Things from Another World

Chapter 1135: Western development plan

Tang En regained Blood Rock City, the capital of the Kingdom of Grace with thunder. The news was promoted by Fiona and Alleria, and quickly through the power of Datang Daily, Datang Broadcasting, and Magic Projection TV. It was just a blink of an eye in passing through Prandall, and Tang En's brilliant record was known to almost all human settlements.

In a chain hotpot restaurant in Yalinks, the cold wind in the winter was blocked out, and the aroma of the index finger was permeating inside the store. Red hot pots were placed on each of the dining tables. The fat sucked up the chilli extract, and it kept rumbling and tumbling, and a pile of fresh and delicious ingredients were placed on the table and ready to be cooked at any time.

In this cold winter, there is really no more suitable food than hot pot. The chain hot pot business that Tang En and Victor originally developed also ushers in the annual best-selling season again.

However, the savory food in front of them did not attract the attention of the diners in the hall. They were all staring at the magical holographic projection and listening intently to the news.

"... At this point, Her Majesty Tang En has completely controlled the Blood Rock City, and the Kingdom of Grace has become history from now on ..."

"... Our army annihilates about 400,000 enemy troops and captures more than 100,000 captives. After being escorted back to China, these captives will be forced to undergo labor reform. After receiving training, they will be placed on the production lines of mines, farms, and factories. The Illus Empire came to pay for its sins ... "

"... Residents of Blood Rock City will be transferred to Blood Rock City in batches, and immigrants will be transferred from other cities to Blood Rock City for later reconstruction and construction work. His Majesty Tang En considered the difficult conditions in Blood Rock City, so this 'Western Development' plan Volunteers will be given a generous return, who are willing to stay in Blood Rock City for more than five years. After signing the contract, the family will receive a set of housing and a magic car in the city at one time. The complete set provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce Of magical necessities, while living in Blood Rock City, can get twice the salary of Ellington's average salary ... "

"People who want to participate in the development of the western region can register at the nearest street office. The registration will continue until the harvest month next year ..."

After hearing the news, the crowd in the hot pot restaurant suddenly rioted.

A man laughed and laughed, "The development of the western region? It sounds great! There is a sense of honor to participate in great historical events."

"What? Are you excited?"

"Who doesn't want such a good condition! As long as you sign up and pass the selection, you can directly get a house! Now a home in Yalinks costs at least 10,000 yuan? How many years will I earn from that income!"

"Ten thousand gold? That's the past. Everyone's average income has doubled this year. I'm afraid that we have to add zero to the price. Of course, if it is in the outer city, it is not expected to be so expensive."

"In fact, everything in the house is a trivial matter. The focus is on the full set of daily necessities provided by the Magic Energy Automobile and the Datang Chamber of Commerce! Have you ever counted how much it costs to use the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce? At least this number ! "

A thin man weighed two fingers.

"Twenty thousand gold?"

"It's 200,000!"

The skinny man said enviously: "Now the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce have covered all aspects of our lives, and everything is covered. Although most of the products are good and inexpensive products, a small part of them are Very expensive luxury goods, we ca n’t afford it at all. Only those rich nobles can afford it. "

"That is to say, as long as we can pass the selection, we will also have the opportunity to obtain those magic furniture?"

"It's not possible, it's inevitable! The premise is that we can pass the selection! His Majesty Tang En never let us down. He promised that he would do it."

"It's great! If it weren't for the dangerous route to Blood Rock City, I would have even tried my luck."

Another heart-warming guy heard a word and said, "Dangerous on the road?"

"Yeah, there are many bandits in the western wilderness. Let ’s not say, how many lives are swallowed by the ecstasy marsh every year? Shadow woodland is shrouded in shadows all year round, who dare to step in? The blood raven mountains are eaten by those blood raven every year Many people are lost, but these are not much. The main thing is that the Wuthering Plateau has a bad climate. The winter here is so mild compared with there, and the average person cannot stand the climate there. "

"How do you know so much about going to Grace?"

The middle-aged man took a sip of wine and said with a sad look: "Because I once had a caravan and made a lot of money. Later, this caravan hit the road of Grace."

"So it is, respect you."

The other person hesitated and said, "But you're talking about the past?"


"Since Grace has now been taken down by His Majesty Tang En, considering Tang En's usual style, I am afraid that Star Diamond Bank will soon begin to cooperate with the Datang Chamber of Commerce to begin the construction of the highway to Grace Right? "

The man said: "Even if the environment in the middle is very bad, with the power of Her Majesty Tang En, Star Diamond Bank, and the Dragons, those harsh conditions should not be a problem."

The eyes of those around him brightened, it made sense! Especially the businessman who just spoke, his mind began to calculate quickly.

Doesn't Her Majesty Tang En have been pursuing the principle of "If you want to get rich, build the road first", there is no reason not to go to Grace's side and not implement it.

If you really build a spacious road, the time to Grace will be greatly shortened, and safety can be guaranteed. Although the risk is reduced and the profit is reduced, it can at least survive!

You have the opportunity to spend money.

In the future, if the province of Grace really wants to follow the instructions of Her Majesty Tang En, the local Grace people will be transferred out in batches and replaced by foreign populations. It is foreseeable that a large number of people will migrate. Behavior, along with it, is certainly a huge business opportunity. Perhaps, as long as you seize an opportunity, you can earn enough money for the rest of your life!

feasible! It really works!

After repeated calculations, the businessman drank the wine in one breath, and smashed it heavily on the table, only to feel that his long-lost ambition was rekindled in the chest: "Waiter! One more drink! The strongest wine, today I Get drunk! "

The waiter walked over and gave him a white glance. They are a hot pot restaurant, not a pub. They only have cider, what do they say when they are drunk and pretend to be drunk?

The same thing happens all over the country, but those who are more flexible and have followed the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce to drink soup immediately began to wonder what business to do.

The place of Grace was too closed in the past. Compared with the outside, it is an exaggeration to say that it is almost a primitive society. This is not a bad thing, because you must be a best seller no matter what you transport.

After the start of the western development plan, there will definitely be a lot of materials there. Now it is bolder and more discerning than anyone else.

Tang En's reinstatement of Grace made people rejoice, but now people are paying more attention to what substantive benefits the "Western Development" plan can bring to them.

Roninante, Nanila.

The squinting Oscar knocked on the handrail: "The development of the western region ... this slogan is well shouted, and it sounds like a lot of money at first sight."

"Your Majesty, do we also find a way to get involved? This is a good opportunity to make a lot of money."

"Participate? How do you participate?"

Oscar scolded: "Gris is now the territory of Illus. This is their internal development strategy. Why do we cooperate with them? Don't forget, now Sorant and Gree The three great kingdoms of Sri Lanka and Ronentante, but we are not yet back! "


The ministers took a breath in the air, "Your Majesty, what do you mean, will Tang En's goal be us next?"

"It's hard to say, unless Grace's other cities plan to rebel and draw Down's attention."

"Is there such a big difference in strength, would anyone dare to resist?"

"It's hard to say, you know that there are far more stupid people in your life than you think, and some people can't help themselves, but ..."

Oscar's eyes flashed inexplicably: "My sister has made such a big sacrifice, shouldn't he turn his face away from him?"

"Maybe," a minister put forward a suggestion, "The Datang Chamber of Commerce and Star Diamond Bank have a good relationship, and the two parties have always cooperated. Why don't we take advantage of the Star Diamond Bank relationship to get on this bus? Let us take the opportunity to release some goodwill and ease it. Let's have a relationship with Illus. "

Will releasing goodwill Tang En change the original plan?

Oscar doesn't think so.

Tang En's purpose now is obvious, he is to make the Illus Empire back to glory, and regaining all the land is his first step.

It's not that Oscar wants to block Down, but the situation has already been so long as Don's purpose has not changed, then Ronentante is a threshold that cannot be passed.

After Oscar groaned for a moment, he nodded: "It's a good idea to arrange it for me and let Leviz come ... no, let's forget it, so I'll go to Leviz and discuss the cooperative development of Grace Feasibility, even if you ca n’t make a lot of money, you ca n’t miss this opportunity. "

Oscar is anxious to see Leviz talk to him about cooperating to make money, but Leviz has started yelling at the magic cell phone: "Garyan! Take this project! Even if you go to Tang En to sell fart .Shares must also win! With the status of our Star Diamond Bank, the big piece of fat in the western development plan must not be missing one of us! "

Let's not say whether Tang En will be interested in Galian's fart. Just when the outside world was all overwhelmed by his "Western Development Plan", he entered the Blood Rock Castle and stood in a room. At the door, his face was very ugly ...

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