Things from Another World

Chapter 1218: Catch

Chapter 1220

New Burkeso Aviation Tower District.

"Hello, please show me your identification."

Leo stopped by the guards. They took out the identity cards and passports they had previously issued to them.

After the guard inspected, he said, "You are in the third aviation tower. After the two flights, your flight is about to depart. Now go as soon as possible."

Leo nodded, and when he left, he heard the guard whisper a whisper: "I really envy these guys. I can go there to open up the land. Once we succeed, we can become our heroes of the Rain Empire ..."

Great hero?

Leo's eyes blinked for a moment, as if he saw countless orcs cheering at them.

But ... do I really need to be a so-called hero?

Haha, what is this optional honor compared to the ambition of letting a great empire rise and stand on top of the world?

For the Empire!

Lyon's gaze became firm again.

The third aviation tower, where many orcs have gathered here, Lyon glanced around and sighed softly.

The orcs here are basically poor orcs living in remote areas of the Rennes empire, basically hunting for a living, but Prandall's fierce Warcraft, few harmless Warcraft, are killed and wounded in the mouth of Warcraft every year The orcs are definitely not a minority, and it is no wonder that they would rather choose to drag their families and take their mouths to the Gris region to open up than to stay in their hometown.


Lyon was silently thinking that if the Rennes Empire could stand on top of the world, the rich land on the south could be turned into the land of the orcs. With the rich land, even the orcs could eat and wear warm clothes. ?

Why should the world's richest land be occupied by humans? Why can orcs only crouch in this barren northwest? Why can't the orcs lead the world?

Since the gods are fair, we shouldn't be so partial to humans!

Therefore, the gods are really hypocritical. Only by accepting the guidance of Lord Anelin Goldmane is the future of the orcs!

And these ...

Lyon looked around. In the capital of the Rennes empire, it should be the orc's territory, but now there are many human merchants, especially the shops around this increasingly valuable aviation tower. . Nine have been occupied by human businessmen, this is too much!

This is the territory of the orcs. How could humans have no fear of the orcs!

This should never be the case!

The orcs are so powerful, which proves that the orcs are a better race. The orcs should dominate the world, not the cowardly humans!

This world is really too strange!

Must change this world!

The streets around the aviation tower constantly echoed with enthusiastic yelling. After those daring human businessmen came here, they discovered that New Burkeso is no longer the legendary rundown city, but an indecent In the new cities of Alinks and Ellington, the orcs living here are full of new spirits.

What they saw was not the indifference of orcs to humans, but wealth! There are business opportunities everywhere in this refreshed city. As long as you can stand firmly here, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money!

Therefore, these businessmen who have recently settled in New Burkeso are working hard to preserve the image of human beings and work hard to integrate into the city. Every day, the orc customers around them will have a very warm smile. Everything that was done to build the new Burkeso before Tangn, the residents of the new Burkeso have relaxed their attitude towards these humans, and even some bold orcs have made many human friends.

At this moment, Leo saw a lot of humans and orcs drinking and chatting together, and admiring the airships floating in the airport. Those human eyes are proud and proud, because these aviation towers and flying The boat was the glory brought by their Majesty Tang En.

What the orcs see is the hope of the Rennes Empire. Although they don't want to admit it, the Rennes Empire can have a new look now, in which human beings played a decisive effect.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Leo and their members of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery, this scene is very eye-catching, and even someone has quietly cursed the orcs who became friends with humans.

Words such as "traitor", "betrayer", "should be **** and burned to death" kept saying from the people behind him, Leo frowned, turned and looked at them, and those people closed immediately Mouthed.

Leo's status in the Alliance of Glory and Recovery is higher than them, which is equivalent to being a leader or the like. At the same time, he is also Aston's favorite man. If anyone can replace Aston's sub-ministerial position, then It must be Leo, so few people usually dare to oppose his words.

"Master Leo, these guys and humans are shoulder-to-shoulder, which really makes me nauseous."

One of the guys immediately patted the horse and filled in indignation: "If you have the chance, you must punish them severely!"

"To shut up."

Leo whispered, "Now is the critical moment. Don't talk nonsense. If it affects the plan, I don't need Master Aston to shoot, I will kill you!"

Those who were behind were chilled in their hearts and said, "Yes!"

Leo took them along with the crowd into the third aviation tower, and then entered the waiting area. There were a lot of people waiting here. Most of them were sitting in chairs and whispering around them. Some of them were dragging their homes. Mouths, some went alone, and there were only friends they had just met. They were full of anxiety about Grace, an area as strange as a mystery.

Although the situation in the Gries area had been seen in advance from newspapers and magic projection receivers on the square, they were still upset if they had not seen it in person.

This uneasy atmosphere is the main theme of the entire third aviation tower.

"Master Leo, that's Chiru them, they are boarding."

A man whispered to remind Leo that a team of orcs not far away had begun to board the ship. That was another team of horses arranged by Aston. Their captain was called Chiru, a first-class Asian Wolf wolf. Family.

The boarding Qilu seemed to see Leo, nodded at him, and Leo nodded calmly. The two had agreed beforehand. Whoever arrived at the destination first would investigate the situation and wait until the evening to find a chance. Meet.

After Chelu's team of horses boarded the ship, Leo and they calmed down.

But I don't know why, Leo's heart was a little disturbed. This was his intuition. He couldn't tell what was going on. Everything was normal around him, but ...

He opened his eyes and looked around again, the barking of businessmen, the anxious discussion of the pioneers, and the melodious piano ...

Everything seems to be normal and there are no surprises at all.

Are you too nervous?

Leo took a deep breath. It must be that he was too nervous. The Alliance of Glory and Recovery had been developing for more than a year. It hadn't caught the official attention of the Rennes Empire for so long, which shows that they had not been exposed at all.

Now is their great opportunity for low-key expansion. Don't be nervous, just keep it low-key.

Create conflicts with human beings, attract more members, and wait for opportunities, blockbuster!

Leo controlled his emotions and waited quietly for the notice of boarding.

"Passengers in Bloodstone City to the Grace area, please note that your flight" Ray 1748 "has begun boarding, please line up to check in to board ..."

Leo glanced at the ticket in his hand, Ray 1748, wasn't that the flight they were going to take?

"Let's go, it's time we boarded."

Leo got up, and the same batch of passengers waiting around stood up in line.

"So many people ..."

After all the passengers stood up, Leo discovered that an airship could carry hundreds of passengers.

Leo felt incredible at the thought of so many people flying on that thing and giving his life to something made by the dwarf and humans.

The flow of people moved forward slowly, and it was Leo's turn a moment later. The ticket inspector took the bill. After looking at him, he gently cut the bill with a caliper, and then said, "After boarding, please follow the instructions of the flight attendant. Don't run around, especially on the deck, before the Magic Circle opens. "

Leo nodded, slowly walked out of the aviation tower, and stood on the airport platform to see the airship up close, and realized the hugeness of its huge body, which was tens of meters in length, docked on the platform. Even the most burly orcs stood beside them, as small as a grass.

If Leo's mind suddenly flashed a thought, if there were all weapons in this airship, would we orcs have room to resist?

The thought surprised him with cold sweat.

He and others boarded the airship one after another. Leo followed the instructions of the Bunny Beauty Flight Attendant and came to his seat. Here he can see the boarding situation outside through the porthole.

The personnel boarded the airship one after another, and soon there were no passengers on the parking platform outside. At this time, Leo saw a group of orc warriors suddenly appeared at the boarding gate, and the person responsible for checking the ticket seemed to be saying something. A moment later, they also boarded the airship, and then the airship's door began to close slowly.

I don't know why, seeing the airship's hatch slowly closing, Leo's uneasiness grew stronger.

The passengers only felt that their bodies were sinking, the airship had floated silently and was slowly rising.

They have completely left the earth, and at this moment, the airship is a closed and independent space.

Thinking of those orc warriors who finally boarded the ship, Leo snorted, and a word popped out of his mind.

I'm catching you.

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