Things from Another World

Chapter 1089: How the Flying Dragon loses face!

"Have Palmer made that fool decision yet?"

Henry, who was sitting in the middle of the town, knocked on Erlang's legs, shaking gently with a glass of sweet red wine. The blood-colored color made him very intoxicated, took a sip, and after drinking for a long time, he drank the contents of the glass. Red wine, smash it, slap it: "Well ... I still can't learn their elegance, I don't know if this thing tastes good, but it's still the dwarven Thunder beer that is more in line with my taste."

"General, the door is still open, but ... we found a lot of people on the wall, and Palmer's guy is probably forcing all men into the army."

"Well, even if those people are forcibly recruited? Does that idiot really think that a single steel gate can block our Gris warrior? It is too naive. Once the city is broken, everyone is us Gryth Warrior Under the Sword! "

Henry wiped the liquor on his cloak, put on his helmet, opened the tent and walked out, smirking at the gate not far away, "I just don't want to waste my energy, open the gate Offering food treasures on their own initiative may also leave them a way of life. Since they are so stubborn, give them some color and see. "

A cold smile flashed on Henry's face: "Now the city of Syrah must be full of refugees, and the archers are ready to shoot! I think a round of arrow rain may change Palmer's old thing?"

Siege battle, ready to go!

"Archers ready--"

Just when Henry was planning to use a round of arrow rain to let King Palmer know that he was wrong, a fast horse rushed from the flank.

The cavalry on horseback shouted, "General Henry! Urgent situation!"

Raising the sabre slowly down, he stared at the approaching cavalry: "Report the situation."

"Our squad was sweeping through the village on the east side, but suddenly found that the strange army had been moving here! They were extremely fast! And very weird!"

"The army from the east?"

Henry frowned. "Is it the army of the Illus Empire? Did they actually come to support the Principality of Shiraz?"

"From the outside banner, it is indeed the army of the Illus Empire, but ..."

The cavalry's expression was very weird: "That army is really weird. Not many soldiers can be seen, but they are driving a lot of steel puppets! It is suspected that a large number of soldiers are hiding inside the steel puppets!"

"Iron and steel !?"

Henry's face changed: "Are you sure it's a steel golem ?! The alchemy war machine !?"

"I'm not sure, but ..."

The cavalry said helplessly: "That kind of thing is really made of steel throughout the body, and the speed of that thing is very fast, I do n’t know how much faster than the war horse, and it is nothing to go over the mountains, we see it with our own eyes To that steel golem rushed straight into the forest, and then stumbled a way! "


Henry breathed in his air, and his heart fluttered: "How long will they be here?"

The cavalry's face was bitter: "Our activities in the villages and towns in the east have slowed their pace, but I'm afraid ... not more than twenty minutes."

"Estimate how many people there are? Are there apocalypse?"

"I can't see it, but the size of the team is very large, even comparable to our army. As for the apocalypse ... we have never fought against each other, so we cannot know."

"A thousand people ..."

Henry's expression was quite weird: "Illus Empire would send 10,000 soldiers to support a Principality ... It seems that we all despised Tang En's decisiveness. He really wanted to maintain his reputation. "

Originally, the invasion of the Kingdom of Grace by Shiraz was already a matter of convention with Solent, and the Principality of Shiraz was just an unlucky Principality, which originally served as a buffer zone, and the two sides did not affect each other.

Although Solant is now recaptured by the Illus Empire, the tacit agreement with Solant should not change. After all, the Principality of Shiraz is only a buffer zone.

However, Tang En of the Illus Empire is probably a regent who greatly cherishes his reputation. He even sent 10,000 troops to support the Principality of Shiraz ...


Ten thousand to ten thousand, it seems evenly matched, but what about the real situation?

Henry sneered, only 10,000 people, even if there were steel golems? We can fight ten Gris warriors each!

Henry began to calculate in his heart. This time, of the 10,000 army he led, in addition to 8,000 ordinary soldiers, 2,000 of them were apocalyptic, and one thousand of the two thousand apocalyptic Five hundred black iron-level peaks, 450 silver-level, and fifty gold-level apocalypse, and he himself is a master of the grandmaster level.

Such a powerful army is absolutely uncommon even if you look at the entire Prandall.

Not to mention, even ordinary soldiers, the Grace people have to undergo brutal training since childhood, their physical strength is amazing, and compared to the Illus, it is not an exaggeration to play ten!

We have an advantage in individual combat capabilities!

On their own side, by plundering the Principality of Shiraz these days, in addition to the grain returned to the Kingdom of Grace, they have accumulated a large amount of grain in the rear. The supply is not a problem at all. Even if there is a shortage, they can still By dispersing attacks, plunder other villages to get supplies.

On the other hand, the army of the Illus Empire traveled long distances to support it. The food and grass consumed by the 10,000 troops were not a small number, and they came to support it. It was impossible to replenish the food and grass by plundering, and they surrounded Shiraz. They also cannot get supplies from Shiraz, which means that they will get weaker and weaker.

Your side has the advantage in supply!

Looking at the weather again, it is already the end of the sleeping month, and the temperature has dropped further, and it is already very cold.

However, compared with the cruel Kingdom of Grace, this climate is gentle and tempting to make people doze, and it will not affect the combat effectiveness at all.

However, the Illus Empire is located in the eastern plains. The ordinary climate is warm. Their cold resistance is definitely not as good as their own, which means that their combat capabilities will be severely affected by the climate and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

On the environmental side, we have the same advantage!

No matter how you compare, the people in the right place and the three have already taken the second place. Can you tell me how to lose in this battle?

The only destabilizing factor is the opponent's steel puppet.

However, according to Henry's knowledge, the activity of steel golems is also affected by the temperature. The colder the temperature, the worse the activity of steel golems. At this temperature, even steel golems can not exert much combat power.

What's more, if a conservative strategy is used to fight the war of attrition, the other party loses its supply, even if there is a steel puppet, in the end, it will just become an iron box to imprison them, and there is no need to care.

The only uncertainty is the number of apocalypse in the opposing army ...

According to past experience, most of the apocalypse of the Illus Empire are used to becoming adventurers or mercenaries. Few people are willing to join the army. This is different from the Kingdom of Grace. Once the citizens of the Kingdom of Grace awaken to become The first choice of the apocalypse is to join the army and contribute their strength to Her Majesty Stanley. Therefore, the number of apocalypse in the army of the Kingdom of Grace is extremely high.

Henry had at least 80% certainty that their number of apocalypse must be more than this reinforcement!

Do you want to fight?

Your own victory rate is very high. If you completely wipe out this reinforcement, it will definitely cause huge losses to the Illus Empire. Maybe your Majesty will take this opportunity to wage war directly and unify the Illus Empire ...

Henry didn't say a word, and after a moment of groaning, he suddenly came to his senses and murmured.

Why did they come out this time?

In order to grab money and food for the Kingdom of Grace!

Now His Majesty's plan is at a critical moment and has no interest in doing anything else!

In other words, he has absolutely no need to go to war with this reinforcement!

Will the reinforcements reach Shiraz in 20 minutes at the latest?

Henry made a quick decision and ordered decisively: "Continue the order! Start the siege immediately! Be sure to win the city gate within two moments. We have ten minutes to grab the grain and grass as soon as possible, and then immediately withdraw!"

He decided to take a risk and make a time difference with the opponent. Twenty minutes left, leaving a ten-minute margin. Two sieges were more than enough. The remaining eight minutes were enough to ransack Shiraz and evacuate from here.

Even if the reinforcements found their route of withdrawal, Henry did not worry that they would catch up. Since it was reinforcements, the primary goal was to support and protect Shiraz. No commander would be stupid enough to support a principality and continue Run after each other and waste your soldiers.

If so, he must be the stupidest commander in the world.

Henry's order was immediately conveyed. After receiving the instructions, the archers, who were already ready to go, immediately took the arrow and started the first round of shooting!

The dense rain of arrows screamed and flew up into the sky, crossed the city walls, and fell into the city of Shiraz—


Henry sighed, because it was a robbery mission, so this trip did not carry a siege weapon such as a catapult at all, otherwise, just this round of attack will be enough to destroy Silas.

After all, there is no magician stationed in the small duchy of Silas, and there is no too famous strongman, just an insignificant duchy.

Henry had even closed his eyes and raised his ears, waiting to hear the sound of arrows coming from the city of Syrah after the rain of arrows fell.


A heartbreaking scream came as expected, and a smile appeared on Henry's face, but suddenly, the smile froze on his face.

How come these screams are so close?

And how could these sounds sound so familiar?

"... !!!!!!"

When Henry opened his eyes, he suddenly stayed there, followed by a breath of air, exclaimed, "What's going on ?!"

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