adjustments to the core of the soul, hoping that they will like my design."

"In addition, in order for the soul body to be able to control the Golden Giant like the body itself, I have designed a complete set of control schemes, and I have tested it myself, and it is completely fine."

Tang En stunned: "Test yourself?"

Tim yawned and said, "After designing the control module, I transferred my soul core to the Golden Titan, and I personally controlled and tried it."

Yusita smiled slightly and said, "Master, do you remember that we have all been transformed into puppet bodies?"

"I really forgot."

Tang En patted his head: "I have been with you for a long time, and I feel that you are basically no different from normal people, and you have forgotten this."

In fact, this is the case. Although these last descendants of the Einzbelen family have been transformed into alchemy doll bodies, they usually eat, sleep, chat and fart like normal people in life. The only difference may be that they If you do n’t eat, you can live with magic crystals, and you do n’t need to excrete. If you do n’t sleep for a few days, it wo n’t have much effect. Of course, the most important point may be that they can no longer have offspring.

With a faint smile on her face, "I take your words as a compliment."

"Okay, that's all for me!"

Klotto jumped on the table: "Let's see what we do!"

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