Things from Another World

Chapter 1050: In the book ...

Fiona's business was related to Solant.

Previously, Star Diamond Bank and the Datang Chamber of Commerce cooperated to develop the highway of the Rennes Empire. It has been in the construction process and has expanded from New Burkeso to other cities. Now, Solant has also returned to the Illus Empire. On the side of Star Diamond Bank, Pagarian contacted Fiona and planned to discuss the highway laying plan in the Solant area.

After returning to the study, Tang En briefly looked at the letter of intent submitted by Star Diamond Bank, and then said, "I don't have any opinion. You just have to take your own idea."

"I have to inform you."

Fiona said angrily: "Anyway you are also the host here."

"Aren't you half a master, too?"

A word from Tang Enfu to his heart, immediately turned Fiona into a soft girl, with eyes full of water, blinking.

Uh, compared to Aigwin, Fiona's strategy is obviously much less difficult ...

Tang En coughed: "First talk about business ..."


This bad guy! Can't you make me happy for a while!

Fiona flinched him with a grudge and went back to work: "The proposal of the Star Diamond Bank coincided with my idea, so we plan to start the highway laying plan of Solant. In the past two days, we are ready to start the preliminary design and planning work. After counting the main cities and residents density in Solant, we will design a route plan and then proceed to the next step. "

"The main thing to consider is the highway docking scheme with the Rennes and Illus. Because there are various terrains such as forests, canyons and swamps along the way, there are now several alternative routes. I currently prefer to choose The first option is mainly to avoid the complex swamp terrain ... "

"Second is the infrastructure supporting the expressway, such as urban public transport system, road traffic reconstruction, on-the-job training for traffic police, etc ..."

"And the road transportation transformation involves the two systems of urban sewage pipelines and tap water pipelines, which are best carried out simultaneously, and these projects involve the overall reform of the urban administrative system ..."

"And we are now working on the construction of the aviation tower ..."

"In order for Solant to keep pace with the overall rhythm of Illus, it is necessary to transform Solant from head to toe in a short period of time. The amount of engineering is huge."

"Our civil construction department can't afford such a large amount of work, so I have openly invited tenders. Now I and Aurelia have received bids from hundreds of construction chambers of commerce, of which we have the strength to take the next part. The working chambers of commerce have already been settled, and some small projects are still not outsourced. "

Having said that, Fiona smiled and said, "One thing has been guessed by you. In order to win the tenders for these small projects, someone really started to bribe our staff."


Tang En frowned, which was not a good sign, he had to be strangled in the stomach from the beginning.

"What did you do?"

"Should we be lucky? The employees who received bribes were locals in Ellington. The first group of people who worked with us now has a lot of power, and it can be said below. Person, he admires you very much, and reports it to me after receiving a bribe, and I haven't decided what to do now. "

Tang En was relieved, and after thinking about it, he said directly: "This kind of thing is very dangerous and cannot be started, so the first case must be dealt with seriously. In the Datang Daily, a public statement was issued in my name. Using bribery as a dirty method, the Datang Chamber of Commerce will never consider cooperating with the other party. At the same time, the staff who receive the bribe will be severely dealt with, forfeit all their properties, and sentenced to life sentence ... ! "

Fiona stunned: "But he didn't ..."

"It's just publicity. My beauty executive, Lord ..."

Tang En said weakly: "Others don't know the specific situation, nor do they know who was sentenced to death. As long as we publicize it, let people understand that bribery is a serious problem that can kill people, and we can eradicate this from the root cause. This phenomenon has happened. "

On the earth, bribery has always been an unsolvable problem, because a fixed hidden rule has been formed, and the reason is that when this kind of thing just started, it was not strangled at the root, but the vested interests were invariably maintaining it. This hidden rule.

But in Prandall, this place where Tang En can talk, he absolutely does not allow this.

Is it heavy to pay a bribe?

In Plantar, strictly speaking, it is not important.

The king here has the power to kill and kill. Compared with other kings, Tang En has been too kind, but it is because of the kindness in ordinary days that he can better reflect his majesty when he is fierce.

"I understand."

Fiona nodded: "Do you still have to look at the bidding?"

"No, you just need to screen according to our requirements. Those chambers of commerce were willing to buy our patents. Now they will give them a bit of sweetness, and they will be more active in the future."

"Okay, we can't do this work anyway, besides ..." Fiona let out a hand: "We're no longer available."

Solent is a huge territory, more than twice the size of the Illus Empire. Now the problem of regaining such a large territory is very complicated. The most important point is that reliable administrative staff cannot quickly take over all At present, only the more important financial and military pieces can be controlled.

This is thanks to Fiona's cultivation of a large number of reliable and high-quality financial personnel, and the large number of confidants developed by both Adrienne and Aubrey.

The staff in the middle and lower administrative organs can only continue to use the former ones.

According to the previous arrangements of Tang En and Aurelia, these people will soon begin induction training. At that time, the gap between management staff will be greater. If it is not handled properly, it will easily lead to chaos in the administrative system, redundant staff, and labor efficiency. Inferiority and other problems.

Tang En smiled and said, "Isn't this right? People with ability and talent finally have a chance to perform. The greater the pressure, the more they can see their potential. Those who can now carry the girders will definitely be able to reuse them later. If you do n’t know how to take the initiative now, you will only be able to do so in the future. ”

"You think about it."

Fiona threw him a document: "This is our next talent development plan, which I and Aurelia took time to work out, and you see what needs to be added."

Tang En casually glanced and threw it back: "Let's take care of it."

Regarding the training of various professional talents, Tang En is blind-sighted. He can only estimate which industries' talents are needed in order to maximize the development of the military reform industry, but how to train him is not the same.

It is still up to these Prandall indigenous people to figure out their own ways.

For example, it is almost impossible for the basic professional talents in engineering to obtain a large number of talents with complete basic knowledge. They can only let Croto help them to cultivate a group of highly skilled workers, also known as technician schools. Skilled workers, while working in the post, while accumulating a lot of experience, and later compiled their textbooks by collating their experience, and then can further expand the scope of education.

On the contrary, the magician is better, because the Silver City already has a perfect training system, but the magician's talent is more difficult to awaken, and the overall number is too small. This is also no way. If everyone can become a magician Then, there is no need for Tang En to develop any magic reform industry, just popularize magic.

As for other professionals such as physical chemistry, it is even more urgent. This requires a long process of knowledge accumulation. Tang En can only show them the future direction in this process-but the problem is that Plantar The world here is different from the earth. The path of physical and chemical development on the earth may not be copied. At most, it is to teach them the methods of learning and research, and then let them develop on their own to see what wonderful world can develop in the future. .

Ellington College, including other colleges in the Illus Empire that have already completed enrollment, has now offered courses in languages, mathematics, magic, warfare, fundamentals of engineering, basic physics, basic chemistry, etc. These are some of the more basic principles. Even a child can easily and happily accept that knowledge. This is the spark of wisdom that Tang En ignites.

When these children grow up, the energetic curiosity developed by Tang En will urge them to continue to explore the mysteries of this world, step by step closer to the truth, and walk into the door of truth.

Perhaps, the development process of this world in the future will not necessarily surpass the progress of science and technology on earth.

Fiona and Aurelia's current plan is actually nothing, let each school set up a special talent training course, regularly recruit some potential new people, let them go to the training course to receive basic language Education such as mathematics and so on, and then devolved to basic posts, and then raise the current experienced people, so that if you go up level by level, you can squeeze out some people to go to Solant.

Tang En has told them before that the popularization of knowledge is very important. Only the knowledge held in the hands of a few people does not make any sense. Only when the number of people who have knowledge is sufficient can they think out of it. The spark gave birth to a surprising product.

Therefore, after the two of them discussed, Alleria decided to formally transfer the authority of editing and organizing books to the Ministry of Education of the Illus Empire, and at the same time granted them the authority to use the teleportation array, allowing them to send staff to spread across the country Collect and organize data at various basic posts, and formally organize them into related professional books.

In the past, these books were not without them, but were limited by the carrier, so it was difficult to spread them.

Now that Tang En has completely popularized papermaking, many chambers of commerce have purchased patents, and have carried out environmentally-friendly production in strict accordance with Tang En's requirements. A large amount of cheap paper has flooded the market, and the price of paper carriers is quite low.

Therefore, it is entirely possible to use the bookstore of the Datang Chamber of Commerce to organize these professional knowledge and sell these professional books at a relatively low price in the bookstore. I believe that those who have the motivation to climb up will be willing to purchase these knowledge skills to improve themselves.

At this time, on the other side, Aegwynn and Eutinia came to her house, and then Aegwynn froze ...

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