Things from Another World

Chapter 200: He's just pretending to be stupid, right?

Illus Palace.

"He said he had no money?"

Victor's face was wrong: "Is he kidding? Yesterday the money he made a day made me jealous!"

Victor was very clear about how much Tang En earned yesterday, so he set the price so low, exactly one million gold coins. I originally thought that Tang En's income was very high. This gold coin should not be considered, but He actually ...

"In fact, he did say that."

Old Tom lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "But I have used Lord Adrian's name to give him the house. As for the arrears, I asked him to make up later."

"I see, but it shouldn't take long."

Victor groaned for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "I heard that he doesn't have a bill with the Kadir family? He will have money to pay when he comes back. Two million gold coins ... Well, he dare to speak Yes. "

The expressionless old Tom was silent.

"If Aubrey and Adrien put pressure on them together, even if Frank's old **** refused to bow his head, I'm afraid he would have to agree to pay the money. I can't help but swallow my mouth and eat a suffocation, and I'm really happy. "

As an emperor, but restrained by the domestic nobles, Victor not to mention how aggrieved, as long as the aristocracy can be eaten, he supports it.

"Speaking of which, I didn't even expect that he would turn his face directly with the Kadir family because of a mine ..."

Victor touched his chin: "This time, how will Frank react to them? A little looking forward ..."

Old Tom whispered, "His Majesty, it is not a good habit for the emperor to put hope on outsiders."

"I know, rest assured, I know what I'm doing."

Victor smiled slightly. "Where is Aurelia? She really decided to do that?"

"Master Princess ..." Old Tom's expression suddenly became weird, as if he couldn't bear to look directly. "She has already begun."

"This ... well, if it goes well, she should be able to get some information from our mysterious friend."

"IMHO, Your Majesty Victor, this kind of thing is more suitable for hiring professionals to do, rather than let the princess adult play tricks, you and Queen Olina are too spoiled."

"Ha ha ... old Tom, do you think those people are trustworthy or my daughter is trustworthy? Especially, there is a mysterious friend who is involved in our identity."

"... As you said, Your Majesty, of course Princess Aurelia."

"So, what information she can get from Tang En is likely to determine the future of our country ..."

The royal and noble factions have been restraining each other and are in a dangerous balance. This fragile balance can easily be broken. The most dangerous one was the standing action of the Jin Qiangwei family, which almost led to the outbreak of the war. Later, It ended with the destruction of the Golden Rose family under control.

It now appears that Tang En is likely to become the second fuse after the Golden Rose family.

And now, what about this fuse?

I'm discussing the recruitment of maids with Hilton on the carriage. After all, for such a large house, it is also a trouble to have no maids. Considering the identity issue, Hilton thinks that he should hire some maids who are well trained.

"If you want to be in town, you have to listen to me, believe me, get a hundred maids of the same height and build them, train them carefully, and let them be proficient in etiquette, cooking, music theory, tea art, fighting, transformation, and Riding and riding. "

"Then let these versatile maids wear black and white lace maid outfits, standing in a row in a row at the door, and the guests came to pay tribute, no matter who the guests are, they will definitely be shocked by the show. Arrive! As for the name is Hua Youjing ... uh, the Datang Maid Group! "

Hilton stared blankly at Tang En: "Let's not say this inexplicable idea ... what does it mean to make a maid proficient in combat? And what does it mean to be transformed? And that riding and riding, although it sounds nothing, but My intuition always tells me that you said something very bad by accident. "

"Trust me, I'm serious."

Tang En threw a thumbs up at Hilton: "So this is called the Battle Maid Group."

"It's inexplicable ... Lord Lord, if you really have this idea, you can play around in Ellington at will, but in Yalinks, can you please converge on your hobbies?"

Hilton said very euphemistically: "Although many things between the host and the maid are well-known secrets, you may be ridiculed by other aristocratic propaganda like this with such fanfare."

"You must have misunderstood."

Tang En said very surely: "I just give you a suggestion, and if I don't accept it, I don't say it."

Hilton obviously didn't believe what Tang En said. This guy had inadvertently exposed his deep-hearted hobby.

Although what happened between the master and the maid is well known here, but playing with the maid is a very low behavior among the nobles, especially when the maid is also responsible for serving the guests. So, although every aristocrat would do it, they would not say it.

Compared to playing with a maid, it still makes them feel more fulfilled by attracting a lady or a young girl.

Of course, that kind of thing is even more confidential, and they will only be proud of themselves, because the object they seduce is likely to be the wife and daughter of someone who sits and talks with himself.

In terms of private life, the ordinary nobles of Prendall are generally more erosive. On the contrary, those members have had families of magicians and warriors. Because they attach more importance to their own bloodlines, they have very strict control in this regard.

Those families whose blood is more difficult to awaken, such as the Kadir family, have always wanted to attract those powerful apocalyptic into the Kadir family to improve the blood of the Kadir family. Unfortunately, the results do not seem optimistic.

"Although the maid will recruit, it will not be like you said. After all, the secondary training of the maid will cost a lot of money, so Lord Lord you can give up."

The carriage stopped at the store's entrance, and Hilton drew a terminator for the conversation: "And if it makes sense, Lord Lord, is it really okay for you to expose this hobby? Not only did Elsa hear it clearly, it reached Fiona. If it's in Miss's ear, I'm afraid you'll be upset, right? "

"Ah? Why?"

Both Down and Elsa were bewildered.

So Hilton surrendered.

Elsa may haven't really responded, but she thinks that Tang En is definitely not as simple as being sluggish-he is just pretending to be stupid, right? Will there be such innocent men in this world? Give me a break.

As soon as Hilton got out of the carriage, he noticed that the door seemed a little confused, and frowned. "It seems something is wrong."

Tang En took Ilya and Elsa out of the carriage immediately.

"What's going on? Is it Virgin Camilla coming out of the cathedral? So all so excited?"

"I'm afraid ... these are ... guards?"

Hilton frowned, what did the guards gather at the shop door?

Not only the door, the entire block is full of guards, as long as they show up, they will be fine!

"If we don't let it go, we will have to use coercion!"

The guard's attitude was very tough, with a wave of his hand: "Ready to forcibly enter!"

"Wait a minute! What are you doing !?"

Hilton shouted and stormed into the crowd.

"Great! The manager is back!"

"Shopkeeper! They said they were going to arrest the fugitives and suspected we were hiding them!"

A shop clerk said angrily: "With so many customers and so much traffic, how can we hide the fugitives!"

"Report us hiding a fugitive?"

Hilton froze for a moment, and was almost angry: "This lord, we have such a large flow of people, what fugitive will be stupid to hide in us?"

The captain of the guard also froze for a moment, and then he snorted, "Why do we know what she thinks, maybe it is more dangerous here, so it will be safer?"

Tang En couldn't help but secretly gave a thumbs up, the guard unexpectedly said the classic saying "the most dangerous place is the safest"!

"Even so, you can't let us close the store and search !?"

One employee argued reasonably: "Do you know how much revenue we will affect when we close?"

The captain of the guard said: "We don't care, we only care about Yalinx's law and order."

Hilton frowned: "Such a big move, the fool knows you are here, do you think you can catch someone?"

The captain of the guard suffocated, speechless.

Tang En glanced upstairs thoughtfully, and suddenly asked, "Can you tell me what the fugitive is? If you are willing to cooperate with us, we are also willing to cooperate with your work."

"It's a very famous thief named 'Yege.'"

"Song of the Night!?"

"Oh my god! Is that 'night song' !?"

"She has finally shot again !? Which aristocracy is unlucky this time?"

After hearing this name, the people around them reacted differently. The civilians passing by watching the theater were full of gloats, but in contrast, the nobles all changed their faces and became nervous.

Song of the Night?

Tang En's mouth flickered and a strange smile appeared.

The captain of the guard looked at Tang En very unhappy: "Who are you?"

"This is our boss!"

Hilton Willow raised his eyebrows: "Lord Down, Lord Lord of Ellington!"

The captain of the guard snorted, "Lord of Ellington? I haven't heard of it. This is Yalinks. Even if it is Ellington's lord, you must follow the rules here!"

"Is it?"

Hilton sneered: "The girl next to him is the granddaughter of the Duke of Aubrey Foyle. Can you yell at her to show me?"

Granddaughter of Duke Foyle?

Looking at the innocent Elsa, the captain's face turned green.

I dare not yell at the granddaughter of Grand Duke Foyle by their guts.

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