Things from Another World

Chapter 355: Horse monkey ... the magical girl Ilia?

Once the battle begins, it will never stop until one party is completely dead.

Especially when the lizard people treat humans as food, the two sides have no possibility of reconciliation at all.

Will you discuss the right to life with livestock?

Obviously not.

Therefore, this battle must end with the complete death of one side.

In terms of basic qualities, lizardmen living in the cruel underground world have very strong physical qualities. They are extremely powerful, and the fine scales well disperse the attack power. Therefore, the defense force is also extremely strong, which is just like thunder. The orc mad warriors of the Empire were born warriors.

But the reason why humans can develop rapidly in this world lies in their flexible brains. Although the wounded appeared soon after the two sides engaged in close combat, the soldiers in Ellington were well-advanced and cooperated with each other. Shield soldiers Responsible for intercepting attacks and actively absorbing damage, Rangers and other fighters took the opportunity to attack. With this cooperation, the two sides played equal.

If it weren't for the magician in the team, then Tang En would have thought that this was a copy of the Raiders in the game.

However, the real world is the real world. Injuries to arms and legs cannot be compared with injuries to the lower abdomen and chest of the chest. Life cannot be expressed in terms of HP. Without the team of adventurers accompanying the priest, you can only back up and bandage for recovery. If the key is harmed, it will directly kill you, so once the strength of the blood used to defend yourself is exhausted, the soldiers will quickly retreat, and it is impossible to persist in combat.

There were a lot of wounded people on Ellington, and the casualties on the Lizardmen side were quite heavy. After all, they had no wisdom. They would only rely on instinct to launch attacks. Even if the skirmishers were strong, they would only be drunk on the spot.

Once the attack broke through the armor and scale defenses on them, Ellington's warriors just had to activate constant spells on the weapons, and the spell broke out in them, and the lizardmen's end was only a dead end.

"Go to death!"

Brian smashed a lizard man with a hammer, wiped his face, wiped out the blood that spilled, and murmured, "I'm not talking, big brother, this seems to be too much ..."

As Brian said, there were only dozens of lizardmen in the beginning. Everyone was very excited, but as the battle progressed, I don't know which corner of the cave came out of hundreds of lizardmen. The number is even larger than that of Tang En.

When the Lizardmen appeared, they still carried some divided mushrooms on their bodies, but immediately after seeing humans, they immediately put down the mushrooms, picked up their simple weapons and "sizzled" and killed them.

"I'm afraid this is an underground 'farm'."

Tang En said thoughtfully: "Looking at them, it seems that they are feeding on this kind of mushrooms and moss. We just happened to meet them to gather food."

After he said that, he shrugged: "It looks like our luck is bad."

Fiona said angrily: "Lord Lord, is this the time to express your feelings? You don't plan to shoot?"

"It is not necessary for the time being. I am not a nanny and cannot always be responsible for their lives. The lives of myself and my family must be guarded by myself."

Tang En shook his head, glanced around, and said, "Although the wounded appeared, the diluted potion of life was prepared for them. The situation is not bad. The average strength of the Lizardmen is just better than them, just to squeeze them out. Potential, such a good opportunity for actual combat cannot be wasted. "

For Ellington, who is now in the peaceful development period, the actual combat experience is the most rare. The soldiers of the guards usually train just to train their physical fitness. Now they have not even organized a forest hunting warcraft to train actual combat. It's a good time to train with Lizardmen.

At this time, Fiona felt a bit of coldness from Tang En. At some point, he seemed to change suddenly and his personality was completely different.


At this moment, a weird cry came suddenly from the Lizardmen's team, which attracted Tang En's attention.

It was a lizard man in messy human clothes--obviously picked from an adventurer--with a weird branch in his hand. It was protected by four exceptionally strong lizard men. Weird shouting and waving the branch in his hand.

Tang En was surprised to find that with the action and language of the lizardman, the surrounding magic was even mobilized by it, fluctuated in some wonderful law, and then poured into the lizardman warriors.

"His! Hiss--"

The body of the lizardman warrior suddenly swelled in a circle, emitting a faint red light, and the strength of the lizardman warrior who had been deadlocked with Uncle Depp suddenly increased. With a stab, Uncle Depp stepped back five or six steps before he barely managed Maintain balance.

There was even a trace of hacking on the huge tower shield!

You know, this tower shield uses stacked armor anti-impact technology,

Tang En stunned: "Group Power !?"

"No! No!"

Vanilla was even more confused: "It's Shaman's Mass Crazy! That Lizard Man is Shaman!"

Shamans are a kind of rare apocalypse unique to the Rennes Empire. They are blessed and can naturally communicate with the magic of nature. They are very good at using natural spells-note that they are natural spells, not elven druids. Magic of life.

As Vanilla said, Tang En came back immediately. Like the caveman shaman, this lizard-man shaman is a lucky man in the race. He is born to be able to perceive magic, and then in his daily behavior, he has no intention. In line with the mystery of nature, a certain spell effect was triggered, which was recorded and became a shaman's spell.

After gaining the spell gain, according to the different constitutions, the strength of the Lizardmen warriors has almost doubled, and some of the better constitutional powers have increased by three or four times, becoming extremely terrible!

Every slash and every sweep of them will bring a violent impact, but only three attacks, the shield soldiers of Ellington trembled their arms, and their bones began to cry!


Tang Enning observed for a moment and said, "Can you lock that Lizardman Shaman?"

Before Fiona answered, Elijah raised her hand and said, "I can, I can!"

Tang En rubbed Elijah's hair: "You're too young to leave this kind of thing to you."

He didn't want Ilya to be **** with her hands as she grew up--though that was the normal phenomenon in this world.

Elijah pursed her lips and felt underestimated.

Fiona observed and said, "It's a bit far, but I can try."

"Hmm ... maybe because you don't have a staff."

Tang En thought about it, took out a branch of the World Tree, and handed it to Fiona: "I don't have any other staff here, just use this to make it up, look back and make a staff for you."

Holding the branch and feeling the surging force coming from the branch, Fiona shivered with both hands, and cried out: "Master, don't tell me this is the branch of the world tree ..."

"That's right."

Tang En nodded for granted: "As a mage, of course, I need to use materials produced by the World Tree. Isn't this common sense?"

What kind of common sense is this?

There are a few magicians who can afford wands made from dried branches of the world! ?

But thinking of Down's relationship with Isary and Aegwynn, Fiona was speechless again.

Taking note of the envious eyes of Elijah, Tang En rubbed her head and laughed, "No envy, wait for you to control the magic in your body, and I will make a beautiful staff for you."


Elijah smiled happily.

Hmm ... there are quite a lot of magic wand styles ... you should be able to find a suitable Elijah?

The magical girl Ilia?

...... Is the difference of the word the same as the will of the universe?

Although the branches of the World Tree have not been processed into a staff, and the green and green leaves are hanging on it, it is very weird to hold it in her hand, but it must be said that the World Tree product must be a boutique product. wrong.

As soon as she held it in her hand, Fiona felt that her range of magical powers had instantly expanded by more than ten times. The entire mushroom forest cave had entered her range of perception. The magical fluctuations that were not very clear had become very obvious. She just came to understand why Tang En said that the magic environment of the underground world is very bad, and the elements are deposited very well.

Because it is underground, magic crystals are distributed in the upper, lower, left, and right spaces. Special conditions have caused the imbalance of the distribution of magic in the space. Some areas are very dense, and some areas are relatively thin. For magicians, In other words, this situation is very bad and requires extra energy to balance the magic power consumed by the spell.

To put it simply, if the magic power of releasing a spell was 10 points, now it will cost about 15-20 points.

Mild vitality poured into the body, stimulating Fiona's brain to calm down, and after the mental force locked the Lizardman Shaman, she began to chant a spell in a low voice, while performing the corresponding action.

If you do not master the silent spell, it is easy for the enemy to infer the released spell from the spell to cope with it, so whispering quickly is one of the necessary skills.

In the same way, if you do n’t master the instant of the spell, you must be prepared to build the spell model of the spell when casting.

Tang En is ready to train Fiona to master the two advanced techniques of Spell Silence and Spell Instant. Of course, as long as she can master it.

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