Things from Another World

Chapter 1087: Down's decision

"Reinforcement! Reinforcement ..."

The Palmer on the throne was anxious and burned farts. The messenger carried a magic letter with him and handed it to Princess Aurelia. The magic letter was handed over to Aurelia on the spot. Elmer has now learned that Aurelia has sent reinforcements, but after a few days, he still does not see the reinforcements, can he not worry?

Now Grace's army surrounded Syrah. If the reinforcements never come again, I'm afraid they will only collect the corpses for them!

The queen Dina, who was crying secretly, prayed with her hands clasped. At this time, she could do nothing but pray for a miracle.

At this moment, Palmer suddenly heard a commotion on the street outside, and then he panicked: "What's wrong !? What's wrong outside !? Could someone take the opportunity to make trouble !?"

Palmer hurried to the window, took a look at the probe, but was shocked to find that the refugees suddenly acted on the dead street. Some of them went to the front line to carry supplies, while others carried a bucket of water. Pour it on the roof, and some help the elderly and children move inside the house ...

Palmer was stunned by this picture of the people working together to overcome the difficulties: "What's going on !?"

At this moment, a maid ran into the throne in panic: "Your Majesty, Princess Beatrix sneaked out of the castle. She was unwilling to return. Now she is organizing refugees to prepare a resistance plan!"


Palmer and Dina were taken aback by the words, and the queen Dina panicked: "Your Majesty! Send someone to bring the Jade Ribbon back! It's too dangerous outside now!"

Palmer did not immediately agree. He thought of the scene he just saw, did he say--

He immediately observed it again and searched from the refugee's range of activities. Soon, his eyes locked on a small figure. Although he was far away, he recognized the busy one at a glance. The figure is exactly the pearl Beatrix on his palm.

For a moment, Palmer's mood was very complicated. He, the king, didn't cheer up for the first time. I didn't expect that it was Beatrice who cheered up first ...

Obviously she's just a child ...

Even in the face of this national crisis, she even cheered up. What qualifications do she have to panic here?

Thinking of this, Palmer's inexplicable heart gradually calmed down.

"Don't panic, Beatrice is doing what she can, and we should work harder."

Palmer took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner restlessness. He said slowly, "Although we are only a small principality, we should also try to learn to resist Grace, and we cannot give all hope Pinned on the reinforcements of the Illus Empire. "

He looked at the ministers who were still flustered beside him: "How much grain is still in the state treasury?"

"Under the circumstances, it was originally enough for the whole Shiraz to spend the entire winter and the next year's harvest of new grain. However, after the influx of refugees, I am afraid that it will only support one month ..."

"Don't talk so much nonsense. If it is breached, all the food will become Grace's thing."

Palmer gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly: "Come down, open the granary, organize the city's chefs to start cooking, and at least let our soldiers fill their stomachs before the war begins!"

The ministers exclaimed, "Your Majesty! You can't do this--"

"Why not!"

Palmer shouted: "Now! Obey my order immediately! Not only open the granary to put in the grain, but also take out the reserved weapons for distribution! At least, before we are destroyed, we must bite the Gris severely. Next bite! "

"Yes ... Your Majesty ..."

"Raise your head! Even Beatrix is ​​cheering up and starting to resist, what qualifications do you have for the country to continue to be negative?"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

All the ministers stepped back to execute the order, and Palmer sat down, staring blankly at the empty throne.

He can do what he has done, but the extent to which he can do it depends on God ...

"You have to say, you made me look."

A voice suddenly entered his ears, and Palmer suddenly stood up: "Who !?"

Then he saw the waves of air flowing in front of him, and then a smiling young man appeared in front of him.


Palmer was shocked, but felt that the young man in front of him was a little familiar. He took a closer look, and suddenly took a breath, exclaimed, "Your Majesty Tang En !?"

Tang En nodded with a smile.

It turned out to be Her Majesty Tang En!

Desperate, Palmer was instantly overwhelmed by ecstasy. He pulled Dana with a shocked face directly on one knee and gave him a courteous gift: "Palmer, Principality of Shiraz · Cecil and his wife Dina Cecil have met Her Majesty Down! "

Tang En waved his hand: "Get up."

"Your Majesty Tang En, please save Shiraz!"

Dina begged: "Now only you can save here!"


Palmer was annoyed: "Since Her Majesty Tang En has been here, it means that the reinforcements must have arrived too! Shiraz is saved!"

Tang En smiled and said, "You have a good daughter."

Palmer heard his eyes light up, was it His Majesty Tang En's attention to Beatrix! ?

Oh my god!

This is simply the only good news in despair!

If Beatrix can be her concubine of Tang En, will they be afraid that Shiraz will not have a chance to develop in the future! ?

It is a pity that the situation is more critical now, and this is not the time to talk about this!

Palmer hurriedly said, "If Her Majesty Tang En likes it, she can always marry Beatrix, but the situation now ..."

"you misunderstood."

Tang En waved his hand: "I just saw Princess Beatrix's practice all the way just now. It can be said that it was because of her that it made me make a big difference here, so you have a good daughter."

To be honest, at the beginning, Tang En held a dispensable attitude towards the Principality of Shiraz. It does n’t matter if you can save or not. After all, it is just a Principality. Compared with Grace, he is definitely more inclined to make friends. The larger population of Grace makes it easier to integrate there later.

But what he saw and heard after he came here gradually changed his mind.

The Grace's brutality was far beyond his imagination.

Since Tang En came to Prendall, the cruelest I have seen before are only those robbers and bandits who are forced to live in the wilderness. At most, these people are just making a fortune. If they surrender their wealth, it is very likely You can still save your life-after all, the robbers also need to consider the long-term development, businessmen are dead and scared, they are starving, right?

Even when confronted with tens of thousands of armies before fighting Prince Girard, those soldiers also had their own sense and judgment. After learning that Girard was really corrupted by the dark snake, they obeyed Tang En. Order, went straight home.

The Kingdom of Solant is even more so. Everyone has his own judgment ability, not blindly loyal, so he can use public opinion to crush Klein's ambition, and then easily recover Solant.

However, Grace gave him a completely different feeling.

Here in the Principality of Shiraz, from top to bottom, he felt a strong hatred of Grace.

What kind of hatred will make people who originally belonged to a country in the short period of more than a hundred years after the split become the opposite?

After Tang En came to Shiraz, he did not go to the castle for the first time, but walked on the street, watching, listening, and analyzing and judging the situation in his heart.

But the more he knew, the worse his mood was.

The Kingdom of Grace is different from all the kingdoms I have encountered before.

They have ambition, strength, and even more terrible, they have action!

The regular plundering of the Solent border, the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan each year guarantees the combat capability of the army of the Kingdom of Grace, which makes the Kingdom of Grace extremely aggressive.

The suffering Principality of Shiraz is full of hatred towards the Kingdom of Grace. Numerous people have lost their lives because of the army of the Kingdom of Grace.

This means that if Tang En wants to regain the Kingdom of Grace, he will inevitably have irreconcilable contradictions with the people of the Principalities of Shiraz, the Principality of Ivalan, and even some of the border cities of Sorant!

Maybe they will be suppressed by Tang En at the beginning, but it is definitely a hidden danger after a long time, especially in the future when they need to unite and fight side by side. If the Gris and the Silas are to fight together, they will be afraid. First of all, they will start to stab each other.

This is definitely an unstable factor unacceptable to Down.

However, from a purely practical point of view, the best choice for him was actually to abandon the people of the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan and choose the Kingdom of Grace.

Because the people of the Kingdom of Grace have extremely strong fighting power, there is no doubt that Tang En's first task is to fight chaos and save the world. The average fighting power of the whole people is very important, and the Grace people can undoubtedly greatly increase this indicator.

Do you choose the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan to guard goodness and peace?

Or choose the more practical but aggressive Kingdom of Grace?

Tang En's heart fell into contradiction.

Until he saw Beatrix.

The princess who was born in the castle, but full of hope, tilted the balance in his heart.

Yeah, although the Grace Kingdom is now more preferred, it means he has to compromise on Grace's bad behavior!

Now that compromises have been made, what will happen to the Gris and Illus later? Does it mean further compromise?

No compromise? The Greeses will start to divide and add to his blockage.

Since they are used to adding all kinds of instability troubles in the future, why not consider keeping Silas and Ivalan?

Although they are not strong, although they are just good civilians, even they have a desire to survive!

In the face of despair, they will burst into powerful power!

Keep Silas and Ivaran and give up Grace.

This is the final choice made by Tang En because of Beatrix.

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