Things from Another World

Chapter 1174: A more authentic eggwin


Tang En was almost scared to pee. Could it be that Aegwin's intuition was so sharp? One glance already knew what he was thinking?

He panicked and explained, "No! I don't! [Strange, how did she know the fantasy in my head? Do we already have such a spirit?" "

After the explanation, Tang En suddenly returned to God. Aegwin seemed to haven't opened his mouth to speak just now!

[I think of that because I saw them mating, I understand. 】

Eggwin smiled and blinked: "He looks surprised? Oh, he doesn't seem to know Gang Jie yet? 】

Apparently Aegwynn didn't say anything, but Tang En felt that she heard her voice, and just looked at her eyes to understand what she meant.

Gangao: A native World of Warcraft that lives in the Emerald Forest and is good at using pure magic to attack enemies.

Features: Big ears, vigorous, like to eat Morolt.

Strength level: Level 1-3.

Features: Extremely keen on mating.

That's right, this is a wonderful creature that can start slap, slap, and slap in the estrus at any time throughout the year!

Right now they are just out of danger, but they immediately forgot their injuries and started to slap. Slap. Slap, not only male and female, but also female, male and female, male and female, male and female, male and female, Male and female, female to female, male to female, male to female, male to female, male to female, male to female, male to female, male to male, male to male, male to male, male to female, male to female, male to female, male to male, male to male, male to male and female ... Keep your eyes clean!

This thing is definitely a wonderful species that can compete with Tai Ritian and even better than each other!

Of course, the most important point is that because of Gang Rong's racial characteristics, they are very active in mating during mating. The emitted gas will also stimulate the mental strength of others, magnifying it many times, and the overactive mental strength is very high. It is easy for others nearby to notice each other's thoughts.

In other words, the gas field emitted by this stuff during mating can be used as a mind reading machine.

When Tang En saw the gangsters in the mountains and the mountains popping there, a subconscious image of the kind of things he and Aegwin did appeared in his mind, and this illusion was spread by the active spiritual force. Received directly by Aegwynn.

Therefore, it is not difficult to wonder why Aigwin suddenly "heared" what Tang En's thoughts were.

Just now, in fact, Tang En didn't hear Aegwin's words-yes, what he heard was actually the thought of Aegwin's heart.

After understanding the cause and effect, Tang En flashed a flash of lightning in his mind. He suddenly understood why Maserati, or Isari, wanted him here!

Here! Only here can he understand the true feelings of Aegwin!

He can understand exactly what kind of attitude Aegwynn has towards himself!

No matter how accustomed a person is to lie, his inner thoughts will not lie, and the subconscious thinking reaction is the most real. Here, he can avoid being deceived by Aegwin's calm surface, thus seeing a More true to her!

[More real me? What do you mean? 】

Aegwynn looked at Don, and didn't seem to understand his thoughts.

Looking at Aigwin's confused eyes, Tang En suddenly grinned: [Aegwin, I like you! Like you like you like you like you the most! 】

"I know, you said it. [Strange ... so strange ... why does he hear my heart beating so fast when he says he likes me? It's really strange to have a hot face and ears. ...] "

Aigwin froze her long hair casually. If it was normal, Tang En would be very disappointed by her so indifferent attitude, but today, yes, today, at this moment, he was surprised to find that It turned out that Aegwin was not blind to what he said!

In the past, Tang En was always very frustrated by her words, and then she was not in the mood to carefully observe the changes in Aegwin's subtle expressions, but here, after being affected by Gang Ying, the changes in Aegwin's heart were exposed to Tang Eun was in front of him, and Tang En, who was fully absorbed, even found that Aigwin's ears were a little reddish—she was nervous? Shy! ?

Oh my god!

Tang En was surprised at the moment and wanted to make a long cry, Isari, GJ!

If this time I can have a bigger relationship with Aegwynn, I will definitely do my best to fill you up when I go back, and thank you for being out! !!

Aigwin has always focused on swordplay, so she can become such a strong person, but because of this, she is simply uninformed and does not understand what kind of affection like love and love is-even if she hides under the cloak and walks in the human kingdom Over the years, she has seen the sadness and joy of many couples with her own eyes, and she still does not understand, or in other words, her attention has never been focused on that.

Cultivating swordsmanship, strengthening strength, and solving chaos are all she has.

But even in this case of Aegwin, even if she doesn't understand love, but when she hears the confession words that Tang En said, her heart will still react and she will be nervous and shy. Yes, it's just that she is not good at expressing those complex emotions.

Since you are not good at expressing, simply do n’t express it until you have figured out what "like" and "love" are, and then respond. There is still a lot of time anyway. This is the strategy of Eggwin.

It is her strategy that has made Tang En so frustrated.

For the elves of the long-lived species, a few years are not worth mentioning. They can even focus on thinking about a problem for dozens or hundreds of years, but for humans, waiting for an answer for several years is absolutely unbearable. Yes, looking at the billions of people on the planet, who can be infatuated with one another for decades, even if they are still waiting for the answer, how many people?

This may be the difference between short-lived and long-lived species.

"I did say it, but now I suddenly want to say it again, and not only have to say it, I have to shout out loud."

At this moment, in a place where no one else is bothering (Nora was ignored), and at the same time, his heart is the same as the place of confession tailored for him-although the **** next to it are a bit ruinous, but Tang En still couldn't help, took a step forward, took up Aegwynn's hand, looked straight into her eyes, and said verbatim, "Igwin, I like you, even, I love you, So I ask you, do you like me? "

Like me ... love me ...

Aigwin was taken aback by Tang En's confession, her mind was messy, and a flash of confusion flashed in her always clear eyes. For the first time, she wanted to avoid Tang En's eyes. She lowered her head subconsciously to avoid this topic. He said, "Let's get rid of the trouble here ..."

It's a pity that the special power of Gang Yan has completely exposed Aegwynn's panic voice: [What do you like about me ... why do you like me? I'm just an elf who only knows about fighting ... neither like those human women who can weave and cook, nor like those noble women who like to dress up to please the opposite **** ... why would he like me like this? Then again, what does it mean to like me? Want to be with me? best friend? Or do you want to mate with me because you like me, as he just imagined? 】

When Tang En, who was happy, heard the last sentence, his face suddenly became a little awkward. Indeed, for men, when they meet their favorite person, the strongest reaction is definitely the breeding impulse. He is not a man manipulated by his lower body, but when looking at Aegwin, he still can't help but have that kind of thought-of course this is also normal, if he doesn't have that kind of thought, it will be more dangerous.

"Don't run away from my problems this time, I won't let you run away, Aegwynn, I like you, do you like me?"

Tang En grabbed Aegwin who wanted to escape. Aegwin lowered his head, and her blond hair covered half of her face. Tang En could not see her expression, but at this moment, Tang En found that he was arrested. The two slender little hands were clenched and relaxed a little nervously, and Tang En even found that Egwin's palm was sweating.

She must be nervous.

Tang En smiled: [Egwin was also nervous, this is really a fresh experience. 】

After hearing Tang En's voice, Aigwin was stiff, raised his head and glared at him. The slightly grumpy look made Tang En be impressed. For a time, he ignored her and pulled her in directly. In their arms, the bodies of the two were close together, facing each other, so close, Tang En heard Aigwin's slightly more urgent breathing more clearly, and the tip of his nose lingered around her. With the sweet breath of fruity scent, he finally determined that Eggwin was really nervous.

[I want to kiss ... but ...]

Tang En stared at Aegwin's pinkish moisturizing lips. He dreamed of kissing him. But he didn't want to force her.

【kiss Me? Why do you want to kiss me? 】

Aigwin was even more confused, and her heartbeat was fast. She knew that she was nervous, and she knew that many human couples would kiss, but she just didn't understand. Why do couples kiss?

Mingming mouth. Bar is only used for eating and talking. Why does the contact of lips make humans so obsessed? Is it because they need to use this behavior to determine their feelings? Elves don't need to do this ...

Aigwin suddenly hesitated, yes, it must be, Tang En is also a human, so he needs to use human methods to confirm his feelings, so he wants to kiss me, so he wants to mate with me, for sure Is that so ...

Down: "..."

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