Things from Another World

Chapter 1155: There must be professional ethics that persist in working!

Do you want to meet Lord Egwin?

Fiona awakened Grandia in a word: "Me? See Lord Egwin? Of course it's good-uh, this, that, for the time being ..."

After Grantia subconsciously spoke, he hesitated again, stutteringly refused.

Sure enough ...

Fiona knew.

For a long time, Grantia's sexual orientation was very different. Now she was suddenly straightened by Tang En, but the habit she had already formed has not disappeared.

But it also means that she will not immediately change from one extreme to the other.

If she falls in love with Tang En crazyly and puts pressure on Queen Isari, Tang En will have to make a compromise.

Just now her response has explained her current thoughts. At this moment, I am afraid that even herself has not been sure what kind of state she is in.

What exactly is Eggwin? Or Down? Is it a woman? Or a man?

Grantia's swing gave Fiona a chance to turn around, and she said with a smile: "Also, this happened suddenly, I'm afraid you also need a little time to calm down, so let's take a good rest after going back today No matter what you think of, you can come to me to discuss and I will listen. "

"... oh, well, well, well ..."

Grantia had a snack, and her eyebrows tightened, obviously still tangled.

Fiona didn't ask Tang En's thoughts, and made a big decision with a big hand. "Then the previous thing is unveiled for the time being, let's continue to record the program."

Marlene froze, "Ah? Do you want to continue recording?"

Fiona's face was positive: "Of course, no matter it is wind and rain and sun, you must adhere to professional ethics, just like the author of a novel. From time to time, even if the results are poor, the income is meager, and the piracy pit The **** ones still persisted until the end of the book. As a host, you should be even more so. "

"Okay, okay ..."

Malin's face twisted a little unnaturally. She wanted to tell Malin that she was a little uncomfortable at the moment, but when she saw Fiona's solemn look, she couldn't help but say.

"So, then I'll avoid it."

As soon as Beatrice stood up, her face was red, and she subconsciously grabbed the skirt and glanced at innocent Tang En. Then she hurried out and couldn't wait to clean it.

Poor Marine and Grantia have to stay here to continue shooting.

"Grantia, get up your nerves and talk about things when you go back. Now let's talk about business."


Grantia patted his cheek, barely making a smile.

"let's start."

"Okay ... uh."

Malin, who was debugging the camera, flushed suddenly and froze there.

"what happened?"

"This, this picture stone is full ..."

"It's full? What?"

Fiona froze a bit, knowing that this question was too stupid, what did she shoot? What else could it be?

"Destroy ... no, throw it away! Then shoot again!"

Marilyn said with a pity, "I see ..."

Although the conversation between the two girls was very low, they could not hide Grantia and Down. They said in unison: "Don't throw it! I want a copy!"

Fiona glanced down at Tang En: "If you do this kind of thing and have a face to video? Marin, ignore them, throw them away."

Tang En instantly regretted it, knowing that he had started earlier, why did he forget about the photo stone!

Grantia also regrets her precious first experience, which is very memorable!

It's a pity to just throw it away like this!

Fiona looked at Marin with a face on her face: "Remember to throw it into the trash can in the lounge! It's the trash can in the lounge! Don't be seen by others!"

Marlene stayed a bit, not sure why she had to throw it in the trash can in the lounge, but she still took the picture stone out.

It's a pity to throw away something ...

Ma Lin looked at the photo stone in her hand, her face was reddish, anyway, it was her first time to be remembered-although there were a lot of people in it, the plot was a bit powerful. Explosive ...

Sure enough, leave a copy ...

Marin quietly went to the warehouse and took two photostones, one for copying, and the other to continue shooting the program, copying the video, and carefully collecting the copied photostone before she threw the photostone into the lounge. Trash can.

After doing this, Marlene couldn't help whispering, "If you have to designate a trash can, isn't it that Master Fiona wants it too? But can't lose face?"


"Okay, we can start shooting."

"Hum, everyone. I'm Marin. Welcome to the" Focus Interview "today. Today we are fortunate to have three guests. They are ..."

Ma Lin looked at the camera with a dignified smile on her face. She was in a hurry to copy the photo stone, but forgot to scrub her body a little.

The filming has already begun, and she did not dare to mess with it, so she could only bear it so much, but how could the audience guess that the dignified hostess on the screen would have such troubles?


"Today, as for the improvement of seeds that everyone is very concerned about, we specially invited the corresponding experts, Ms. Druid Grantia, an elf from the Emerald Forest, and asked her to answer the questions about how to improve the seeds ... "

"Hello everyone, I'm Grantia. The improved seed is a concept first proposed by Her Majesty Tang En, and under his guidance, the druids of our Earth Goddess worked together to create a miracle ... "


"Next, we have to ask Ms. Fiona. As we all know, the products of Datang Chamber of Commerce are extremely popular now. Then, Ms. Fiona, which market will we enter next?

"This question is a bit extensive, but I can still answer everyone. We at Datang Chamber of Commerce have been committed to improving everyone's living standards and advancing technological progress in this world. We know that some products are too expensive, but that is Because of the limitation of production capacity and raw materials, with the further breakthrough of our technology, we are about to break the limitation of production capacity, and our products will further reduce the price and benefit more people ... "

"People ’s mobile phones that are very popular will soon supply a large number of new products to the market. Friends who want to start can start preparing for the sale as soon as possible, of course, remember to apply for an identity card first, otherwise we are Inadmissible. "

"In addition, we are planning a new business recently. This business will be operated by the sub-chambers of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. The purpose is to solve the boring leisure life of employees after work, and to give the family and children a common life. A place to relax, now that the project is being planned, I hope everyone will wait and see ... "


"His Majesty Tang, everyone knows that you are a king who is good at creating miracles, so no matter what the problem is, it will not embarrass you. Therefore, our audience has not asked you any difficult questions. There are only one female compatriots concerned about. What is your criteria for choosing concubines, Her Majesty Tang En? Or, what is your favorite type of woman? Is there any reference?

After restarting the recording, Marin asked the same question as before, so it seems that everyone really doesn't care what miracle Tang En will bring again. They, or they only care about Tang En's gossip.

So, Tang En described the previous answer again. This time, he directly and simply said Aegwynn's name.

Hearing Aegwin's name, Grantia trembled, and a balance came up in her mind. On the one hand, Aegwin with a gentle and smiling face fell into love. On the other hand, she was arrogant and overbearing. The irresistible Tang En, this Tang En is still red. Naked ...

Who ... who is the most important "He" in his life ...

"It's not Elijah."

Marlene looked at Tang En with a bit of surprise, and said subconsciously, "Ellington has rumored that Her Majesty Tang En's favorite is Elijah ..."

Tang En's face turned black: "I already know who is making the rumor, Ilia is so small and cute, don't tell me blindly."


The last few people sat there for a while and gossiping for a while, and the filming work finally ended successfully. Ma Lin was very satisfied with the effect of the filming, but she felt that the audience would probably like to end sooner than the content of the serious interview. Gossip talk.

"It's finally over, I'll withdraw first!"

As soon as the shooting was over, Tang En, who was sitting on a needle, disappeared instantly.

"I, I will go back first."

Unscrupulous, Grantia shook open the window and flew out.

"I'll take a break."

Fiona said casually: "Marin, you go and don't worry about me."

Then Fiona left the broadcasting room. After closing the door, Fiona quickly looked to the left and right. After she found no one, a breeze wrapped around her and rushed into the lounge. At the door, I stared directly at the trash can, with a strange expression on my face, as if hesitant and shy.

After hesitating for a while, Fiona finally made up her mind, gritted her teeth, slowly walked towards the trash can, and lifted the lid with her hand and reached in.

Her timid and shy look was almost like touching something very shy.

After a moment ... the small hand shrank back like lightning, Fiona stole the photostone into the space ring like a thief.

"I don't want to see it myself, I, I'm just curious ..."

Although no one, Fiona blushed and explained to the air, but it was more like convincing herself ...

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