Things from Another World

Chapter 1234: Airship transport industry officially operates!

In the jubilant month, the temperature further increased, and 38 degrees of high-temperature weather has appeared in some areas, especially in the south of Ranitan. The weather has climbed to an unbearable level outdoors.

This weather has further promoted the sales of Datang Chamber of Commerce products-yes, it is the magic energy air conditioner ...

Just because of the birth of the magic energy air conditioner, Tang En did n’t know how many people were grateful. The cost of originally setting up the magic array was too high, even for most nobles, but Tang En ’s magic energy engineering technology Popularize the convenience of magic, and even some ordinary families can buy a magic energy air conditioner back to bite their teeth, let alone those nobles.

The sales of the magic energy air conditioner once again brought huge profits to the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Unfortunately, these profits did not stay in the vault for a long time. In a flash, Tang En was transferred to the Grace area and put into development and production.

The population migration in the Grace area has already been carried out for more than half. Now the migrant and immigrant populations are living in a mixed situation. The Grace locals hate these foreigners who occupy their homes, but they are deterred by Down The power of this is dare to say anger to these outsiders.

But these Gris who are still living in their own homes do not know how excited those Gris who have been moved to the outside world are now-after coming outside, they find out how poor and backward their previous lives were It is ridiculous that they have been confused by Stanley before, thinking that the place where they live is the most beautiful and wonderful place in the world.

Now these people have been allotted to work posts, and doing some simple work can also be regarded as labor reform.

After they have further accepted the civilized society, they will be trained in depth, order and discipline education will be further strengthened, and then they will be scattered in various cities.

Of course, in order to prevent them from spreading and spreading like some of the more troubled nations on the planet, supervision must be carried out in the later stages. I am afraid that supervision will continue until they are completely assimilated into civilized talents.

Here in Prandall, no one would say that these Grace people robbed them of their jobs. Now the Datang Chamber of Commerce has a lot of jobs, the job opportunities provided are simply dissatisfied, and the labor gap is too large. These Grace Even if people are scattered in factories in the major cities of the Illus Empire, they are not afraid of losing their jobs.

It might as well say that the arrival of these Griess rescued those employees who worked three shifts every day-although the Datang Chamber of Commerce has a high salary, the work pressure is also great! The demand for Datang Chamber of Commerce's products in various cities is too great. Three shifts a day cannot meet the market demand. Only overtime and overtime ...

While holding an enviable high salary, painful overtime ... these people are painful and happy.

With the joining of the Grace people, the work pressure of all factory employees has suddenly dropped, and the production capacity has also been improved because of Eve. Instead, they can get a lot of bonuses. Can the old employees be unhappy?

The migrated Gris people live very comfortably in the new area. The Gris people who are still staying in their hometown are not so happy now, especially after a large number of outsiders have poured in, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has begun vigorously. The first thing to do in the construction plan is to clean up all the ruins of the cities that were originally affected by the battle. All the wealth found in the cities was confiscated, and they were not given the opportunity to pick up leaks.

The second is to flatten the land around the original city periphery, and then directly open the crazy high-speed construction mode-the addition of a large number of magicians, and the use of magic energy equipment, so that the changes in these places is simply changing, Datang Civil Engineering The Construction Chamber of Commerce has absorbed very rich experience from the reconstruction of various cities, and the reconstruction project of New Burkeso has accumulated a wealth of experience for them. Therefore, the development of the western region of the Grace area has been in their hands. No difficulty.

In just half a month, they rebuilt a small area around the cities to accommodate the existing population, waiting for the soldiers to move the remaining Gris out, and came to Gerry All the immigrants who participated in the western development plan have moved to these communities, and immediately following, the magicians hired by the Datang Civil Construction Chamber of Commerce have completely flattened the original city-from Blood Rock City You can see in the end, these magicians who have worked hard for many years but have no place to play their skills have been lingering for a long time, one after another rushing to complete the demolition task.

Seeing the castles crashing down under their spells, these hearts were full of destruction. The magicians of hope all showed contented smiles. These smiles were photographed by reporters who came to interview, and then the next day Ji Eun almost killed Datang Daily to chase Carl-these reporters always want to make a big news!

It is worth mentioning that after entering the jubilant moon, a large number of artificial soul computers were equipped on the airship, and the Internet function has been opened. The airship can also maintain instant communication with the air tower through the computer in the air.

Although it was also possible to communicate at all times through mobile phones, the pilot and the correspondent could not always be on the phone. Now the communication is handed over to the artificial soul computer, and the crew can concentrate on controlling the airship.

At the same time, through the inertial navigation system and the rough map manually drawn by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, the airship in the air can finally determine its position and accurate route position, and the safety and accuracy of transportation have been further improved.

After months of internal no-load operations and frequent immigration operations, allowing the staff to run in, the airship transport industry has finally begun a formal trial operation.

On the 15th of jubilant month, countless crowds of people gathered here at the Yalinks Central Aviation Tower. At the same time, the Ellington Central Aviation Tower also gathered a large number of people. All of them looked up at the sky and waited for that. Exciting moment.

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared on the sky, and then the beams of light converged into a light curtain. The figures of Tang, Fiona, Olena, Aurelia, and Cloto appeared on the light curtain. in.

Of course, the most eye-catching is Tang En, who is already famous all over the world.

He smiled and stood in front of the crowd, slowly saying, "I think everyone who is listening to my voice should have heard an exciting news, but now here, as Illus, The Regent of the Empire, I, Tang En, still have to re-announce the news. "

"Our world has gone through many huge catastrophes that may have destroyed our civilization ..."

Down glanced at Croto and continued: "But disaster cannot destroy our determination to progress. As long as we have hope, we will have a chance to rise again."

"Today is a proof of our re-emergence!"

"From today on, we will regain control of the sky we have lost!-That's right! Designed by our Datang Chamber of Commerce, co-designed with the great craftsman of the gnome kingdom, His Excellency Croto Wrench, and his people The new airship developed for the civilian sector has finally begun officially operating! "

"By airship, it only takes less than half a day from Ellington to Yalinks! Yes, you heard it right! It takes less than half a day! You can cross two thousand kilometers distance!"

"You can even have breakfast in Ellington in the morning, then have lunch on the airship while enjoying the heavenly scenery. After arriving at Alynx, you can go shopping and have afternoon tea, and then return to Ellington in the evening. Go home for a supper to sleep! "

"This life is not a dream! It has become a reality!"

"No matter who you are, as long as you have registered your identity card, you can buy tickets at any aviation tower and get the opportunity to fly to the sky! This is no longer the sky of the magician, the sky of the flying Warcraft Knight, nor is it The sky monopolized by the dragons is the sky that belongs to you, to everyone, to everyone! "

"We, all of us who live in Prandall, from now on, the distance between us will be closer, now, please cheer!"

As soon as Tang En's words fell, I heard the tsunami-like cheers from all directions. People screamed Tang En's name, countless people were flushed with red ears, even though the airship was not too direct with many people. Relationship, they are still excited by Tang En's words.

It's okay now, but what about later?

Now I am most excited and disturbed by the traditional transportation industry and various chambers of commerce.

The formal operation of the airship transportation industry means that a brand new transportation industry is born-airships not only provide passenger transportation, but also provide freight services!

Although this kind of transportation is relatively expensive, how terrible is the transportation efficiency? The original carriage required a journey of nearly 20 days. After switching to a magic truck to take the highway, the journey was shortened by nearly two-thirds, and it only took a few days to reach the destination. This transportation efficiency is already terrible. And it also reduces the cost of transporting goods, leading to a huge advantage in the price of goods that can be transported by magic trucks-many chambers of commerce have closed because they cannot stand the shock.

And now?

Although the cost has not decreased significantly, the efficiency of transportation has been further improved. In order to still gain a leading position and profit in the future, the importance of mastering first-hand information is even more obvious. This luxury product has become a standard product of various chambers of commerce.

Magic phones are gaining popularity at a rapid rate.

The identity crystal card promoted by the Datang Chamber of Commerce has also taken advantage of this shareholder's style to further expand. The number of holders has grown at an alarming rate.

The identity crystal card has suddenly become the "ID" of the Illus.

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