Things from Another World

Chapter 1068: Newscast and weather forecast

Another busy day has passed. The sun is down and the smoke is cooking. People who have worked for a day either return home to cook a good meal or come to the pub to order a fine dinner with a glass of ale By myself, after eating, the symptoms of the shortage of Prendall's entertainment industry appeared.

People stay at home or go out in a daze, walk out of the house and walk with neighbors in groups of three or five, or gather together in the square to chat and play cards, and some couples start directly Hehehe, if it is the apocalypse, they will pick up weapons on time and start Hone your skills.

But today, things seem a little different.

Just as people in various cities have eaten and walked for a long walk, the major squares, parks, and other residential areas suddenly lit up a huge light curtain. The projection light curtain immediately attracted countless people's attention.

"what is that?"

"It seems to be a spell projection?"

"But why is it here?"

"There doesn't seem to be a magician here ..."

"The projection came from that thing ..."

In the sound of people's discussion, two figures suddenly appeared in the projection light curtain. At this time, Douglas Bollett, the owner of the mountain city Bein, had received the sample product of the magic TV in advance, and just saw this scene. The tea in his mouth Suddenly sprayed out.

One of them was Ma Lin, and the other was his son, the handsome Karl Bollett, president of Datang Daily.

When Tang En identified the first host, he directly selected Marlene and Karl, on the one hand, because both of them already had broadcasting experience, and the other gained a lot of experience in the process of in charge of the Datang Daily. Another is because Marlene is beautiful and Karl is handsome, just enough to meet the visual needs of the audience.

Of course, the best hostess choice is obviously the elegant and quiet elves. After all, the elves and men are impeccable. Unfortunately, it is not enough time to train the moderators. They can only get them up.

There was a sudden ripple on the magic projection, a very special golden dragon roared around, then turned into a emblem.

"It is the emblem of the Datang Chamber of Commerce!"

"Is this a new product from the Datang Chamber of Commerce !?"

With the sound of melodious and brisk music, a wonderful picture suddenly appeared in the projection, which attracted people's attention. After a short opening animation, it cut directly into the live broadcast room.

"Audience friends, good evening everyone. This is the central tower of the Ireng Empire Magic Projection Tower. It is now 24 o'clock in standard time. Welcome to watch the news webcast."

"I'm the host, Malin."

"I'm the host Carl."

"First of all, let me introduce the main content of today."

"Queen Olina and Her Majesty Tang En have jointly determined the future development direction of the Solanite leader. They have completed a comprehensive plan for the Solanite leader and have recently started a comprehensive modernization work."

"His Majesty Tang En met with His Majesty Testero Bloodeye, and the two sides launched a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on sustainable development work to support the Xinglong breeding industry policy."

"The Datang Chamber of Commerce and Star Diamond Bank signed a cooperation contract, and the two parties will carry out comprehensive cooperation on the highway construction plan led by Solant."

"His Majesty Tang En said publicly that the royal family will increase subsidies to agriculture to reduce agricultural burdens and increase farmers' income. At the same time, in order to promote population growth, they will implement a fertility policy."

"Marquis Robert, the Minister of Transport, has submitted a new draft of the Traffic Law on the current traffic situation and intends to increase the penalty for driving violations."

"The Datang Chamber of Commerce will continue to strengthen support for small and medium-sized chambers of commerce, and look forward to more chambers of commerce joining the Datang Business Alliance to jointly create a new era in the economy."

"Next, please watch the details."

With the voices of Marin and Carl coming out, every piece of news was clearly presented in front of all audiences, and even the cities far away can watch the same program at the same time, and the entire Illus Empire suddenly boiled. After getting up, a large number of people came and gathered near the nearest magic energy projection receiver, staring at the projection screen with their eyes widened.

At the same time, the Holy See, Lyon's eyes widened, and he looked at the screen with an incredible look: "It's not a magic projection, but a magic projection! When can a magic projection spread such a large area?"

Pope Jessolini nodded, and said with emotion: "His Majesty Tang En is indeed a man who is good at creating miracles ..."

In fact, the Pope is not quite sure whether Tang En is a human or not. His body was created by the gods himself. His soul comes from a different world. He came to Prandall to shoulder the mission of the gods. He said that he should be regarded as a messenger of God, not as a human being.

In the past, the influence of the Holy See was so strong because the divine projection could be actively projected through churches and bishops in various places, allowing everyone to hear the Pope ’s voice. Even Tang En had to Use the power of the Pope to achieve the rapid spread of news.

But now, the birth of this magic energy projection receiver has broken this "technical monopoly" of the Holy See. In the future, Tang En can rely on his own power to achieve low-cost and wide-range news transmission.

Reasonably, the mood of the pope is quite complicated.

"... The return of Solant's collar is a landmark event for the re-emergence of the Illus Empire. Queen Orina and Her Majesty Tang En have conducted in-depth discussions on the development of Solant's collar and jointly improved the The development plan decided to build the city of Sacred Songs into the second Yalinks ... "

"... The Dixinglong breeding industry is a project led by His Majesty Tang En, Datang Chamber of Commerce and the Rennes Empire. This project has solved the problem of tens of thousands of local jobs since the beginning of construction. Provide us with a lot of materials such as fur flesh ... "

"... Star Diamond Bank will be responsible for investing in the construction of a highway from Solant ..."

"... Her Majesty Tang En pointed out that the country's peaceful and stable development is paramount, and the people's income is directly linked to the happiness index. At the same time, population will also become the bottleneck of national development. We must increase the population growth rate as soon as possible ... "

As the details were made public, cheers rang out from all parts of the Illus Empire, especially those from the bottom of society who were so excited that they burst into tears.

His Majesty Tang En is perhaps the first king to attach so much importance to civilians, and the first such actionable king ever!

There is no doubt that the Illus Empire will rise again in the hands of Down, standing on top of Plantar!

Cheering sounds continued to be heard. The magic projection tower (TV station) in Ellington listened particularly clearly. Tang En and Fiona sitting in the background looked at each other and knew that this step was successful!

Due to the problems of production capacity and market publicity, the Magic Projection Receiver cannot be fully marketed, so they thought of a compromise solution, and first sent the Magic Projection Receiver produced in the early stage to the various princes and nobles, especially It is in the hands of the owners of various cities and those who have a close relationship with Tang En. Secondly, large-scale magic projection receivers are arranged in public places and used as public televisions.

After seeing the charm of the magic projection receiver, people will soon realize that the Datang Chamber of Commerce will definitely sell the corresponding products. Once the magic projection receiver is on the market, it will soon be able to enter millions of households.

"... The above is the main content of today's news webcast. Thank you for watching. The next weather broadcast is tomorrow, so stay tuned."

After Marin finished speaking, the brisk music sounded suddenly in the projection, followed by a rough map of magical magic, with the names of the cities marked with text.

What appeared on the screen at this moment was a young and beautiful female magician, but the magician dressed up differently than usual. The magic robe on her body was obviously redesigned and became fashionable and mysterious.

She is a magician of Silver City, Penny Carter, and a disciple of Russell Adams, one of the three Supreme Magicians of Silver City, and now she is a weather reporter for the Central Radio and Television of Plantand.

However, the magician was obviously a little awkward, and her eyes were a little confused-she was still not used to speaking into a strange box.

"Good evening, everyone, friends and viewers. Welcome to watch the weather forecast. The first one is Yalinx, the king. According to recent observations, Yalinx has no precipitation for several consecutive days and the air is abnormally dry. According to information feedback, our The Meteorological Masters will start tomorrow at 18 o'clock standard time (noon), and rain will start on time for Yalinks. The rain will continue until 27 o'clock standard time (late morning). I hope everyone will prepare for the trip in advance ... "

"Ellington has a comfortable climate and will remain sunny tomorrow."

"For three consecutive days of rain in the City of Anthem, the Meteorological Masters will disperse the rain clouds at 9 tomorrow morning (morning). I hope that the light of Lumbica will bring a good mood to the friends of Anthem."

"Because it is about to enter winter in the near future, the sea breeze will affect Fira's ships. Therefore, the Meteorological Tomorrow will stop the sea breeze for 18 to 24 hours. Hope everyone can sail safely ..."

"The recent mining in Preston caused a lot of dust. According to the recommendations, it will be decided that there will be a light rain for 3 minutes at 9 o'clock tomorrow. I hope everyone can breathe fresh air ..."

"Bein's weather is fine. Remember to bask ..."

"The weather in Paganis ..."

"Fort Casparmi ..."

"It is about to enter the sleeping month, the weather is getting colder, remind everyone to remember to wear more clothes, but do n’t get sick ..."

Sitting in the background and listening to the weather forecast, Fiona couldn't help laughing: "Only you would think of using the power of a magician to interfere in the weather artificially!"

Tang En spread his hand: "Isn't it normal to have such a powerful force to interfere with the weather to serve us better?"

In Tang En's view, this is not as big a problem as artificial rainfall. Previously, because Gene controlled the resources of the magician, this market demand was not derived.

Weather forecast?

This is indeed a weather forecast, and it can still be adjusted at any time according to your needs!

With the power of a magician, it's not too simple to want a good weather!

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