Things from Another World

Chapter 1440: Very period, very policy!

The problem now is that there are really some stupid idiots who will believe the words of those people and really think that all these problems are caused by Tang En. Those who are on the verge of despair seem to have finally found a window to vent all The spearheads were all transferred to Tang En.

The other part, because those who did not rank ahead to get GM drugs, also took advantage of this opportunity to start secretly messing up.

In a word, after these people who have been suppressed for a long time found a window of catharsis, as if they were all crazy, there was a contradiction between the people before the genetic modification and the people after the genetic modification. Those who support Tang and those who do not Contradictions have arisen, contradictions have arisen between younger age and older age, contradictions have arisen from negative refuge and active challenge ...

All kinds of contradictions frequently erupted, overwhelming the tortured coalition government in this disaster, but the situation that had already improved was almost caught in the mud again because of these stupid guys.

In order to deal with these contradictions, the leaders of the alliance, such as Aurelia, Testero, Cloto, and Pertis, were so anxious that in the end, they simply left their rights and handed over all rights to Austria. Lelia, while they were responsible for the continued research and development of the R & D, responsible for the continued fighting of the battle, completely gave up their leadership status.

In other words, although the Prandall Alliance is still nominal, these forced Prandall alliances have once again restored the imperialist system.

When Aurelia regained her rights, she did not hesitate to implement the Thunder method, punishing all of them publicly.

She doesn't care if her sharp means will cause more people to rebound, because propagating such ideas at this time is a garbage that hinders society. It is an unstable factor and must be eliminated to allow this dangerous society to continue. Go on.

Very period, very policy!

"His Majesty Tang En, and so many brave fighters are fighting for this world, sacrificing so many people to save this world is not to allow those cowardly widowers to fight for power behind them."

Aurelia said very angry in the news: "You are too tender to play with this disgusting political means of me! In peacetime, I play politics with you, you tell me the truth, I have nothing to say, But now during the war, I'm telling you the truth, but you choose to play politics with me? Sorry, I won't play with you. "

"Anyone who wants to obtain a certain right must first understand what equivalent obligations they can pay! Instead of hiding behind others and letting others carry it!"

"Everyone who stirs up the flames behind and tries to promote Tang En's guilty theory, once found out, kill it!"

The order was 859 years, the fourth year after the start of the Third Chaos Invasion War.

Looking back on this year, people suddenly found that the high-pressure policy that they had been embarrassed with at the beginning not only did not provoke people's resistance as expected, but also made the order of the entire society more stable.

After the rioting reactionaries have been cleaned up, the social environment has suddenly become much cleaner. People who have been guided by their minds have discovered that the so-called "dirty and dirty" society among the population actually does not have what they say So unbearable.

Think about it, that ’s right. Now all races in Prendall are fighting against chaos, and valuable people will naturally be respected. Those people do n’t want to dedicate themselves, and they do n’t want to pay for labor. Give them the power to overthrow His Majesty Tang En ... What is it not selfishness?

The genetic modification plan is to empower the people and the chaotic creatures to fight, not to give them enough food to sit idle and rebel.

At Ellington Base, the third combat platform, a thousand soldiers who have received the genetic modification plan are wearing magic power armor and are arranged in a neat team. The energy cannons in their hands are ready to go, flashing with phantom energy. A touch of light.

This batch of recruits has just completed simulation training and will be on the battlefield for the first time.

"Everyone stands! I don't say much nonsense! Look there--"

A veteran who had lost an arm stood in front of them, pointing to the battlefield outside Ellington, where chaotic creatures were raging, and the black, corrupted earth was emitting a thick black mist. Just looking at it, it felt like consciousness It's going to be pulled in.

"There are your enemies, real chaotic creatures, cruel and ruthless descriptions are inaccurate, because they have no feelings themselves, they just rely on their instincts to devour and kill all order creatures, they are the most terrifying in this world Existence, not the docile toy in the virtual space! "

The disabled veteran shook his empty right shoulder and said sharply: "In a real battle, any carelessness will make you lose your body parts, even your own life! If you want to come back alive, you must understand that you are fighting China must go all out, believe in yourself, believe in your comrades-in-arms, and settle all the enemies in front of you! "

"Now, look at the battle plan!"

A holographic image popped up in front of the veteran, and a path quickly appeared on it. He said: "Soon, the gate of the base will be opened briefly, and the Optimus Prime heavy truck convoy driven by the artificial soul will start with Leaving the base at the highest speed, each of the heavy trucks was carrying 30 tons of high explosives. These high explosives were also mixed with a large number of void bombs, which would cause huge damage to chaotic creatures, but they could not explode near the base. , So your first combat mission is to cover the convoys nearby, protect them to their destination, and retreat! "

The veteran pointed to a location 20 kilometers away on the map and said, "Here is a large chaotic gate, which is also the target of this convoy. Now the battle outside is very fierce and it is difficult for other combat units to have the opportunity to assist you. Sky Mothership can provide psionic impact assistance, but at the same time it sends out assistance, it also means that your mission has failed completely, which is a shame for the soldiers, so you can only rely on yourself on the battlefield! Understand !? "


The veteran looked at the time and yelled, "If you understand, go now!"

Rows of soldiers walked to the exit one by one, then jumped out, whistling and flying over the gate of the base, where the reload truck convoy was ready to go. When the soldiers were dispatched, the following convoys were started. After the engine is opened, the door only takes a short time of two or three seconds to complete the acceleration of 100 kilometers, and the speed is still increasing!

With the help of the auxiliary suspension system, the truck ignored the uneven road and rushed straight at an amazing speed!

Although trucks are inanimate objects, artificial souls will still attract chaotic creatures, and the movements they make attract a large number of chaotic creatures to come here.

"They are coming! Fire!"

With a single order, the dazzling beam of energy cannons tore the dark sky and evaporated the chaotic creatures rushing towards the heavy truck!

"Defend in a 433 formation!"

"The back row personnel pay attention to using the intelligent casting system to protect all personnel! The middle staff provides the magic gain effect, pay attention to the guardian matrix defense module! The front row personnel are fully fired! A 20-second alternate rotation!"

The soldiers started the skilled combat according to the situation in the simulation training. The various tactics were like instincts, and they were used out.

Dazzling beams of energy, powerful enchanted missiles, these blessed weapons have a strong power of order, which can cause considerable damage to chaotic creatures. If not, their number is too large, and now chaos The army is estimated to have been defeated by the Prandall alliance.

They did not lose on the gap in combat effectiveness, but on the gap in numbers.

"Ha! Kill another chaotic monster!"

"But two more came out-damn it! Don't get distracted!"

A comrade rushed forward, knocked him out, and a tentacle caught the soldier.

"Get off!"

The organ on the wrist bounced off, and a bunch of glimmering ghost swords popped up instantly, cutting off that tentacle neatly, and then the backhand was a shot of energy that smashed the chaotic tentacle demon!

"The team is approaching its goal!"

"The rear attracted a large number of chaotic creatures-the bait operation was very successful! This time, not only can it blow up that large chaotic door, but it can also kill a lot of chaotic creatures!"

A lot of chaotic creatures were behind the convoy that was galloping below. The chaotic creatures on the battlefields on both sides of the road were also attracted by the convoy. They were converging towards the convoy, overlooking from the sky. The black tide cannot see the margins.

"I look at my scalp!"

"So don't aim, throw the bomb."

The other soldier finished, and threw a bunch of void bombs straight down: "Our task is to cover the convoy to its destination. Now our task is almost complete. Do n’t we stop stocking ammunition before we retreat?"

Others heard the words and laughed suddenly.

Then, the horrible bullet rain fell from the sky, and all the chaotic creatures near the convoy were blown to pieces. Maybe they were not dead, but that didn't matter, because there were still more exciting gifts to meet them.

"At the destination, the self-detonation system begins to count down, please combatants to retreat immediately-5-4-"

"Everyone retreat!"

After throwing all the bombs in his hand, the squad commander shouted and immediately started the homeward crystal.

A ray of light flickered in the sky, and the soldiers surrounded by chaotic creatures all immediately broke away from the battlefield, followed by a terrible explosion that flattened the ground, accompanied by a thick green light, the whole area around Ellington was shaking, the battlefield The big blockbuster of chaotic creatures fell!

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