Things from Another World

Chapter 1093: Asylum of the Virgin

After Tang En disappeared, Palmer shouted. The stock fell and fell to the ground. He thought that Tang En was going to take the shots directly to resolve the captives. At this moment, the expression on his face was very contradictory, as if fortunate and ashamed.

He may be fortunate that Tang En took over the crime of killing civilians.


I'm afraid that you are guilty of failing to protect your people ...

However, Palmer's speculation went awry, because after Tang En left, he went back to Yalinks and knocked someone over.

When I was surprised that Tang En came to visit her, Illuli had just stuck to her idiot, and suddenly found that she had appeared in another place. After noticing the people below, she exclaimed and hurriedly squeezed her skirt: "Master Why don't you say a word! Wouldn't it be a loss if you let others see? "

After all, the maiden is a maiden. It is trivial to not invade the cold and the summer. It is not strange to wear a skirt on this cold day.


Tang En froze and waved his hand and said, "Relax, I have long considered that there is arcane radiance under my feet, and they can see nothing."

"Hey hey, I'm actually scaring you."

Yi Luli shook her skirt: "I'm a sacred lady who is sheltered by the gods. I have my own light. Those who I don't allow will be blinded."


Tang En's eyes jumped. Although it was a very intimate setting, I always felt that this setting was a bit inexplicable ...

"But where is this? Master, what are you doing to bring me here?"

Yi Luli glanced at the probe, and after seeing the battlefield below, he stunned: "War? Where is this?"

"Duchy of Shiraz." Tang En pointed to the city under his feet. "Here is Shiraz, and Gris's invaders are attacking it."

"Do you want me to help guard the city? Or do you want me to help treat the wounded?"

Illy took out Jebirni's artifact set neatly, looked at Tang En with a look of expectation, and was obviously very excited to help Tang En.

"The matter of treating the wounded is discussed later."

Tang En shook his head. He could completely use Nora's power to achieve the treatment, but some things could only be done by Yi Luli.

He pointed at the captives who had been pushed forward by the overlord team and said, "I want you to put a shield of light on all of these captives, can you do it?"


Yi Luli froze and asked, "How many of them?"

Even if it is Yi Luli's strength, the pressure on the group to apply the shield of the Holy Light is very great, after all, the magic power she has gained is not endless.

"There are at least 3,000 people in the eyes, and maybe more."

Tang En was not quite sure how many of these people, the Gris people plundered so much grain, they definitely needed a lot of manpower to transport them back, and they could not do this kind of thing, they would capture a large number of prisoners to work hard The number of these prisoners is definitely not small, and may even be more than the regular army.

It is not uncommon for one hundred soldiers to **** 10,000 captives in any world.

"A bit reluctant, but you can try."

Yiluli took a deep breath and held two artifacts tightly. The bright blessing artifact set of Yebilny was in her hand. The effect on the increase of the magic was very impressive. Yiluli had never gone all out. .

"Go ahead."

When Tang En waited for Iluli to get started, he pulled out the phone and contacted the flying combat team: "Ready to drop bombs, stand by."


Yi Luli closed her eyes and concentrated her mind. The scepter of light in her hand suddenly appeared a warm light. The blessing of the holy scripture automatically floated from the palm of her hand, and the pages quickly turned, then stopped at the record The light shield is on that page.

Illy opened her eyes again, and her eyes as pure as the mountains and lakes were shining with insight into everything. She said slowly, "God said that light is everywhere, light is warm, light is strong, It really guards us ... "

Along with Illy's prayer, the intense light began to converge on her, and Lumbica's light also seemed to have undergone qualitative changes. The light continually gathered together, making Illy dazzling like a born saint.

The next Tang En looked at the noble and holy Elure like a saint, and her eyes fell on the godly rune around her neck, and she suddenly pinched herself to sweat.

Such a pure and kind girl turned out to be her own idiot because of an accident. She even pushed her back ...

If the believers knew it, I'm afraid that the reverence for "Her Majesty Tang En" will instantly fall below freezing ...

But no matter what, this is an established fact. Tang Enke has no intention of pushing out the girl he has, but it is not a good chance to confess right now, just wait and wait.

As the prayer gradually came to an end, the holy light condensed on Eluli's body was nearing the limit she could bear, and the whole person was almost turning into a small white sun. Finally, Elli's chanting reached At the end, she pressed her right hand, and the power of the holy light gushed instantly, and the storm came to the earth!

Her wise eyes, blessed by the **** of light, Yebirni, had already judged the enemy and us in the battlefield, but all the captives had been locked in an instant, and the coming light covered all the captives on the front line. A layer of shimmering light shielded their bodies.

It's now!

Tang En flashed in his eyes and said decisively, "Throw high explosive bombs!"

"Received! Start bombing!"

The members of the flying combat squad saw the light from the sky. Where did they not understand that it was Her Majesty Tang En's preparation? After receiving the order, he dropped the bomb already prepared in his hand without hesitation.

The high-explosive bomb screamed from the sky and exploded when it fell to the ground. The powerful power of the goblin gunpowder propelled the steel **** inside to explode in all directions. The triggered magic array placed inside also activated at the first time. As it shattered, the bitter cold and blazing flames roared and devoured all nearby life.

"Boom boom boom boom—"

Successive explosions sounded, and when the deputy sitting in the rear heard the explosions, a spirit rushed out of the tent: "What's going on ?? They have weapons provided by the goblins !?"

"Not a goblin weapon!"

The guards who have been standing there watching the battlefield craze: "It is a magician! It must be a magician participating in the battle! They even have a magician hidden!"

The sudden emergence of ice nova and flame storm on the battlefield scared the two sides at war, and even those soldiers defending the city were stunned by the sudden attack.

This assistance came in time, but what about the captives! ?

Do you want to sacrifice them! ?

Henry's lieutenant looked incredulous: "Damn! Aren't they afraid of the sanctions of the Silver City !?"

"Maybe a wild mage-but we didn't bring our mage this time!"

"These idiots! Retreat! Retreat now!"

Henry's lieutenant can't wait to wait for Henry. Once a party on the battlefield has the power of a magician, the situation can basically be said to be one-sided, there is no need to fight at all!

Even if it is only a bronze-level magician, you can use the Arcane Eye to detect intelligence, and a black-iron-level magician can use the quagmire pit to kill an unknown number of soldiers.

"What the **** is General Henry doing!"

Now even the lieutenant was in a hurry, and he said clearly that he would go in and solve the magicians in the city. As a result, there was no news on his side, but so many magicians appeared on this side!

Don't retreat, I'm afraid it's over! It was obvious that Shiraz did not intend to care about the lives of the captives anymore, and the plan to use the captives to restrain the other party ’s offensive would be a complete loss ... and so on? Those captives! ?

At this moment, the lieutenant suddenly straightened his eyes: "What's going on with those captives! Why aren't they injured !?"

But isn't it? There was such a strong spell attack on the battlefield that all of his soldiers were burned to death, but the captives were safe!

On closer inspection, the captives were covered with a light film.

what is that?

Miracle? ?

The faces of these people in the camp were very ugly. Once there was an extraordinary force involved in the war, the war basically could not be fought.

"Launch a retreat signal immediately! You can't stand still anymore! The reinforcements of the Illus Empire are about to arrive, and we have no time to waste!"

"But General Henry—"

"With the strength of General Henry, do you think anyone can stop him? He can catch up with us even if we retreat!"


At this moment, the captives were still in extreme horror at this moment. The sudden flames and ice around them frightened them, and they didn't even notice that they had a layer of light shield on them.

When they found that they were intact in the flames, they suddenly noticed this, so many believers knelt on the spot and prayed in tears, thanking the **** for blessing Barabara ...

Nedam, who had just given the offensive order, noticed this, and his unusually heavy mood suddenly eased up. He was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "Counter-attack! Immediate counter-attack!"

The soldiers on the wall shot the arrows without hesitation, and the trebuchet also began to throw stones. The boulder wrapped in hot oil was ignited and fired. It fell into the enemy's army and snarled in one shot. Dozens or hundreds!

The triumphant balance finally tilted back towards the Duchy of Shiraz!

Seeing the enemy start to retreat, Needham was very hesitant. The situation is now very good.

After thinking about it for a moment, he decisively gave up the plan.

The fighting power of the Principality of Shiraz and the fighting power of the Grace soldiers are not on the same level at all. The current situation is reversed because of the assistance of those people. If you want to catch up and bully people, then you are simply bullying yourself.

The priority now is to open the door to gather those refugees!

"Open the gates immediately to gather the refugees! No pursuit!"

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