Things from Another World

Chapter 1397: Sign in! Anluo Observation Station 2!

When the spacecraft gradually approached Lolita, people on the spacecraft were already able to see the criss-crossing building community above Lolita.

If that's just the case, Rives and Croto may only be thrilled, but ... in the building communities, there are also large and small craters. Obviously in these ten thousand years, I have no idea of ​​being affected. How many impacts of the meteorite.

On the side of the base, you can also see a very clear trace of energy impact. The building group that should have existed was erased, leaving only a section like a slice.

"That was obviously the trace left by the outbreak of the disaster."

Croto murmured, staring at the flattened area in the distance: "Even if you look at this scene, it is difficult to imagine how terrible the disaster was."

Tang En said helplessly: "Any disaster that can cause species extinction cannot be a minor disaster."

Although they can't see what happened then, the traces left behind can tell how terrible the incident happened.

——The experiment above Prendall finally successfully opened a space channel that connects the main material world and the astral world. Just as those researchers planned to celebrate their success, the space channel was suddenly out of control, and the space channel emerged from the space channel. Void energy can instantly destroy the central city, destroying the dwarf and goblin civilization once, and then powerful energy spewed into the universe. Although it did not hit the two satellites directly, it spread to Lolita and destroyed large buildings. The objects were erased from the satellites, and the shapes of the two satellites were also changed ...

The passengers who witnessed this picture were all deeply shocked, especially Riviez and Klotto. They both felt the same. Seeing this scene is like seeing the pictures that the ancestors worked hard to develop here. The eyes were directly wet.

"too terrifying……"

Sasha Glotter whispered, "This power, even legendary spells, can't do it?"

Jean nodded, Shen Sheng said, "The most powerful large-scale offensive legendary **** gate and the advent of the kingdom of heaven can only change the terrain locally, it is impossible to affect the entire planet as a result, and it is impossible to The entire civilization is ruined-even with the Great Prayer, it's hard to bring about this effect. "

Beyond the power of legendary spells, for contemporary Prandall civilization, there are only deities that exist in faith.

"The attitude adjustment of the spacecraft has been completed, the orbit correction has been completed, and it is approaching its destination. It is expected to land at the Anluo 2 observation station after 2:30 yarlinks standard time."

As the highlight of this exploration operation, the destination is of course the Anluo 2 observation station that once sent out communication signals. There is nothing to explain.

Corrected according to the map information excavated from the prehistoric civilization, they are now very close to the straight line distance from Anluo 2 observation station.

Are there any ancient survivors? Are there any survivors here, and what secrets are hidden here, and the truth will soon be revealed.

"That's it, Anluo 2."

At this time, everyone in the cab could already see a small group of buildings above Lolita. It was located in a plain and surrounded by pink crystal clusters. Whether it was buildings and pipelines on the ground, The surrounding area is very fortunate to have not been impacted by meteorites, so the building complex is very well preserved.


Klotto cheered, "There is no damage here, maybe we can find very important information here!"

Nothing is more important to the developing Prandall Union than a complete prehistoric civilization. In the remains of prehistoric civilization, they can find various mathematical formulas, physical laws, and A refreshing unknown science and technology.

The science and technology made Clotto very obsessed with them, and Tang En took it very seriously, because as long as a part of it was transformed into practical technology, the existing science and technology of Prendall could be greatly improved.

Therefore, there are complete relics on the satellite Lolita, and how significant it is to them can be imagined.

"Don't be excited. Although there are not many relics left on the surface, don't forget that this satellite has been deeply transformed by our ancestors."

Rivez was more calm now than Clotto: "Even if there is nothing on the surface, there may be a lot of valuable things inside the planet."

Croto looked at Rivies strangely: "It's all this time, why are you calm down?"

"Because I'm a rough man."

Rives admitted very frankly: "I don't understand those technologies, and of course they don't know how important they are. All I care about is whether I can find traces of our ancestors."


It makes sense to suffocate!

At the time, Leviz was looking for the ancestors, to explore the truth about the destruction of prehistoric civilization, and at the same time scrub the shame on the goblins. The only motivation is curiosity.

Tang En told him at the beginning that the communicator received a communication signal from Lolita. What does this mean? It is difficult for Eliviz's brain to figure it out, but even in this way, his instinct knows that it is very important. Importantly, he must be involved.

The spacecraft gradually approached the Anluo 2 observation station, and everyone's hearts gradually became nervous. A few years ago, the communicator had received the signal from here, but after that, although some people stared at it all year round, but nevertheless No signal was received. This time they even brought that communicator over. Unfortunately, so far, there is still no response.

The pink crystal clusters in the field of vision are getting larger and larger. The huge clusters of crystals like mountains stand on the plain and look very spectacular. Compared with the crystal clusters, the buildings below are very small, just like the model.

In a silence, Yustisa whispered, "It's dark and there's no light."

Everyone was silent.

In other words, there is no slight anger.

"It's time to find a landing place."

Tang En broke the silence: "I can see the square in the center of the building, which is convenient for us to explore and return to the spacecraft."

The Explorer immediately reselected the landing site based on Tang En's suggestion. The spacecraft slowly landed under the drive of the magic energy, and finally landed on the land smoothly, arousing a large amount of dust.

Abbron pointed out the window and asked curiously: "There is no air here, but there are a lot of green traces outside. Why?"

In the square near the spaceship, there are indeed many places that look like green belts, but there are no plants inside.

Tang En glanced into the distance of the building complex, and then boldly guessed a possibility: "Perhaps at the beginning, prehistoric civilization had made a large energy shield, and the shield was used to maintain the balance of the ecological environment inside the base. After the big bang, the raging void can instantly destroy these shields, so that the personnel in the bases above the two satellites Lolita and Loriya will be almost completely disconnected at the same time. "

"If that's the case, how could there be survivors ..." Riviz muttered to himself.


Everyone was silent again. In fact, they were very clear that with the life conditions of prehistoric civilization, it was almost impossible to survive in this environment for thousands of years.

Tang En broke the silence again: "Now that it has landed, does anyone want to go out and explore?"

"... Let's go."

No one rejected his proposal. The main purpose of coming here was to find the truth here, and no one would back down at this time.

Down said: "Although I have tested it in a simulated environment at the time, with the strength of these people in our presence-except Riviez and Klotto-basically there is no need to worry about survival in the space environment, but for insurance For the sake of convenience, I have prepared space suits for you, so please try to wear them. "

"Space suit?"

Tang En took them to the locker room and showed them the space suit inside the cabinet: "Because the environment outside is very bad, there is no air, the temperature in the place where there is no light is terrible, and the temperature in the place where the light is High, it is always necessary to use magic to maintain my own survival, so I modified the portable matrix defense module that was previously used in the "shelter" inner armor to weaken the defense and strengthen the function of maintaining the living environment. "

"It is indeed Her Majesty Tang En's consideration.

Yustisa praised it, and then said very calmly: "But my body is a special doll body, and this kind of thing is not needed."


Ye Ye raised his right hand high every night: "I'm also a puppet, cold and heat resistance is omnipotent, so there is no problem at all!"

Gabriel: "I'm an angel, I don't need it."

Winnett: "Me too."


Sharp Teeth couldn't help but whispered, "Why are you suddenly weak with them ..."

Tang En clapped his hands. "Okay, okay, men are here, women are over there, there's no need to wait here."

After they came out of the dressing room, the expressions on their faces were very awkward-this may be the first time they wore such a close-fitting inner nail, and it was normal to be unaccustomed.

"We are ready to go into the buffer room when we are ready."

At this time, Otinija called Down: "Are you sure you want to go out like this?"

When Tang En looked at her expression, she suddenly secretly said that it was bad.

There must be nothing wrong.

Otinija slowly said, "Out there ..."

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