Things from Another World

Chapter 1358: Demon King


With the huge noise, two huge figures fell from the sky, tangled and rolled on the land full of hot lava, and I didn't know how many demons were crushed into fragments along the way.

The painful roar screamed through the sky. At this moment powerful demons found themselves extremely vulnerable. They could only growl weakly, threatening Tang with waving sharp claws, yet their threat seemed As funny as a ridiculous clown.

Part of the demon took advantage of Tang En's body, and his enchanted claws tore his hot scales fiercely.

"Get out of me!"

Tang En, who was entangled with the Demon King, shook his tail sharply, listening to only a roar, and all the demons that climbed onto his body were blown out.

If Sasha Glott was here, he might even use his mouth to bite the demons.

Tang En turned back and blasted a fiery flame to burn the demons' corpses to ashes, and then he slaughtered again with the demon king.

Although the number of these demons is huge and extraordinary, the only threat to Tang En is only the demon king, and only after killing the demon king can he extract the soul to get the news of Elsa, so his goal Has always been the demon king.


After the battle entered a feverish state, the demon king's sanity became more fragile, and he frequently roared like a beast.

What's more terrifying is that it seems to have mastered the knack of fighting with the power of chaos. The dark mist that envelopes his body can be turned into a powerful weapon at any time and anywhere to launch an attack on Tang En.


The newly raised Demon King suddenly stretched out a black tail, quickly stretched around Tang En's neck, pressed Tang En's head firmly on the ground, and ejected very dense black arrows from it. Miss!

Those arrows were blocked by the dragon scales on Tang En's body, and Tang En also received a very strong shock. His head waved like a wave and couldn't stabilize at all.

At this time, the Demon King suddenly growled and opened his wings to cover Tang En. The next moment, his wings turned into a weird vortex, and a strong suction came from inside the vortex. Tang En could feel those Vortex tries to devour the power inside him.


"Still want to **** my strength?"

Tang En calmed down and said with a chuckle, "Come! Open your mouth, I'll let you suck!"

The demon king may have the ability to absorb the power of other people into his own power, but absorb the power of Tang En ... this is completely dead!

Tang En's power is his natural nemesis. What is the difference between absorbing his power and drinking poison?

Unfortunately, the demon king who has already fallen into chaos will not think so much. It only knows that by instinctual action, he **** the magic in Tang En's body crazy!

Tang En gave up the resistance on his own initiative, and the magic power mixed with the power of the Nether continued to flow into the Demon King. Following the Demon King, he suddenly screamed in pain and pain. He suddenly released Tang En and wanted to force Interrupted the magic siphon process, but Tang En was reluctant at this time.

"Come, come!"

Tang En laughed and chased after him. The dragon's claws pierced the dense mist of the Demon King's body fiercely. He felt his claws pierce a hot tissue, and then he pulled hard, the Demon King He moaned, and Tang En ripped off a large piece of black unknown organization.

The demon king quickly backed away, its unknown howl echoed in the air, and the magic of the power of chaos poured into its body, like the most violent poison, directly ignited its The root is the power of chaos that is tightly integrated with this body!

Suddenly a huge hollow exploded in the Demon King, and a large mass of burning black tissue was separated from the body by it, enclosing the power of Tang En.

"Well !!!"

The separated tissue suddenly exploded, and the transparent flame exploded completely, burning those decayed tissue to ashes, and then the flame began to spread around, igniting (purifying) the chaotic atmosphere in the air while spreading, but the range of diffusion The larger the Nether Flame becomes, the weaker it will soon disappear.

Although it is exaggerated, it successfully prolongs its life in this self-harm way, otherwise Tang Ning's continuous supply of void flames will ignite it into a torch, all the power of chaos will be burned and used as The aggregate of the power of chaos, the demon king is obviously impossible to exist alone without the power of chaos.

At this moment, the huge body of the Demon King suddenly rolled up, and the thick black mist began to shrink, and the huge body continued to shrink, and soon became as big as Tang En.

It also seems to find that it can not gain an advantage in this battle by continuing to maintain a huge body shape. After reducing the body size, not only can it reduce the waste of power, but it can also get faster speed, a smaller area under attack, and in combat. It also has advantages.

"Oh! I haven't burned my brain yet!"

As soon as Tang En's voice fell, people had appeared on the side of the Demon King, entangled. Huge dragon legs around the flames of the void “banged” and kicked the Demon King out!

After knocking down several mountains in a row, the demon king rushed back and rushed back. The black mist was entangled. After the flame, like mud, rushed to Tang En, it wanted to directly Devour Tang En, and use the stronger power of chaos to corrupt him!

However, although the chaos power has become more intense, for Tang En, it is no different from before, because this power is just a fuel to the power of the void.

Sure enough, after Tang En was swallowed up by him again, before waiting for Tang En to launch his attack, the demon king himself could not bear it anymore. He persisted for a long time and declared a complete collapse. The black mist on his body was again ignited by Tang En. Less, it becomes weaker.

Several attacks have failed. The Demon King has weakened a lot compared to the beginning, and the rich chaos power has also consumed a lot. It even faintly has the idea of ​​timid warfare.

But how could Tang En spare it at this time, and after discovering its changes, Tang En launched a more crazy attack without hesitation!

Tang En lifted the status of giant incarnation!

Tang En exhibited the transformation and huge!

Tang En became a hundred-meter giant!

Tang En took out the will of the world!

The will of the world burning with the flames of the Nether shouted and split the body of the Demon King, and in one hit it broke the corrupted body of the demon. The chaos atmosphere burned violently, making the black mist shrouded in the Demon King increasingly thin. Now, Tang En can even see the face hidden under the fog!

Sure enough, exactly the same as Balmotos!

Boom boom--

Tang En's lightning-fast attack forced the Demon King to retreat!

"do you know--"

The face of Tang En nailed the demon king to a mountain with the will of the world, and then carried its chaotic breath hard. With the help of the power of the void, his palm penetrated easily like a hot knife cutting butter. Among the faces!

"——I think it's been a long time since I saw this face. Thank you for giving me a precious opportunity!"

Allowing the tentacles spreading out of the demon king's body tore his own body, Tang En's palm turned around in his head fiercely, and then pulled out a mass of very disgusting brain tissue.


Tang En threw the group of brain tissue out, but did not expect it to cause the fierce scramble of the demons around him. Tang En himself saw that after swallowing the brain tissue of the Demon King, the original normal Demon and Warcraft suddenly Become unusually violent.

The strength of the demon king is separated from Balmotos, so it can withstand a certain amount of chaos without rational collapse, but most of the demons and Warcraft can not withstand the erosion of this concentration of chaotic force, A small part of the demon body that was resistant to the corrosion of the chaos lost its stability, shaking like a jelly, and began to reorganize wantonly, then a large mutation occurred!

Bone hyperplasia pierces the skin and becomes sharp bone spurs. It is nothing. After the strange reorganization of the cell tissues in them, many inexplicable organs appear, such as tentacles with eyes, mouths, teeth. Tentacles, tentacles that can spray corrosive mucus, etc ...

Their desire to attack has also grown a lot, and they have even started a chaotic battle regardless of the enemy and me.

The self-destructive tendency brought about by chaotic creatures is vividly manifested at this moment.

"Let me die!"

No effort to cast any powerful spells, no dazzling and colorful elemental light, some only pure power to power, the fist burning the void flames banged on the face of the demon king one after another, and put its entire face It's broken.

The will of the world is a terrible weapon. The defense power of the demon king is as if it does not exist in front of it. It has no effect!

The Demon King's body also began to dissolve and reorganize, turning into a soft Slime-like thing, freed from Tang En's constraints.

Just when Tang En thought he would use this trait to attack himself, his body suddenly dispersed into many splits, and then ... fled in all directions!

"Want to escape !? Dream!"

The will of the world stabbed on the ground, and the magma flowing around it immediately cooled down, followed by a thick stone wall drilled from the earth. The strengthened stone wall was also accompanied by the force of the void. Although the concentration is not high, but But it can significantly contain the demon king.

After the rising stone wall blocked the Demon King, it began to converge quickly, and even the top was blocked.

"Fight me to death here!"

Tang En snarled and rushed over, and several splits surrounded him immediately, emitting dark chaos rays!

In addition, there are many miniature vortexes of space in front of the demon of the demon king, and then they make a harsh howling, and an invisible wave suddenly spreads out ...

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