Things from Another World

Chapter 1202: Energy gun

There is a well-known thing (probably) that forces of the same nature will interfere with each other when they collide with each other, conflict with each other, devour, or cancel out.

Now, the faint blue high-energy rays emitted by those robots, after penetrating the spell shield, are so weak that even Egwen's skin can't hurt!

Even though Aegwynn is a legendary powerhouse, but looking at what Lockham was just hit, I am afraid that even if the legendary powerhouse is hit, it should be injured-the attack power of high-energy rays should not be so weak!

Tang En immediately thought of the concept of interference and cancellation-is it possible that the energy designed by the gnome is magical?

But if it is magic, they should feel right!

Definitely not magic, but it may be the same as magic!

Aegwynn didn't even have a sword, and rushed directly to the ground. Three fists and two feet brought the patrol robots to the ground-after destroying their internal computing cores, the robots also lost their ability to move.

"Leave one!"

Aigwin paused, then snapped the legs of the last patrol robot, and removed the weapon in his hand, so that it lost its ability to move and would not hurt others.

"Awesome construct!"

Lockemar was frightened by covering the wound. At this moment, his wound was almost completely healed. Even the gasified bones had regrown. Looking at the clean shoulder, Lockema looked at Tang En in wonder again: "I did not expect that the goddess' healing ability was so powerful! Even if the injury I had just asked for the sacrifice of the Holy See, it would take several days to heal."

"After all, it's the mother of life."

Tang En nodded slightly, and then they came to the patrol robot and looked at the patrol robot lying on the ground. They were all shocked: "This is the construct made by the gnome and goblin civilization ten thousand years ago? For a long time, they are still so powerful! How did they disappear from the world when they were so powerful? "

"Correction, they haven't disappeared, it's just that the heritage of civilization is broken."

Tang En said while squatting and playing with patrol robots on the ground. These robots are very different from the robots he knows. There is no strict bionics design, but the simple design has become the shape of a gnome (or goblin). No physical pipelines can be seen on the body-speaking, no energy pipelines were found in the mining robot just now. The technology they use seems to be an energy pathway, which is directly integrated into the structure, so it is not easy to be destroyed. Off.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Lockemar picked up the gun and was seriously injured by the gun. Then he stared at the weapon. It can hurt him as a grand master at such a long distance. If other people get this weapon, Apocalypse Will the status of the player be as high as it is now?

"Gun, energy gun."

Tang En narrowed his eyes. The energy of the energy gun should be connected to the robot as a whole. After falling off the robot, the energy supply was lost. Don't worry about him accidentally hurting himself.

This energy gun is also a pleasant surprise. If Croto could get it back and study it, whatever technology he could dig into would allow them to improve their existing technology by leaps and bounds.

In addition, if the energy condensation and retransmission technology can be applied to the magic pistol, the power of the magic pistol can be further enhanced, or in a later stage, a similar energy weapon can be designed, and the tactics of giving up spells Sexual effect, directly enhances energy output, and directly creates a pure weapon similar to the cannon armor designed for the giant dragon.

The premise is that energy problems can be solved.

After thinking for a moment, Tang En waved his hands and put all the patrol robots in the portable space in front of him, including the energy gun in Lockma's hands. He was also taken back-although not afraid of what they researched, this kind of thing is not Convenient for outflow.

"This, this is--"

"Space equipment."

Tang En shook his fingers: "It's nothing to be surprised. The goddess of the earth is also a denomination of the Elven tribe. How could there be nothing good?"

"What you said ... ain't right me ..."

Tang En said, "Go on, maybe there are enemies inside."

Lockma followed with a tangled look. What he actually wanted to say was that even if the goddess of the earth had space to equip such good things, how could it be your turn to be a human?

A human being has not only become a sacrifice for the goddess of the earth, but also a beautiful elf fiancee, even the goddess of the earth goddess has given him valuable space equipment ... This is no longer described by lucky people. ? This guy is actually an elf in human skin? It must be true, right?

Except for this reason, Lockma is really unable to imagine what kind of feats the Noble Emperor has done for the elves to make them accept him in this way, as if they were trusting their fellow citizens.

Nothing along the way, they did not encounter anything like the favorite institutions here-think about it, but it is only an ore refining center, it is already exaggerated with patrol robots, is it necessary to design some inexplicable institutions Challenge someone who does n’t know where to come and win the treasure inside ... I mean ore?

It's too ridiculous.

What makes these workers work?

They went deep into the ore refining workshop and encountered several patrol robots along the way, but not every patrol robot was as good as the previous ones-under the impact of the big bang ten thousand years ago, many patrol robots They were all damaged. Along the way, they saw several robots' half-lengths immersed in the cooled metal melt, which was obviously shocked when they were impacted.

Some were hit by flying stones and paralyzed. After 10,000 years, they were completely scrapped.

Of course, they are already good, at least they still have a complete "corpse", Tang En, but they saw several corpses of suspected gnome or goblin-under the power of time, these corpses have been It disappeared, leaving only a trace of afterimage in place.

Even the metal cards on them are longer than their lifespan-things that look like employee cards have not been oxidized and still look intact. There are some ancient words on the front and back of the metal nameplate. Tang En glanced, it should be their name and work number.

Maybe these cards will come in handy after the energy is turned on?

The idea flashed in Tang En's mind, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

Because the previous mining robots and patrol robots have revealed obvious information-they scan vital signs, not identification cards.

That is to say, prehistoric civilization is likely to have reached the point where a certain vital sign is used as an encryption method. The vital sign encryption is the most reliable and will never be forgotten. At this level of technology, it is very important to use an identity card. Incomprehensible things.

But Tang En still stowed the cards, and maybe they came in handy?

I encountered several working patrol robots along the way, but this time Aigwin's efficiency was much faster. Before the opponent had launched an attack, she had already shot and frozen them directly. Then Tang En can walk over and easily take off their weapons and put them in the carry-on space.

The more samples available for research, of course, the better.

About an hour later, Tang En and they walked out of the ore refining center again. Gandhi and Dinge, who were waiting outside, gathered around immediately: "How? What was found in it? Is there any danger? We seemed to listen just now. Here comes the battle! "

"A patrol robot was found inside, but it has now been resolved and it is now safe inside."

After a pause, Tang En said, "But we have checked the inside roughly. This is a pure ore refining center. There is nothing special. Don't get too excited."

Strictly speaking, there are indeed some treasures to look forward to, such as the control computer in the central control room-if it can be started, it may be possible to see the tip of the iceberg of civilization 10,000 years ago from the records inside, and it is even possible It also records things like the personal diaries of the workers who originally worked here. From these documents, it is easier to see the social form of prehistoric civilization.

And once the computer technology of prehistoric civilization has been cracked, you can easily use Eve to crack the data in computers in other relics. If you can find a computer that records prehistoric technology, Croto ’s long-awaited civilization will be restored. Just around the corner.

Of course, the premise of all this is that those computers can also start ...

"What are you talking about my friend!"

Gindy said very excitedly: "We can explore this 10,000-year-old relic here. This is a very exciting thing in itself, isn't it? We are like walking through 10,000 years, back to the past, and then Seeing the ancestors-sorry, I mean the scene where our ancestors are busy here, it really excites me. "

Tang En nodded and understood: "You can go in now."

Gindy immediately greeted the men who poured into the ore refining center, and they yelled nonstop, even if they saw a door, they would be amazed, not to mention the very precise ore refining production line designed.

"Awesome, this is really awesome, this is the first time we have discovered a ruin related to mining! This place is very different from other places! We must be able to make new discoveries here!"

Gindy was enthusiastic at the moment: "I can't wait to report the amazing discovery of our place to the great artisan!"

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