Things from Another World

Chapter 1378: The determination of the two maidens

Time goes back a few hours ago.

In the Empire of Rennes, Princess Beamura ’s wedding preparations have reached the final stage, and the final finishing work is left. After the flowers and gifts are prepared, the entire staff can leave.

At this moment, Testero has also changed into a mighty and handsome leather armor, which is a powerful warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. For Shang Wu's Imperial Empire orc, this dress means the most Solemn and most formal etiquette.

The previous work has been completed. As the protagonist, Aimura is now staying in his room, looking a little nervous and looking forward to the clock, waiting for the departure time to come.

At this time, in the palace castle of the Rennes empire, the two came together and saw their maids make way for them along the way, and then bowed their greetings to them.

The visitors are the sisters vanilla and cocoa.

Coco pulled a maid and asked, "Where is Princess Aimura? We are here on behalf of the Vulcan Church to present our blessings."

The waitress said quickly, "Let me show the way."

Coco said in a hurry: "No, no need, I'm busy today, just tell me the location."

The maid was suspicious of him, so he told them the address, and then left in a hurry.

"Location starts!"

Coco shook his fist and laughed: "Let's go!"

Vanilla grabbed Coco with a bit of anxiety: let's not do it anymore, and now Pope Imir does not know about this matter. If we make good claims, then the Vulcan court will lose face, I'm afraid we will It is difficult to face those believers ... "

"What are you talking about, sister?" Coco widened her eyes. "Don't we believe in gods just to make them fulfill our own desires that we can hardly do? If there is anything we can solve ourselves, then we Why still believe in a deity? "

Vanilla was dumb.

Coco said rightly: "Now that we want to get him, we not only have to make our own efforts, but also firmly believe that our actions are blessed and permitted by the god. Since it is an action permitted by the god, why should we be guilty?"


I don't know why she always seems to misinterpret the meaning of faith, but her theory makes people feel flawless, but vanilla can't refute it!

All in all, even if Vanilla was so tangled, in the end, he followed Cocoa to the outside of the room where Bi Cunai rested, and there were two guards standing at the door. They entered the room.

"It's you!"

The moment she saw Bi Cun Ai, Vanilla opened her eyes wide and looked at her with an incredible look: "It turned out that Bi Cun Ai was a small love !?"

Before, she wondered why the Rennes Empire suddenly had a princess named Bicun Ai, but when she saw Xiaoai, she already understood that she was born in Bicun and called "love". !!

The vanilla, which was relatively calm inside, suddenly began to become psychologically unbalanced!

On what basis!

Vanilla's peace of mind was disturbed, and she could not help but fantasize. Since even Bi Cun Ai could marry him, there was no reason for herself!

Obviously he knew him earlier, obviously he was more noble, why did he marry that guy first, but later?

Even if it is in order, she should be right in front (Fiona: ???), it makes no sense to let her come later?

"Mrs. Vanilla and Madame Coco?"

Bi Cunai narrowed her eyes and stood up in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Vanilla said lightly, "Do you mean we shouldn't come?"

As soon as Coco was about to speak, she was stunned by the rather cold voice of her sister—this tone didn't sound right, didn't she say she didn't care if she didn't want to come? Is it so angry after coming?

"No, no, I didn't mean that ..."

Bi Cun'ai was a little panicked. Although she has endured many trials at the Datang Chamber of Commerce and she knows a lot about the human world, her essence will not change, let alone vanilla and cocoa. Maiden, she is even more powerful.

Coco grabbed Vanilla, who suddenly lost his temper, and asked with a smile: "It looks like you're ready to get married?"

Bi Cun'ai flushed slightly, nodding his head slightly and nodding slightly: "Although, although still a little nervous, but the thought of marrying that person ... I, I am still very happy ..."

Upon hearing this, the vanilla almost exploded again, and the furry tail was erected!

hateful! What the **** is going on with this guy!

Why are such words so skillfully spoken!

"Today is really a good day, isn't it?"

Coco continued to drag the vanilla to prevent her from blowing hair, and then said with a smile: "As the Holy Lady of the Vulcan Church, we are going to be with you today and give you the blessing of Lord Vulcan."

"This, how sorry this is!"

Bi Cun'ai was flattered: "Because of this trifle bothering two ..."

Little things! ?

Vanilla's eyes widened, this big-headed guy dare to say that marrying that guy is a trivial matter! ?

"This is not a trivial matter."

Coco violently controlled the vanishing vanilla, still smiling: "Your marriage is related to the future political direction of the Rennes and Illus Empire, which has very historical significance ..."

Having said that, Coco turned his eyes and whispered, "Of course, I know you may not be able to withstand this pressure. This is too heavy for you. If you are really scared, we can help you. Yo! How's it going? "

Coco pushed the vanilla forward, then pointed at her and said, "How do you look at her? She can replace you, so you can continue to live the ordinary life now."

For a moment, Bi Cun'ai suddenly became excited, because the heavy sense of mission really made her have an unbearable sense of fear. From the bottom of her heart, there was an urge to escape from this situation, but take a closer look These two maidens ...

Bimura loved to wink, looked at the expression of vanilla, plus the words of cocoa, and made a comprehensive analysis and reasoning. The girl seemed to have guessed something, and the fear in her heart disappeared quickly. Forget it, I'm actually looking forward to it ... "

Not to marry others, but to His Majesty Tang En, who saved himself, saved Bicun, saved the Rennes Empire, and avenged his parents!

For a girl, what could be happier and more exciting than marrying her own hero?

"You guy--"

Even Cocoa is a little bit upset, isn't that saying it's okay and a little scared? Why are you suddenly reluctant?


"Okay, okay, I know, then I won't talk about this again--"

Then came the voice of the maid, "His Royal Highness Princess, we should go."

Vanilla and Coco looked at each other and said generously: "Let's go. Now we represent the Vulcan court, and we must not let humans despise us."

Bimura Ai was relieved, and followed them out.

And on the other side, Ellington.

"This is the improved seed produced last month. It's all here."

Grantia put a small bag in front of Fiona, which contained a space ring stuffed with seeds.

"Okay, it's hard for you. This is only the third month. You have already completed half of the estimated seed demand for this year, right? You can take a break, not too reluctant."

Fiona said with a smile: "If you're exhausted, Tang En will probably come to me to calculate."

Grantia, who was so angry, listened to Fiona's words, and her mood was slightly better, saying, "Today their marriage was held in Yalinks? Wouldn't you go to attend?"

"I don't want to go, but I can't do it. Many things over there require me to arrange."

Fiona reluctantly said, "It will take a few hours before we start. I'll finish everything here before I say, there is a teleportation array, so don't worry."

Grantia nodded in disapproval, and pretended to pick up the wedding arrangements on the table for Fiona, and deliberately guided Fiona to disclose his information: "So many people came from the Empire Empire. We all need to take care of it? How much more trouble. "

"Tang En required everything to be simplified, but the Pope of the Holy See was not willing, and Testero over the Rennes empire was not willing, so the tour was an essential part. In the end, a few people were scheduled to participate in the team tour. There are only the most important ones. After others arrive at Yalinks through the teleportation team, they will take a special car directly to the venue, and another group will have another team to pick them up from the main entrance, and then ... "

Grantia looked at the documents while listening to Fiona's explanation, and quickly wrote down the personnel list and ritual arrangements. She quietly put down the documents, and then stretched out a Lazy waist said: "That being the case, let me take a step first and go to Yalinks to see how lively and bustling your human kings are now."

"Then you might be disappointed."

Fiona laughed: "Yarlynx is really not as busy as Ellington, but there are a lot of interesting things to see and enjoy."

After leaving the Lord's House, Grantia quickly rushed to Yalinx through the teleportation team. As soon as he left Yalinx's teleportation team, he saw two waves of vehicles parked nearby. , It is exactly a float, and the person driving is also an acquaintance who knows each other.

Grantia showed some fine pastries in her hands, and walked over with a smile ...

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