Things from Another World

Chapter 1071: This is a tear of happiness

"Sanye! Stop your work, I have a task for you--"

Tang Enxing rushed to Sanye's studio. When he pushed in the door, he saw Sanye and several female elves sitting together. He was discussing something. He only heard a few things like "Night Attack, Black Silk" "Bundling, compulsory conception," and other words suddenly asked curiously: "--What are you talking about? Such a heavy taste? Are you planning to produce a new book?"

Mitsuba's face changed, and she casually winked at the sisters, then said, "Yeah, I feel that the recent book content is a bit lacking, so we are discussing new content."

Tang En was instantly filled with emotion, devoted his thoughts to the reader, devoted himself to improving the reader's sensory enjoyment, and constantly chased the new realm. This is truly a respectable master!

"Let's put down the matter of the book first, I have a new task to give you."

San Ye suddenly became interested: "What new task? New design needs? Or new inspiration?"


Tang En explained: "We have recently developed a new product, do you know the magic projection receiver?"

"I know, a good idea to cover a very wide area of ​​content, and the audience's acceptance is very high."

Sanye nodded: "I'm still thinking about talking with Marlene, and I just put the book on it to play it."

Tang En suddenly gave a cold sweat and waved his hands again and again: "Don't, don't do it! Because the content is too stimulating, this kind of thing is destined to spread only in a small area, and the influence seen by minors is very bad."


Sanye was a little disappointed: "What's the new task you said?"

"It is a new form of media that is born out of comics, but is aloof from comics and can be played on the magic projection receiver."

Tang En immediately described the principle of the animation and Sanye again. After Sanye heard it, he suddenly became interested.

"Continuous pictures are formed by gradual drawings? Can this really be done?"

"Of course, because the picture accepted by our eyes is also the same, as long as more than 24 continuous gradual pictures in one second, it will be recognized as a dynamic image."

Tang En briefly described the principle of animation with Sanye. After Sanye heard it, she immediately acted. She picked up a brush and drew a stack of simple pictures, and then flipped them together ...

"Not moving?"

"It was your drawing that was wrong."

Tang En began to point out her mistakes: "Because of the visual residual effect, each picture must be related to the previous one. For example, if you want to hold this hand, you first need to stretch and curl these fingers. , Then the joints here ... "

After Tang En told her in detail, Sanye immediately understood the principle and worked hard again, drawing a new stack of drawings in minutes.

Seeing Sanye's so efficient painting speed, Tang En can't help but be impressed. If the painters on the earth can have such efficiency, I don't know how many fans of anime and comics are going to be excited.

"Move! Really move!"

Sanye and his painters were pleasantly surprised to find that when the redrawn drawing was quickly flipped, it actually formed a continuous picture, and the image drawn on the paper acted like a living creature!

"Already understand the principle?"

Tang En said: "Then the task entrusted to you is to draw such cartoons from the beginning, such as" Things in Another World "," Fu Tanciku ", and" Eight Dragon Ball "."

"something wrong."

Sanye raised his hand honestly and said, "The content of these comics is very much. According to the situation where there are 24 original paintings in one minute (seconds) now, the content of one section alone requires a lot of paintings. Short It is difficult to complete the task in time. "

"I didn't let you finish it in a short time."

Tang En said patiently: "My current plan is to play" Things in Other Worlds "one day," Fu Tanuki "and" Eight Dragon Balls "one day. In this way, you only need to complete one of the comics a day. An animated draft of one chapter will do. "

Sanye thought about it, and the task didn't seem to be too heavy, so he said, "I'll be fine."

Tang En was a bit worried about the effect of the animation. After all, it was the first time that Sanye did this art form, so he said: "Today you first draw the first section of the comics of" Things in the Other World ". Look at it, then find someone else to form an animation studio, and then I will explain to you how to do it. "

"Is there anything else I need to explain?"

"of course."

Tang En smiled and said, "Animation is not just as simple as drawing the content. In addition to the original, there are editing and dubbing tasks after shooting. It is not something you can do alone. This is a completely new industry. Can feed many people. "

Sanye estimated the workload and said, "Okay, then you can bring someone after lunch."

Tang En sighed once again for this kind of work efficiency. An episode of animation is about 24 minutes by earth standards, which is 1440 seconds and 34,560 original paintings. Of course, strictly speaking, because there are a lot of background images and still images in the animation. Frame pictures, so the actual number of original paintings must be less than this number, but the workload is still very arduous, and it takes only a few moments for Sanye to get it ... The power of magic is really strong.

After having lunch, Tang En ran to Gene to ask for a few junior magicians, and then went to find Sanye. The animation did not require the magician's strength to be as long as he could operate the photo crystal.

As for the voice-over voice actors ... Thann decided to choose the elves.

On the one hand, because the voices of the elves are really good, and they are good at imitating the sounds of various animals, and they have a good set of simulated sounds. How long had to retire because of age.

Of course, the Dragons have this kind of advantage. Unfortunately, the Dragons are too big, and their personalities are really not suitable for such delicate work. Therefore, Tang En still thinks that the elves are the most suitable.

By the time Tang En found Sanye again, she had finished drawing, and even according to Tang En's requirements, even the colors were ready.

Tang En couldn't wait to look at the drawing first. He hadn't seen the animation for two years. When he saw the animation again, he almost touched his tears. Although there was only no sound on the screen, it was enough.

At least, this proves that the industry has started, and soon he will have animation to watch ...

Sanye's first drawing of the original manuscript certainly has many deficiencies, especially under her sheer size of painting, many places are not clear, and the content is too rich, so Tang En became the animation master on the spot , Pointed out the problem to her briefly, and Sanye immediately corrected it on the spot.

While she was revising the drawing, Tang En ran to find Sally again and asked her for a few elven bards. Bards often sang and sang, and her voice was very beautiful, and she was good at interpretation. Emotions, they are the best choice for voice actors.

After all the personnel were in place, Tang En immediately started shooting.

The basic conditions are all in place, and there is nothing to say about the shooting. After all, the bards are assigned roles, and they are directed to the screen and then interpreted according to lines.

Although the bards felt this stupid, the queen and the ambassador ordered them to be honest and obedient, so the first generation voice actress of Prandall was born.

That night, after all the work was over, Tang En invited everyone who participated in the work to watch the first episode of "The Things in the Other World" animation. When seeing lively characters appearing in the projection, the familiar voice It turned into the voice of an animated character. When speaking the familiar lines, Rao was the three leaves who participated in the production, and they were all stunned.

They couldn't even believe it was something they made!

And what about Down? Then his moved eyes burst into tears, and it has been two years since I came to Plantar! He finally got a chance to see the familiar animation again!

In particular, Tang En's magical painter made Tang En deeply intoxicated. He couldn't help but wonder, if Sanye's painter was used to make some ** animations, would it work wonders ...

This thought flashed in Tang En's mind, and then quietly hidden.

After watching the first episode, Tang En exhaled deeply, and then said on the spot: "Congratulations! We have succeeded! However, everyone's task will be more onerous because the serialization of the animation is a very difficult task! You have to complete your task on time every day, weather and weather! Are you confident? "


A group of elves looked at each other. Was the task burdensome? I don't feel it at all ...

Tang En sighed, these guys have never experienced the fear of being dominated by the reminder ...

He clapped on the spot and said, "Since there is no problem, it is so happy to decide. From today, you will form the Datang Animation Studio, which will be responsible for producing animations for the Datang Magic Energy projection radio tower, and also responsible for some special effects Production, Sanye is the head of the animation studio ... "

Tang En arranged them one by one. After solving this problem, the TV station would have a very stable section, and it is foreseeable that this new art form will certainly circle a large number of fans.

In the future, whether it is inserting advertisements or conducting publicity, the effect will definitely be great!

In addition to animation, there are also TV series ...

Tang En wiped the corners of his eyes, this is a tear of happiness.

Because, finally, the world feels a sense of modern society.

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