Things from Another World

Chapter 1386: Fiona's eyes sharpened!

Chapter 1388

Long Island Forbidden Grounds cave.

Lying on a stone bed, Tang, Nal Haksha, and Lola have ended a short and fierce battle. Although Lola appeared as a tutor at first, Nai Harksha was really No way, in the end, Lola teacher simply demonstrated directly, let her see what was called real sleeping skills.

Amazing Nal Haksha then took the initiative and applied the technique learned from Lola on the spot to Tang En, so in a short time, Tang En felt what it was called pain and happy.

Tang En thought about rebellion, but ... When Lola and Nal Haksha pointed at the picture stones inlaid on the nearby wall, and threatened him to expose these images to the world without obedience, Tang En yielded.

That's right, like the heroines in many movies, novels, and TV shows, they were succumbed to the power of evil forces immediately after being threatened with photos and Ji Qing videos.

At the moment, Tang En has only one question: why are they so skilled at this method of criminals on the earth! Even learned to shoot threats, this is so unscientific!

The flushed Nal Haksha patted a dull face of Tang En and said boldly: "Don't cry and be ashamed, rest assured, I will be responsible and say how much dowry do you want? I don't lose money!"

If at this time Nal Haksha had a thick cigar in her mouth and a large gold chain around her neck, and Tang En was crying pear flower with rain, the picture might look more coordinated But the problem is ... Dont don't want her to be responsible!

And what Tang En really cares about now is not the established fact that has happened!

Tang En bounced straight into his brain, snarling at the artificial soul quantum computer used for live broadcasting not far away, "I cry because my wedding is all messed up!"

Yes, although I do n’t want to admit it, after the incident just now, Tang En took part in it, but just when he was stunned by Nal Haksha and Lola, in order to prevent the information fault, they Actually here, I also prepared an artificial soul quantum computer, and a live video of the wedding scene was also played on it!

So the situation here can be imagined just now, while looking at the affectionate confession of Fiona and Elully on the screen, Tang Enrmentingly endured Nal Haksha and Lola wantonly. Body ...

If this character's gender is replaced, this is a proper female protagonist template who abuses blood to vomit blood ...

What makes Tang En's eggs even more painful is that even he didn't expect that it was just an ordinary marriage that symbolized the peaceful and joint development of the two countries, so many moths would emerge!

This is all messy, how should he end when he goes back?

I haven't waited for Tang En to figure out how to end after he went back, and what made him sore—Illuly found out that "Tang En" was fake!

Tang En remembered that everyone knew that the virgin had a pair of eyes that had been blessed by Yebirny, and could see through all the delusions.

Although avatars and illusions are different, they are basically the same in essence. The body composed of magic has no vitality, which is naturally false, and Yi Luli will find it normal.

So here comes the problem.

After the avatar was discovered, what did the girls think of him who did not show up at the scene?

Tang En shuddered just thinking about it ...


"No! You are not Tang En!"

Irure exclaimed suddenly, shocking everyone present.

What's wrong with this? ?

Olina was also taken aback by her: "Iluly !?"

There was a faint light from Illy's eyes, and she had seen through the truth.

At the beginning, Yi Luli was too excited, so she did not observe carefully, but after calming down, she only unintentionally saw and found the abnormality-why was Tang En's body a little weak?

After Illy opened the Eye of True Sight, she found out the truth instantly!

"Her Majesty, this is not Down!"

Yi Luli pointed at Tang En with a dull face and said, "This is a ... arcane stand-in!"

Arcane stand-in! ?

Everyone present was dead, how could this be possible! ?

You must know that Tang En was here from the beginning. He was followed by everyone and never left. How could there be a chance to leave here with a substitute?

Oops, it was found.

Sasha Glott, who has been remotely controlling the stand-in, smashed his mouth and was ready to slip away.

If it was discovered that their dragons had snatched people away, it is estimated that Elsa's situation will be quite difficult.

The top priority is to inform Nar Haksha's side to finish things as soon as possible, and after establishing the established facts, what opportunities will there be in the future.

At this time, Fiona suddenly cut a bent elbow on Tang En's ribs. The hit Tang En only took a few steps back, but he still looked like that.

Fiona was immediately angry: "Damn! At first I thought he was too lazy to talk because of the sudden incident, but I didn't expect it to be the effect of stand-in surgery!"

Fiona said so, all the people present suddenly realized that from the wedding to the present, Tang En seems to have never said a word!

In other words, this farce-like wedding continues to this day. As one of the most important roles, Tang En is actually not present at all!

All their true confession is blind!

After Illuri released a dispel magic, the substitute Tang En really disappeared from the crowd, and the girls who were present were all angry: "Damn! Where did he go !?"

He slipped on such an important occasion! ?

This time even Tastro and Imil are aggressive. The rhythm seems a bit wrong, shouldn't Tang En suddenly slip away because he doesn't want to marry him?

-In other words, after the sudden appearance of vanilla, cocoa, grandia, fiona, and illu, tang is totally unknown at present.

If he knew that so many chaos had happened at the wedding scene after he escaped, I am afraid he would not make such a decision?

Looking at the angry girls, Testero suddenly felt that Tang En was going to be unlucky, and it wasn't the ordinary unlucky.

None of the girls present was simple. If they gathered, the noises would definitely not make Tang En worry.

But the question that needs to be considered now is, where did Tang En go?

Why did he escape from marriage?

"Who has a clue?"

Before Olena spoke, Fiona looked around and gave orders. Her eyes were patrolling through the crowd, her eyes were very sharp: "Tell Her Majesty's clues, I promise that Her Majesty's will not He will be punished, and he will be rewarded! "

Yes, Fiona was angry!

She finally got up the courage and decided to stand out and take the initiative to let those seductive and cheap. The goods know who should be the true lord of Tang En's harem, and even have calmed down the scene, but at this time you told me that this Tang En turned out to be false, he wasn't even at the wedding scene at all!

What a joke!

Feeling that all of her courage was wasted today, Fiona was out of anger. If Tang En appeared at this time, Fiona Ken rushed to the meeting without hesitation and bitterly ... bite a few on his neck mouth!

Aurelia also laughed a little at this moment. On such a grand occasion, who would have thought that Tang En would flee from marriage at first?

Hmm ... if there were no accidents, what could happen now is only a runaway marriage, right? Haven't you seen crying faster than Ai Mura ...

Aurelia glanced sympathetically and hid behind Beicun Ai, who had been completely reduced to a supporting role. Today, she was once the only chance in her life to become the protagonist. One she has been forgotten.

And at this time, Tang En escaped from marriage ... What do people think?

-Her Majesty Tang En didn't want to marry that Bimura Ai, and even gave up her dignity and escaped marriage!

——How annoying is that village love, even to make Her Majesty Tang En so disgusted?

——I'm afraid it's a terrible orc, otherwise Her Majesty Tang En won't accept the marriage and suddenly regrets it.

That ’s right, as Tang En, who has occupied an absolute position, he will never say anything bad in public opinion, and at this time, he will only be weak and silent than the village love-even if she is actually what It's the same without doing anything.

Aurelia looked at Aimura Ai. The original orc girl named Xiaoai was now a lot stronger, but today Tang En's escape marriage has dealt a big blow to her, and now she has tears in her eyes , But tried to keep a smile and grace on her face ... From this perspective, she is actually a pretty strong girl.

Aurelia sighed, and a little doubt appeared in her heart. Where did Tang En go?

It's nonsense to say that it's more nasty than to get married, so she knows Tang En's personality, and he will definitely refuse to come to a big breasted beauty like Cun Ai.

And if it is not necessary, he cannot be absent on such an important occasion.

Is it because of something unexpected that he suddenly disappeared?

When Alleria wanted to call Jean about the monitoring situation at Xingyue Tower, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I know who Her Majesty Down went out with, but I don't know where he is now ..."

In the hall, everyone's eyes were all focused on that person.

"Tina? Did you see Down?"

Fiona was overjoyed: "Who did he go out with? When did it happen?"

Tina nodded a little nervously, then pointed to a corner of the hall and said, "Before the wedding, I saw Her Majesty Tang En and His Majesty Dragon King take off into the sky ... Hey? His Majesty the Dragon King?"

Before Tina had finished speaking, she found that Sasha Glott did not know when it had disappeared from the scene.

!! !! !!

Fiona's eyes sharpened!

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