Things from Another World

Chapter 1254: Paradise plan ... well, it's adventurer's paradise plan.

"Dear dear! The task you have given me is almost done! How about! Am I more capable than my mother?"

Looking at Luo Lin's expression of "come to praise me", Tang En silently rubbed her head.

Cangtian Kejian, now he heard the words "competent" both legs began to soften.

"Good job. But the point is, how are you doing with those guys?"

Tang En cares more about how she completes her tasks than Luo Lin can do (see chapters 1159 to 1163 for details).

"Of course! Keep training, now those Lizardmen and those Warcraft are obedient!"

Luo Lin patted her chest with great pride. She felt that it was all her own efforts to achieve such a good result. However, in fact, it was possible to tune those guys so obediently. The beast-taming approach, on the other hand, was due to the abundance of food transported from the Illus Empire to Sarkhera.

The main reason why the living environment of the underground world is so bad is that because of lack of food, such a fierce survival struggle erupts among various races.

But now the balance is broken. After Dark Elf and Redstone Dwarf have the help of Tang En, they can continuously obtain a large amount of food, so the race can flourish. The lizardmen and other underground Warcraft who had squeezed their living space suddenly It was found between them that as the number of dark elves and redstone dwarves continued to grow, the pace of expansion was getting faster and faster, leaving less and less space for them to survive.

What's more exaggerated is that as the power gap between the two sides further widens, the dark elves and redstone dwarves start to capture a large number of lizardmen and other warcraft, and then start to raise lizardmen and warcraft, using the lizardmen and warcraft to explore unknown areas To expand the territory where they live.

The underground world was jumped up by the development of the dark elves and redstone dwarves, and it was completely messed up, but who knows, the reason the underground world is so chaotic now is because Luo Lin is trying to "dear" It works hard in one sentence.

And Tang En, the task assigned to Luo Lin was actually for the plan mentioned earlier.

Paradise plan.

Hmm ... Of course not the auntie's paradise plan, but Tang En's adventurer paradise plan.

It has been said a long time ago that the probability of natural birth of Prendall's apocalypse is too small to meet the needs of social development at all, and more importantly, it cannot form a combat force with stable output.

Therefore, Tang En must use certain means to promote this change of status.

The Adventurer's Paradise project is just such a plan.

The adventurer's paradise is now fully completed, and the theme park has begun to be gradually put into operation. On the surface, it is just a place for people to entertain, and it can be a joy for the family, but now it has been found in every adventurer. In the park, there is an area that is not yet open, and that area under construction is the true core of the adventurer's park.

Simulate a dungeon adventure.

That's right, Tang En has such an idea.

In Prandall, the more peaceful the environment, the less likely civilians will be exposed to danger, and the less likely they will be to awaken when they lose pressure from the outside world, so Tang En needs to artificially create some "stimulating dangerous environments" to simulate The pressure of nature has provided an environment where people under his rule can more easily get promoted.

The real dungeons certainly don't exist. The environment of the underground world is too dangerous. Unprotected civilians will go in. After a short time, they will be torn to pieces by the World of Warcraft.

It's impossible for Down to turn these places into real dungeons.

Yes, it's just a "simulated" dungeon adventure.

The point is to simulate the adventure environment of the apocalypse, so that ordinary people can also experience the tension and excitement on the front line of life and death. According to the results of their discussions with Tang En, and the affirmation of Otiniya, they have reached a conclusion— —Under the stimulus of this kind of environment, the probability of ordinary people awakening talent is very high.

Then Tang En deliberately found a group of civilians in all cities and all ages with a total of 1,000 people. They took a batch of tests, took magic to wake up the potion, and then went to simulate the dungeons to explore, and finally spent their careful design. Various unpredictable crises. After being guided by the risk-taking role played by employees, more than 600 of 1,000 people have successfully awakened their talents. This proportion is quite scary.

Then they found another thing in the statistics. Among the people participating in this experiment, the probability of awakening talent will also decrease with age. The awakening talent has the highest probability of being promoted to the apocalypse from about 6 to 12 years old. To reach a peak. Peaks are decreasing before and after this age. Before the age of six, development was not stable, so there are very few awakening talents. I am afraid that all geniuses can awaken.

After 50 years of age, the probability of reawakening civilians who are not yet awakened is very low. Of the 100 civilians between 50 and 60 years old, only 5 are awakened. Compared with other age groups, the probability of this awakening is very high. not enough.

However, once the age of 60 has passed, the door to life change seems to be completely closed-yes, 100 civilian testers over the age of 60 in various industries, even if they drank the magic awakening potion, did not have a talent for awakening.

After this test, Tang En identified the main customer groups of Dungeon Adventure, which is only open to customers between the ages of 6 and 60.

For these customer groups, if you want to attract them to join in this adventure, you must also design some temptations based on their preferences. People's reward levels only work-for these factors, Tang En, who has played countless games, said that It's so handy that it doesn't matter.

6 to 12-year-old kiddies, even if they are generally mature and older, Prandall, are also a kiddie kid. They have no desire at all. Some may only be curious about the world, so the souvenirs of various heroes are It can meet their needs-what Master Jin Xingyue used the robe of the wizard, the magic toy designed and made by the hand of Angus Miracle, etc., even the Quinte brand of Silver City can be specially designed Batch customized rare cards are placed in the dungeon to attract them to venture into treasure hunts.

12 to 18 is a relatively embarrassing period. The young girls in this period are just in their adolescence. They are eager for achievement and full of fear for the society. They also have a strong rebellious psychology in order to deal with them. , Tang En arranged many levels in the dungeon that can satisfy their sense of accomplishment, so that they have a very strong sense of accomplishment of the savior, the worship of employees can satisfy their vanity, and the cues in words can enhance them to continue Desire to progress, this method is still very effective.

Participants between the ages of 18 and 24 are relatively simple. Wealth, strength, rare magic props, handsome guys and pretty girls can meet their needs. Under the circumstances of the wealthy Tang En throwing money, Wealth and magic items are not a problem, strength? Did n’t you come to this game to have the power of awakening talent? Not attractive enough? Never mind, there are dark elves too!

In view of the tragic status of the male dark elves, Tang En felt it necessary to let the surface humans to help them share the "stress". Those who are fledgling and fresh-blooded boys are also hard to resist this temptation. What, what? pimp? nonexistent! For the Dark Elves men, this is saving them from the heat! For the Dark Elf women, these are all fresh seeds of life, which can greatly increase the chance of ethnic descendants!

what? Consider only men and discriminate against women? Girls, of course, you have to take special care of them, pimping ... uh, I mean, exotic style. Love may not be appropriate, but it ’s also a good experience to be gentle and considerate in the underground city. Right? Even Tang En can also make this project a guest matchmaker stage, which can completely open the outside window, recruit external apocalypse willing to participate in the dungeon work, and maybe solve his single problem by the way during the adventure game. Isn't it beautiful?

As long as you monitor the whole process and ensure the character and quality of the participants, this project can be continued for a long time.

Before this project officially took office, Tang En ordered many people next to him, ordering them to collect various Warcraft, contracts that can be contracted, tuned, taught, taught, and various "treasures." "and many more……

Luo Lin's recent work is to help Tang En find a large number of dungeons special cannon fodder monsters, that is, those lizard people, and many underground World of Warcraft, such as gargoyles, night ogre, etc., as for the corrupting demon, shadow hiding Those who are more dangerous will not be considered.

With the assistance of Ellington supplies, Rowling, after a busy period of time, has successfully completed Tang En's mission, collected and successfully adjusted. Taught about 100,000 Lizardmen and more than 50,000 Warcraft-the entire Dark Elf Almost all the ethnic groups were turning for Tang En's orders.

Of course, it ’s not just her. The Redstone Dwarf is also acting, and they have a very senior training experience, so they are tuned. The Warcraft taught is more obedient, and Barrod more than once asked Tang to tune. Warcraft's task was entrusted to him, incidentally disdain the dark elves' way of taming animals-this is how they now compete with each other.

And the Rennes Empire also harvested a lot of Warcraft ...

Now, it seems that the time is finally ripe, but before the adventurer's paradise is officially opened to the public, Tang En suddenly has a super good idea ...

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