Things from Another World

Chapter 1232: This is human nature

"Head of the report, the search has been completed, there are no remaining hostile targets!"

"Notify the team."

"Roger that!"

Uldulla looked at the cave entrance. Down, they just came out of the cave, and after walking over to report the situation, he noticed that Cocoa and Vanilla's expressions were very dignified, and could not help asking: "What's wrong? What's found below?"

"Devil's eggs-many, many!"

Vanilla said with a look of disgust, "It has been purified by us."

Demon Egg! ?

Ulduar was taken aback, but when he heard Vanilla's words, he breathed a sigh of relief and cleaned it up. Otherwise, Prandall was afraid that something would happen.


Ulduar was worried, and today Analin made so many demonic eggs, and the ghost knew that there would be another Analin tomorrow? After all, Kemala's camouflage demon is really good at camouflage, and it is also the rare demon with close to normal reason. It is difficult to distinguish it from the crowd.

On the returning airship, Uldulla was not in a good mood. After considering returning, he should suggest to the pope that he should go through the screening work in the Rennes Empire and check whether there are any latent demons.

The airship quickly returned to the town of Bloodshadow. When Ulduara saw the town of Bloodshadow, they were taken aback, because Bloodshadow in the field of vision was almost completely ruined!

There are no buildings here, almost all of them collapsed. Outside the town are a group of disturbed orcs and civilians. Their homes have been destroyed, but they dare not say anything. They can only watch the Rennes army and the Empire. Demon confrontation.

Now, the orcs who survive have gratitude-although their homes have been destroyed and they have nothing, at least they still have life.

Some were very angry-although the demons were killed and killed, they survived, but their homes were also destroyed, and they had nothing.

Obviously look at it from another angle, the same thing, the feeling is completely different, but this is human nature, you can only see the side you want to see ...

"Lord Donn!"

Sharp teeth flew in front of Tang En: "What's the situation? I just felt a very powerful wave of power. The breath should be a legendary demon?"

Tang En nodded: "Yes, I have been killed."

The sharp teeth that had just been questioned were suddenly speechless, but the thought of Tang En's abnormal power was relieved, and only he could so easily kill a legendary demon. Others, even Jean and Anger Neither of them could have such strength.

Tang En looked at the following and said, "Do you have any resettlement plan for these people?"


Sharp teeth shook his head: "We are currently planning to use an airship to move them all to New Burkeso. Wangdu is now developing very well. These people should be able to find their place easily there."

After thinking for a moment, Don En said, "Take them to the level, let them go to Grace."

Sharp teeth: "Why?"

Tang En said: "The home was destroyed, and we don't have extra staff to help them rebuild here now. Instead of going to mediocrity in New Burkeso, it is better to go to a new place and start a new life."

"In New Burkeso, they need to reposition themselves and find a suitable place, but in a blank Grace, they can let them release themselves, continue to live like the original habits, or change themselves, Taking this opportunity to regain a brand new life is up to them to decide. This should be a better choice. "

Sharp Teeth thoughtfully: "Then do what you say."

The remaining residents of Blood Shadow Town are less than one-third. It has already been captured by the Honor and Recovery Alliance. If it was not discovered early, I am afraid that after a period of time, the residents here will be attracted to join the organization.

The remaining residents are only about 10,000 or 20,000. A dozen airships are definitely not enough. They can only be transported in batches. So sharp teeth diverted some soldiers here to maintain order and supply the airships. They stayed before leaving here with the first batch of about two hundred people.

On the airship, Sharp Teeth called the restless Leo: "This is Leo, a very wise devotee."

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "He is not parasitic by the demon?"

"It is because you are unclear that you are asked to help."

Sharp teeth shrugged: "Those parasitic demons don't seem to be awakened without a deadly attack. This deadly attack seems to be measured based on the host's mental fluctuations. After Leo's surrender, his spirit is relatively stable, so the demon Didn't wake up. "

Tang En nodded, agreeing with the statement of sharp teeth, he put his hand on Leo's body: [Nora, check it. 】

Nora immediately came to the result: [There is indeed a demon parasite. A juvenile demon and his heart are combined to form a symbiotic relationship. If the demon awakens, the orc will die. 】

Tang En repeated Nora's words, and then Au's face was pale and trembling with sifter.

Tang En glanced at him and suddenly asked, "Did you even know when you were parasitized by a demon after you joined that organization?"

Leo shook his head: "I don't know, I don't even know that there is a demon in my body! Dammit, this is not the same as the one ... that bastard!"

Isn't the Honor Recovery Alliance an organization dedicated to the restoration of the orcs? How could it be related to the devil?

"It appears to have been implanted with mind control ..."

Tang En thoughtfully asked, "How did you join that organization? Did you hear a strange voice? Or did someone come to you to preach directly? Or was it something else?"

After hesitating, Leo whispered, "I heard the Prophet's Prophet ... Okay, now I know it might be a demon, but I really didn't know it!"

Leo's mood suddenly became a little excited: "I was only angry at first!"



Leo said loudly: "Our Rennes Empire is clearly an independent country, but look now, do we still have our own sovereignty ?? All goods, food, clothing and shelter are from you human beings! Everything we have is yours Take control! We can't even find ourselves better than you do! It shouldn't be like this! It shouldn't be! "

"It's all because of Testero! If it hadn't been for his concession to the bottom line of humankind, the Rennes Empire would not have been what it is now!"

Leo shouted: "So I was thinking that if we could change the King of Rennes, we might change our attitude towards humans, we would not allow the situation to continue to deteriorate, and we orcs would be able to find our own. Dignity, regain independence! "


Tang En sneered: "Do n’t I give you independence? If we really sit idly by about everything that happened in the Rennes Empire, do you think you can survive in this world? You do n’t know anything at all, do you think This is a shame, but what have you done for this country? "


Rio card.

"The times have changed, and your thinking is still in the past, and there are still many of them."

Sharp teeth laughed: "I also seem to understand why orcs can't keep up with the speed of human development."

"Without our assistance, your compatriots are not even full now, and they are hunting in the wind and sun every day."

Tang En said blankly: "But now? We invest in you, find new industries for you, provide a lot of funds and jobs for your fellow citizens, so that they can lead a more comfortable life, but you, In other words, the organization you approved actually tried to undermine all of this. Do you still take it for granted? Are you still a kid? "

"I just--"

While Leo was excited to explain, Tang En's hand stabbed out like lightning, directly inserted into Leo's chest, and then with a sharp gaze, he pulled it out fiercely and pulled it out directly. A sticky young demon!

The heart was severely wounded, and Leo's eyes fell dark, before falling to the ground and passing out.

With a "snap", Tang En directly exploded the demon. The flame burned the demon's flesh to ashes, and then a green light was sprayed in his hand. The strong force of life once again pulled the dying Leo from the gate come back.

Waking up, Leo gasped, and touched his chest subconsciously. Although the blood was still there, the wound had healed.

Tang En looked down at him: "Now your life has been saved by me as a human being. Then, according to your thoughts and attitude, will you save this life or return it to me?"

Leo was speechless for a moment.

The average orc has a strong personality, and may really commit himself without a word, but this Leo won’t—Since the sharp teeth say that he can surrender because of the threat of life, it means that he sees his life more than belief So he won't commit suicide.

Leo lowered his head.

Tang En's mouth flickered and he won.

Therefore, this kind of extreme racist is actually under-organized, and he will be honest when he is subdued.

After returning all the way to New Burkeso, the crowd immediately began to separate.

Uldullah returned to the Red Lotus Knights to return to life, and Coco and Vanilla reluctantly bid farewell to Winnett and followed.

Deputy Commander Rowell stayed and led the airship to transport refugees from other Blood Shadow towns.

The sharp tooth went to Testero to convey the news. In order to solve the potential demon danger as much as possible, the Rennes Empire is likely to conduct a huge screening operation.

Tang En originally wanted to rest here for a few more days before returning, but unfortunately he hadn't relaxed a few days before he received the news from the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute and returned to Ellington.

The technology of artificial soul quantum computer has made breakthrough progress!

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