Things from Another World

Chapter 1395: Endless life, more than exploration!

Space exploration base, spacecraft parking square.

The staff are busy around the Explorer. Today is the day when the spacecraft is expected to be launched-it is not appropriate to say that it is launched, because the power mode of this spacecraft is anti-gravity, but it is directly suspended in the sky-also known as Spiral to heaven ...

Tang En arrived at the scene early this day. When others arrived here, Tang En couldn't wait to go back to the Explorer.

Levys, who was very bloated, panted and moved like a fat mountain of meat. He didn't bring his tricycle, and now he was wearing clothes specially made for him.

In order to be able to adapt to the requirements of this space voyage, he specially trained for half a year for this purpose. Thanks to the special food provided by the Dragons, Riviez's physical quality is actually stronger than the ordinary goblins, only However, neglecting exercise leads to excess nutrition, which makes him so obese. Now he is much stronger than he was at the beginning. At least now he can be guaranteed that he will not die in a spaceship suddenly during the acceleration process.

Although he moved very hard this way, but today is the day he has been looking forward to for several years, even if no matter how tired we want to participate in this event.

"Your Majesty Tang En!"

Reeves finally came to Tang En, rubbing the sweat on his forehead, and stared brightly at the spacecraft close at hand: "Is this the Explorer we are about to take?"

"Yes, but ..."

Tang En looked back up and down and looked at him: "I'm very doubtful if you can survive to the end."

"Your Majesty Tang En laughed."

Reeves said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I finally saw the hope, and even if I die, I'm going to die on Lolita."

"remarkably brave."

Tang En nodded: "Get ready, we'll start later."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Clotto walking with a group of people here, and he took a closer look. The followers who followed him were the team of reporters who projected the tower of the magic energy, led by the current popular reporters. Marilyn.

Tang En shook his head secretly. In the beginning, he did not want to let the reporters publicize this matter, but Fiona and Alleria thought that this matter was very important, and it has greatly promoted the just-established Prandall alliance, so In the end, an interview plan was set.

"My friend, they say that you are allowed to shoot here?"

Klotto didn't know about it. If it makes sense, he didn't want to see these reporters come to interview until he was 100% sure.

"Yes, Fiona and Aurelia both think that the members of the Prandall Alliance have the right to know this, so that other members can have more confidence in us."

After Tang En said it, he whispered to him: "Relax, anyway, the magic can project the tower is under our control, even if the launch fails, we can control the situation."

Croto made a black line: "Are you failing to launch?"

Tang En shrugged: "I just said so casually ... Ah, Marlene, don't shoot in the spacecraft for the time being."

Tang En stopped Marin: "The inside is now undergoing security inspection and sterilization, so don't shoot."

Marilyn naturally aimed at Tang En, throwing a wink at him, and then solemnly said, "His Majesty Tang, today may be the prelude to our new era of Prandall. Do n’t you intend to face the world Did the audience say something? "

Say what?

Tang En smiled and said to the camera: "Today is indeed a day we will always remember in Prendall's history. Last year, we successfully entered space orbit and overlooked the earth, so that everyone can see what we are living. What this planet looks like. The satellites we launched made the maps that were extremely valuable in the past available to everyone, and also made it possible for all users to use the navigation system. They will never get lost again. "

"Today, we are going to further explore space and take our Prandall's footsteps to a more distant place. This time, our destination is to land on the satellite Lolita!"

"Can you tell us why is Lolita instead of Loriya?"

"Of course there are very deep reasons, and it is very troublesome to explain in detail. In short, the equipment of the prehistoric civilization we dug out has received the communication signal uploaded from Lolita! (See Chapter 63)"

As soon as Tang En's remarks came out, there was an uproar on the live broadcast website!

"The equipment of prehistoric civilization can still be used now?"

"Availability is not a big deal, the most important thing is that I actually received a communication signal !?"

"If I didn't understand it wrong, maybe it's the same as prehistoric creatures and now we call?"

"This kind of thing sounds incredible ..."

"But Her Majesty Tang En need not lie to lie to us."

There was a lively discussion immediately in the webcast room, and various speculations abound, but anyway, Tang En successfully transferred everyone's attention to space.

After a pause, after Tang En and other audience members consumed this shocking news, he continued: "This news was received a few years ago. Although we have not received the signal again in the past few years, even if it is A signal is also worth exploring on Lolita. "

As Tang En said, although the signal was received only once, it is now possible to determine that Lolita is a space research base for prehistoric civilization, and they need to go there. Even if no prehistoric civilization is found, The survivors are worthy of being able to obtain those cultural relics left on them.

"According to what we know, Lolita has been deeply transformed by the prehistoric civilization, and the satellite has almost become a huge fortress. If we can obtain the technology of the prehistoric civilization, we can re-master that The perfect way to build a fort, and by then we will have a powerful and powerful planet fort! "

"At that time, even if an army of chaos strikes, we can have a fight!"

Tang En's words undoubtedly added a handful of water to the oil pan, and now the pan is completely fried!

"Star Fortress !? Is it the mighty Star Fortress on the comic we watched !?"

"How could that kind of thing appear !?"

"But Her Majesty Tang En has never deceived us ... if we can really have that weapon, even the Chaos Army is definitely not our opponent!"

Even Marilyn was a little excited: "His Majesty Tang En, that is to say, no matter whether there are prehistoric civilization survivors on Lolita, this time landing in Lolita, we can get rich profits beyond imagination. Is that so? "

"Of course, no one will do what is not profitable."

Tang En nodded with a smile: "I can guarantee that when you see the situation on Lolita, you will be as excited as I am."

Is Tang En excited? He was certainly excited. Which boy didn't have the dream of swimming in the sea of ​​stars?

On earth, he is just a common person among all beings. Where can I go to play in outer space?

Unexpectedly, this dream was realized in the most impossible magic world.

After the exciting single interview was over, Marlene and the crew members were all arranged in the viewing area, and they could watch the entire launch process.

At this time, all the members participating in the space exploration plan have been seated on the front stage. This exploration plan can be said to be the most important exploration plan of contemporary civilization in Prandall. I don't know that than those adventurers in the wilderness How many times is it important to explore the ruins in China, it is also the most important.

Participants in this exploration mission include Chief Commander Tang En, Chief Technician Yu Tisza, Chief Engineer Clotto, Insurance Otinia, Shield Generator Gabriel, Shield Generator Emergency Maintainer Winnett, not afraid Pendant dolls that die without consuming supplies ...

In addition, there are the gold master Leviz, the soy sauce dragon king Sasha Glot, Jean and Angus who want to experience their own hard work, the sharp teeth and Eberron who want to open their eyes, and ... I was willing to admit that I was worried about Tang En, so Igwin followed her pride, and Selna, who obviously did not want to participate, but might use her unique skills, so she was forcibly recruited.

If it wasn't for Isari's big belly, I'm afraid she would come here for fun, after all, it was the first time to leave Prendall to outer space, and these people would not be absent.

Adhering to the usual concise and simple style, they did not hold any grand ceremony, but just under the shooting of reporters, they jointly issued a declaration of the Prandall Union to enter space.

"Today, we are standing here, and we are very honored to be the representative of Prandall."

"Tomorrow, countless people will remember today's historic moment."

"The world is so vast. We can't limit our eyes to Prandall. Instead, we should put our eyes on the stars and look at the universe!"

"Exploring the unknown is an endless pursuit of life. We should stop meaningless internal friction and set our goals in the more distant starry sky."

"Life is endless, more than exploration!"

"The sea of ​​stars is our final destination."

After the joint speech, everyone performed a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony, waved their hands to the audience, and then boarded the Explorer one after another.

Sitting in a chair in the center of the cockpit, Tang En pretended to say: "Explorer, report the situation."

A holographic projection of the avatar appeared in front of him: "The system is fully online, the energy module is tested, the engine is warmed up and ready to start."

"So ..."

With a wave of his hand, Tang En shouted in excitement: "Take off!"

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