Things from Another World

Chapter 1047: Alluring prospects

After getting unexpected information from Otinija, Tang En returned immediately.

Looking down, he didn't even notice the curious sight of those around him ...

"That's Her Majesty Tang En ..."


"Why Her Majesty ..."

"Don't talk nonsense. It may be a strange experiment your Majesty is doing."

"Is that right……"

"That's it! It's not surprising that something strange happened to His Majesty!"


Tang En returned to the Demon Engineering Institute all the way, and after thinking for a while, they called Angus Gien Yustisah all over, and then called Victor from the Hall of Spirits.

When everyone saw Tang En, the expression on his face was a bit subtle, but he didn't ask much. After all, Tang En was usually dressed in a different way, and maybe he was developing a new game.

"Are you working again?-Uh ..."

Victor couldn't wait to see him when he arrived. He was a bit surprised to see Tang En. What is his trendy dress?

Tang En looked at him silently: "How boring you are ..."

Victor stayed for a while, throwing away the curiosity in his heart for a while, and complained, "What do you say? You ca n’t eat, you can drink, you can only hone your combat skills, and you ca n’t increase your strength. Then all you can do is to find ways to increase your soul strength. There is no entertainment at all. Those good boys can't stand it! "

"Uh, it's my negligence, but you can't play the entertainment measures here, just stare ... uh, look? ..."

Suddenly, Tang En remembered a good idea: "I will give you a solution when you wait for spiritual entertainment. Now let's talk about business."

Victor Mogging up: "Is it a cult or a chaotic creature?"

"None, let me tell you the good news. The territory of the Kingdom of Sorante has now been recaptured by me. Now the territory of the Sorrante has been merged into the territory of the Empire of Illus."


Victor trembled when he heard the words, and his soul fluttered, followed by him, glaring his eyes against Don's shoulder, and said with excitement, "You mean it !? Solander is subdued Now !? From that Klein !? Aren't you kidding me !? "

It has been hundreds of years since the Illus royal family wanted to recapture Solant. Victor's grandfather thought, his father thought, and he thought, but until the day he died unexpectedly, he failed to achieve this ideal. Go half a step.

However, Tang En only succeeded in the throne for half a year, and even took down this difficult bone of Solant!

With the recovery of Sorant, the Illus Empire will jump up and become the most powerful nation in the entire Prandall!

Jean nodded. "He's not joking with you. It's true."

"I don't have that kind of spare time."

Tang En shrugged: "Klein's own death caused dissatisfaction among the three lords of Sorante. They had soldiers in rebellion, but I finally went to pick the fruits."


Victor said categorically: "I know the Klein man, he is ambitious and far-sighted, and cannot do the thing of self-destructing the Great Wall. If this is true, you must have done it in secret!"

You can guess this ...

Tang En was speechless: "Well, I did let my men do some trivial work ... but these are some worthless tricks, as long as the final result can achieve the purpose."


Victor had a clear look, and he patted Tang En's shoulder, and laughed, "It is indeed a man chosen by God! You really have the potential to save the world!"

Angus couldn't help but vomit: "Hey, you're talking too much ..."

"Of course not exaggerated!"

Victor said arrogantly: "First, Solant, then Olina's maid, Roninant, and then finally find a way to conquer Grace. Those little duchy can ignore it, and then they will return by themselves. At that time, the Empire of Illus will reign in your hands! What is in your hands will be the power of the entire world! "

His subtext is that if we master the power of the entire world and cannot fight the coming end of the world, then we can stare at death.

Tang En sighed, Victor was too optimistic.

The stronger it develops, the more it knows about the world, the more Tang En feels that chaos invasion is not that simple.

According to the news that Otinija inadvertently revealed today, it can be known that the creator of this world has disappeared for many years, and they have been abandoned as gods. Can it be said that this world is an abandoned world? ? The world has lost the maintenance of its creator, and has gradually collapsed. So is the so-called chaotic invasion a specific method of the world's self-destruction rule?

If it is really against the rules set by the creator, Tang En feels that he might as well spend the next few years to spend a lot of time and wine and live the erosive life of the legendary Jiuchi meat forest. It is wonderful to die ...

But now, in the moment when everything is not clear, it is still necessary to work hard. Only in this way will you never regret it later.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the latest things."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "The transformation of the gold giant statue to be used in mining is about to officially begin. The first prototype is ready to be assembled soon. Are you ready?"

Victor hadn't awoke from the surprise of regaining Solant, and he kept twitching at the words: "Are you sure you want us warriors to be miners?"

"This is no ordinary miner!"

Tang En Dayi said suddenly: "Are miners mining in the astral world, can they be ordinary miners? That is astral miners!"

"Astral miners are not miners ..."

Tang En spoke sharply: "At least you guys have something to do?"

"So is it."

Victor thought for a moment and nodded: "What then?"

"I have something to tell you in advance."

Tang En said very seriously: "As we all know, many areas of the astral world are ... well, it is more dangerous, those who are out of the air ... uh, I mean, those astral creatures who settle in certain areas hate invaders, So in the process of mining, you must avoid the territories of astral creatures. "

After knowing the mystery of the astral world, when Tang En described the astral world, he began to modify the words as appropriate to avoid leaving a deep negative impression on Victor, which caused him and those who he led to enter the astral world. The observer effect appears dangerous.

Victor had only learned about the astral situation from the writing before. He was blind about the specific situation there. Now what Tang En said was the first-hand news, and he took it very seriously.

"I know you don't have this ability, so I decided to tell you my secret base in the astral world."

As soon as Tang En's words fell, the needle was suddenly heard in the room.


After a long while, Angus and Gene returned to God: "You're a secret base in the astral world !?"

Tang En spread his hands, and the hypothesis was truer than true: "Don't you wonder why I have so many resources?"


A group of people rolled their eyes when they heard the word, and looked at the entire Prandall. Who can continue to dig out those precious magic materials like him?

"That's because I found a very safe area in the astral world."

Tang En opened his eyes and talked nonsense, and began to flicker them: "After many years of verification, there is no large astral creature territory in that very wide area around the area. Occasionally, I only see some very cute small astral circles. They are not harmful, they are just a polymer of free energy. "

The two old guys started to gaze out: "Oh!"

"More importantly, there are very rich mineral resources in that area!"

Tang En said very seriously: "The magic iron fine gold is all pediatrics, and the veins of Aujin, Evergold, and Xingshuang Gold are everywhere. I even discovered the extremely rare magic of astral source iron. Metal mine! "

"Astral source iron !?"

Angus, Jean, and even Tim with his eyes narrowed suddenly: "You really have astral iron!

"of course."

"What is astral source iron?"

Victor's face was bewildered. He had a lot of magic iron fine gold before. Aujin was already relatively scarce. Evergrande was even rarer. Xingshuangjin ... If I hadn't come to the Hall of Spirits, I am afraid he would have seen it all his life Less than star flash gold.

As a result, I now hear a stranger term from Tang En's mouth.

"Astral source iron is a rarer material than Xingjin. Its comprehensive properties are extremely excellent, and it is very versatile. If it is used to build equipment, the guarantee is legendary. Normally it is the highest quality. He shot it himself, and he could even create an artifact! "

Even if he was originally in the game, the source of the astral source is the top material. Now that he knows the mystery of the astral world, of course, he has to take more opportunities.

"His! So amazing!"

Victor took a breath of air: "Can it be an artifact? But how can such a powerful thing be called astral source iron? It doesn't sound like Xingjin is up to grade ..."

"... Don't ask me this."

Why is this guy always concerned about strange places?

Tang En continued: "The area of ​​magic metal mines in that area is very dense, and there are a lot of high-quality magic crystal mines. Even the essence of magic can be seen everywhere. There are many high-level magic reserves with higher content. The essence of magic, even if you are lucky, you can also find the magic crystal nucleus, which is an irregular dark blue translucent crystal nucleus, which contains magic far beyond the advanced magic essence, which is what I reminded Angus of before thing."

The essence of advanced magic? Magic Crystal Nucleus?

Even Angus, Jean, and Jessica looked at each other, and even they hadn't heard of these things.

Of course, they have not heard of it, because the so-called advanced magic crystal and magic crystal nucleus were all created by Tang En, and they want to deceive them to achieve the effect of changing the observer and the new material born of the astral world.

In this way, he can easily solve the energy problem that bothers him!

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