Things from Another World

Chapter 1236: A painful relationship

Chapter 1238


Clara looked at Tang En in amazement: "A rare visitor! Would the white-eyed wolf who had enlarged my daughter's belly know how to visit her?"

Don En suddenly became embarrassed: "Aunt Clara, please don't say that, okay? You don't know the situation, don't just follow the people outside ..."

"The situation? What's the situation?"

Clara snorted: "All I know now is that my daughter was said to be pregnant before she got married, and she was pregnant with her child, but it's a pity that Tang En didn't want it, so she didn't have a name."

Only then did Tang En understand what Clara was annoyed. She was not annoyed that Tang En had enlarged Elsa's belly, but she was annoyed that she had enlarged her belly, but she did not say anything at all!

Now it's okay. Everyone outside knows that Elsa is a woman of Tang En. Who dares to touch? If Tang En didn't marry her, would it be possible for her daughter to be lonely in the future?

All her reputation has been ruined!

But Tang En also felt very innocent, he obviously did nothing to Elsa! That responsibility fell on him! Where is God?

"I don't care who you are or what you are. I'm standing in front of you, just Elsa's mother, a simple mother. I can't watch my unmarried daughter take a big belly to give birth!"

Clara had her hands on her hips, completely without the gentle and graceful look of the past, and glared at Tang En: "You have only one choice, and that is to marry Elsa!"

"This ... Aunt Clara, you know it's impossible for me now ..."

"I do not care!"

"I still have a very important mission ..."

"I do not care!"


"I do not care!"

Well, Tang En finally remembered the fear of being dominated by a woman, and suddenly realized his stupidity, he said very wit: "Well, Aunt Clara, I understand what you mean, I can promise you , I will definitely marry Elsa, but not now, is it okay? I don't think Elsa is in a hurry to marry someone now? "

"Hum, remember your promise, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Clara reluctantly agreed, and finally let Down, let him go upstairs.

Tang En was relieved. Thanks to his wit, he gave up the idea of ​​thinking with her, and sometimes it was much easier to compromise directly.

That ’s right, Clara does n’t want Tang En to marry Elsa now. As a mother, she just wants Tang to show an attitude. If you expand my daughter ’s belly, if you even promise No, isn't that ridiculous! ?

Poor Tang En had no choice but to help Nora carry this pot back—to pick up a three-inch plate, he always felt weird.

As soon as she was close to Elsa's room, Tang En heard her slightly tangled voice: "Oh ... Ilia, I want to eat fruit, not Vinnett wants to eat fruit ..."

"Ah ... beautiful ... hmm? Hmm? Is that so? I thought it was Winnett who wanted to eat it!"

When Tang En opened the door, she saw that Elijah was smirking a little, there was a small table and chair in front of her, and Vinet, wearing a saliva, was fighting against the freshly peeled fruit on the plate, Elsa, with a big belly, was lying on the bed next to her, her face depressed.

This feeling of pregnancy is too painful for the beauty of adolescents and young women. She can hardly understand how those pregnant women got into the street with a big belly, and she feels shy even when she goes out!

"Ah! Big Brother!"

Ilya cheered, and dropped Winette directly on Tang En, her face flushed, obviously very happy.

"Have you finished your homework?"

Tang En knocked on her head, he always couldn't be harsh on Elijah ...


Elijah pursed her mouth. She said unhappyly: "The homework assigned by the teacher is so boring and boring at all. Besides, I don't have to take care of our daughter or sister Elsa ..."

Me, our daughter ...

Tang En's mouth twitched constantly, why are you so skilled!

Obviously it's just a little girl who hasn't grown up, it looks like she has already entered the role!

Elsa next greeted Tang En, but Tang En saw that she was holding a big belly. She was very shy and looked down at him with her head down.

If it wasn't for Clara's reluctance, Elsa would like to change back to Giant. Dragon went back to Long Island to have a baby.

"Brother Nana, sister Elsa's child should be called sister Winnett after birth?"

Ilya blinked her eyes and said happily, "That is to say, our child is older than yours, and this time Elsa will lose to me!"

What our child your child ... your sister Elsa has her parents in her belly!

Taen and his wife looked at the table on the side and watched TV.

After sighing, Tang En picked up Winnett, then sat next to Elsa, and asked him while playing with Winnett: "Are you uncomfortable? If you are uncomfortable, say it as soon as possible, Earth Temple Sacrifices can help you. "

"No no……"

Elsa shook her head quickly: "I feel okay recently, but my stomach is heavy, I'm not used to it, and ..."

Elsa lowered her head very embarrassingly, her face flushed: "Also I always feel that they are kicking me when I sleep ..."

Fetal movement?

Tang En's face looked astonished, would a fetus without a soul also have fetal movement?

After thinking about it, he was relieved again. Although there is no soul, the fetus is a complete living body after all, and it is normal to have a certain autonomous response.

"Nana, brother, shall we hang out when we have a summer vacation?"

Elijah came up again and began to coquettishly: "We are really boring in school. No one dares to practice with me in those spellcasting courses and combat skills courses."

This is not nonsense ...

If you are a goddess reincarnated, who dares to fight you?

Although Tang En concealed Elijah's identity from the public, her talent was not concealed. The talents beyond others' expectations made her the best at school no matter what she did, even if she did n’t learn much. I can always be among the best. If you think about your experience at school, you will understand that Ilia is now troubled.

She is the proper "other child" template!

"Go out and play ..."

Tang En thought for a moment: "Well, I promise you, so you should study hard."

Now that it is almost a month before the school holiday, she can't wait to make an appointment for her time. It seems that Elijah knows that he is busy, so he needs to book his time in advance.

"Dad eats fruit ..."


Tang En responded subconsciously before he suddenly responded and looked at Winnet in surprise. The little girl was using her chubby hand to hand a slice of cut fruit to his mouth.

Suddenly, Tang En found that Winnett looked a lot longer than before ... it seemed to grow up a lot!

Since she broke away from the seal, she has been growing at an amazing speed. It has only been a few months now. She looks like a four- or five-year-old girl, and her mind is also amazing. Speed ​​has matured, and now it is able to communicate with people normally.

This kind of abnormal growth rate is confusing. Tang En always feels that this daughter will soon surpass her cheap mother ...

As soon as Tang En thought of a tall adult Vinnet calling her mother to Elijah, who was only 14 or 15 years old ... he felt that the world was really exciting ...

However, it was a good thing for him to grow so fast. At least he didn't have to wait for decades to know her true mission.


Then Elsa asked weakly, "Did your mother tell you something strange just now ..."

Her voice was very low, and Tang En almost didn't hear what she said. After seeing her shy flush, Tang En came back to her, a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Seeing him like this, Elsa knew the answer right away, and she whispered, "You don't care what mom said ... I don't care ..."

Tang En sighed: "You don't care just because you are still young, and you will understand your mother's hard work when you grow up."

Elsa does not yet understand the feelings between men and women. She also has the ignorance of Tang En. She does not know what she wants or what she is doing. She just wants to To be with Tang En, that's all.

Down looked at Elsa: "I have promised Aunt Clara."

Elsa looked at Tang En a bit stupidly. What he said meant ...

"When I'm mature, I will marry you ... as long as you don't object."

Tang En rubbed his nose, he always felt like he was abducting a teenage girl, and he had a deep guilt in his heart.

Marry, marry me! ?

Elsa's head exploded, and the whole person was dizzy with the news.

Marry someone? So distant things suddenly appeared? And still marry Tang En?

All kinds of emotions such as happiness, sorrow, and nervousness emerged. Elsa's mind immediately appeared the picture of herself becoming his wife. She even began to worry about whether she could become a qualified wife ...

Looking at her appearance, Tang En knew that it was still a little early.

A girl who doesn't even know what love is, how can she know how to form a new family?

Although this girl is going to be a mother ...


When thinking of this complicated ethical relationship, Tang En had a headache.

After sitting in Elsa's room for a while, Tang En got up and left. He had a lot of things and couldn't stay here all the time.

But at least he knew one thing.

Elsa's father and mother are about to be born ... Mama's relationship is really a headache!

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