Things from Another World

Chapter 1191: Down's arrest plan, start!

Thanks to Tang En's joining, Gindy quickly recruited a large number of reliable people to join his team. The crowd made an appointment to leave after leaving the West Gate of Blood Rock City tomorrow morning, while Tang En and Gindy came He stayed at the hotel where his companions stayed.

After seeing his companion, Gindy can't wait to shout: "Ma Yin! This is His Excellency Noble! Nokia's friend is also a sacrifice of a goddess of the earth, this time he will follow us to explore the ruins!"

Nokia friends? A human? The sacrifice of the goddess of the earth?

The female dwarf named Ma Yin is a bit sloppy. How can these three conditions not be combined together?

"Sir Noble, this is Mayn, Mayn Cylinder, my assistant, apprentice, and my wife."

Yoh? sure!

When Tang En heard it, he suddenly respected Jindi. This guy can. He took his apprentices. The appearance of the gnomes is difficult to judge their age, but Jindi is undoubtedly older than Mayin. Do n’t you think the old cow will eat tender grass?

"Dear, is he really a friend of Nokia?"

"Trust me, he didn't lie. Nokia is Master Klotto's assistant. How could anyone know him?"

"It's the same ..."

After Mayin thought about it, she greeted Tang En, and other gnomes in the room also greeted Tang En.

After meeting, Tang En didn't stay long, but opened a room in this hotel to rest.

After coming to Blood Rock City, Tang En relaxed a little. Isari and Lola would definitely not think they would come to the Grace area. Even if they chase Blood Rock City, he will start with Jindi and them tomorrow. Go explore the ruins, where are you afraid of being caught?

"Well ... you can finally relax tonight ..."

Tang En moaned in the water. He groaned, glanced down at his little brother, and felt that life was so beautiful, the life dominated by *** and big. Legs finally became bright again!

Nora, who was lying on the edge of the barrel in front of the water and playing on the water, said, "Cut, it's like you're about to die."

Tang En played Nora with annoyance: "Otherwise you think! The amount of ammunition in a man's life is limited! But the needs of a woman are infinite!"

Nora held her chest and shouted, "Ah!

"Well! What is a handyman talking about!"

But at this moment, Tang En didn't know. On Ellington's side, under the unified command of Grantia, the elves were ready to go.

"Sisters! Remember me! If you encounter Tang En, don't say anything, don't get too excited, always remember to keep smiling, reserved, indifferent ... Keep in mind, imagine yourself as her! Become her, and try to imitate her every move! "

Grantia stood in front of the elf girls, waving his fist to make a mobilization order: "In particular, it is important to note that in front of Tang En, you should not expose your usual habits. If you have the opportunity, you should take the opportunity to overthrow him. It is a given fact that if there is no chance, send a message back quietly, and wait for us to go together, be careful not to let him slip! Once he finds that you are all fakes, it will be even harder to find him after being alert! "

"For the future of our elves, for more children, and for successful conception, let us work together and cheer together!"

"It must win!"

"I won't let him go!"

Grantia looked at the "elf" next to her. Among all the personnel, her dress was the most perfect. It can be said that there is no difference at all from Aegwin. Even if Aegwin stood opposite her, I am afraid it would be aggressive. Because they are exactly the same as carved in a mold-but in fact, of all the people present, only she is not an elf.

Grantia said cautiously, "Ms. Ye Ye, I'm still going to rely on you if you can find him this time."

This person who is exactly the same as Aegwynn turned out to be every night! ?

Fully incarnate Aegwin's night and night showed a very elegant smile: "Believe me right."

There was a stun in Grantia's eyes. If she didn't know the truth in advance, I'm afraid she would even admit it.

Why is this?

Because, Ye Ye changed a body directly this time!

Don't forget, her body is a doll!

In order to complete this task, she took advantage of Isari's request and asked Yusita to work overtime to make her such a temporary replacement body! Although the combat effectiveness and compatibility are not as good as the original body, it is not much worse. More importantly, because it is tailor-made, this body is exactly the same as Aegwynn!

Speaking of understanding of Aegwin's body, Tang En is far inferior to Grantia-not even Grant, who is so obsessed with Aegwin, will admit it, let alone Down.

"Then where do you say we should go?"

Grantia asked, "You haven't said it before, should you say it now?"

"Go to Fort Casparmi first."

He laughed every night: "I can vaguely notice that he is northwest."

Because of the contractual relationship, every night can roughly sense Tang En's direction, but this induction effect is not very strong, it can only be said that chat is better than nothing.

"Is it actually there ..."

Grantia's eyes flashed: "Sisters, let's go! Target Casparmi!"

"let's go!"

"After getting there, scatter and look for targets!"

A group of elf girls stepped into the teleportation array as planned and went to Kaspermi. After arriving there, they would scattered in the surrounding villages and walk freely to find the trace of Tang En.

When they all left, Grantia thought for a while and set foot on the teleportation team. Her goal was Yalinks.

If Tang En left, he would definitely go to Alynx first. This is his responsibility as a king, so Aurelia and Olena mother and daughter should know the whereabouts of Tang En.

Maybe in the past, you can get his exact position.

Yalinks, the Royal Palace.

Alleria looked at Grantia with a look of surprise: "This is so rare, why are you here?"

Grantia shot straight in: "I'm looking for Down, do you know where he is?"

"Don? He suddenly sent his mother back in the morning, and then he left."

Aurelia said helplessly: "I don't know where he went, if I knew, I would definitely tell you."

This is not her politeness. If she really knows where Tang En has gone, she will definitely sell him without hesitation-now Aurelia is full of resentment against Tang En ...

Grantia frowned: "Don't you even know ... shouldn't ..."

"I don't even know what it is, isn't this normal?"

Grantia looked at her with a little surprise: "But aren't you his woman? Should he tell you if he's gone?"

Alleria suddenly blushed: "Where is this misunderstanding! When will I become his woman !?"

"Hmm? Isn't it?"

"of course not!"

But as soon as this was said, Alleria remembered the nonsense that her mother-in-law said when she listened to the corner the night before, and was a little embarrassed.

"Well ... not now, I'm afraid it will soon be ..."

Grantia pouted her lips, and with her golden eyes, she could almost see that Alleria could not escape.

But I didn't expect that she didn't even know Tang En's whereabouts. Could it be that she could only rely on her sisters to find needles in the haystack?

The next day, when the sun fell on his face through the window, Tang En picked up Nora, who was lying on his face and screaming loudly. Last night, because they were too excited, the two of them had a midnight stay. Fell asleep.

The long-lost sense of security made Tang En comfortable not wanting to leave the bed, but when thinking of He Jindi's agreement, Tang En had to get up, throw Nora into his pocket, and then wash and dress.

Looking at the look in the mirror, Tang En suddenly shivered, and a chill that didn't appear from where he gave him a stun.

Tang En couldn't help whispering: "It's already mid-month of recovery, and the temperature has started to rise. Even if it's Grace, it shouldn't be so cold ..."

After going downstairs and saying hello to Jindi, everyone sat together for breakfast, and then packed up and went out.

Gindy ’s archeological team is called the Clockwork Spiral. Because it has been involved in the excavation of several large relics, it is also a small and famous archaeological team in the gnome family. It was introduced, but for Tang En, their recognition level is too low to remember.

After seeing the "mountains" they used to pull luggage, Tang En managed to resist the desire to vomit.

Did n’t you say it ’s a fantasy adventure?

Shouldn't it be a large formation of horse-drawn carriages, carrying cargo tools, and then adventurous guards on both sides?

How did you get over the truck produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce? And not yet ...

In this way, riding a horse carriage in the wilderness, the adventure atmosphere of killing robbers and Warcraft is gone!

Having said that, these guys should have gotten through Croto's relationship, but how do they drive? This magic truck was launched by the Datang Chamber of Commerce for the human market. There has not been any optimization of the driver's cabin for the gnome ...

When Tang En came to take a closer look, he suddenly became speechless.

Shall it be a gnome who is good at playing with mechanical engineering?

These self-taught guys actually remodeled the driver's cabin, not only did not affect the normal function of the magic truck, but also fully adapted to the gnome's body ...

Then there is one last question ...

These gnomes ... have a driver's license?

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